


The ride back to the packhouse was quiet and it made me feel as though I had something to do with it.

I looked at the back of Julian's head as he rode the truck, then my gaze averted to the headgear mirror and I could see that he appeared deep in thought- He was practically absent-minded the entire time he drove.

Did I bother him that much?


"Olivia," we said at the same time.

"You first," He offered immediately.

Does taking me to the hospital bother you that much?

What are you thinking about?

All those questions I wanted to ask but saying it out loud would make me sound clingy so instead I said, "It's nothing. What did you want to say?"

I cleared my throat and awaited his response. "I have to go to work," He said and my heart dropped in my stomach.


Julian drove me to the pack house and pulled over in front of the mansion. He turned over his shoulder to look at me and I anticipated what he would say next.