

5: Joining the Army

"Good afternoon, sir," the guard greets.

Alpha Adan smiles at him. "Hello, Lucius. What's the matter?" he asks.

"The daughter of Orson Gael is here to see you," Lucius, the head guard says.

The Alpha's eyes light up. "Well, what are you waiting for? Let the child in," he demands.

In a matter of seconds, Camilla is face to face with the Alpha. "Hello, my dear. How are you today?" Alpha Adan greets as he gestures to a seat.

Camilla is a little lost in the new look of his office. The last time she was in there, things were different and most importantly, the paint was of a different color.

"I see you noticed the changes," the alpha says.

"Yes, Uncle Adan. What's up with all this?" she asks, still staring at the purple paint.

"Well, as today is your birthday, I decided to do something in honor of my little friend," he says proudly. The astonished look on her face gives him a feeling of satisfaction.

"For real? But you didn't have to go this far, Uncle Adan," she protests.

"Oh please, it's fine." He decides to change the topic. "I'm glad you came here just now. I was about to send someone to get you."

Her forehead creases. "Why? What's up?"

"I feel you should be out and about today. Why do you prefer to stay cooked up in your house, especially on a fine day like this?" he asks.

Camilla raises an eyebrow. "I wasn't at home, actually so even if you sent someone byo to get me, they wouldn't have found me in the house," she replies. Her eyes follow him as he goes to a cabinet at a far corner of the office and receives something. Just the shiny silver wrapping tells her it's a gift. Sure enough, he hands it over to her.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get something better. Let's say that I had to do some last-minute shopping for this," he says apologetically.

"You don't have to apologize. It's completely fine. It's the thought that matters."

As she unwraps it, he continues the conversation. "So where were you if you weren't at home?"

"I was at the Bradfords'. Serah, Kylie, and I went out this morning for a little treat, then they took me home with them. Apparently, they planned a surprise with their parents and a few others...." Camilla blinks multiple times.

"Is everything alright?" Alpha Adan asks.

She doesn't respond.

He begins to panic. 'What if she doesn't like it?' he thinks.

"Uncle Adam," she calls when she finally regains her voice. "Oh my goodness, you got me a new laptop!"

In a heartbeat, she is on his side of the huge desk, squeezing the life out of him. He gladly returns the hug. "I'm glad you like it."

"Of course I like it! Who wouldn't love something as beautiful as this?!" she asks.

The man chuckles. "I have another gift for you. A more important one," he says.

She notices a pinch of seriousness in his tone. "Sure. Can I see it?"

"Come with me," he says gravely as he stands up from his seat and leads her out of the office. A little puzzled as to why he was so serious about this, she follows close behind him.

Just behind the Alpha's home is a special training ground for the warriors and the guards who work directly with the alpha and his family. As is expected, the trainees are getting in shape while their superiors are watching to make sure everything is in place.

"I wonder why he's bringing us here," Ava says.

'Me too, actually. And he's suddenly looking so cold,' Camilla responds.

"Zeta Rowan," the Alpha calls.

"Yes sir." A man clad in armor steps forward. He takes a second to glance at the girl.

"Get me that armor I put in your care yesterday," Alpha Adan orders. The man nods and briefly disappears.

"Just a moment dearest. He'll be with us soon," Alpha Adan whispers to Camila. She nods. What intrigues her the most is the way all the trainees and other superiors have stopped to stare at the pair of them.

'Normally, they would be whispering by now,' Camilla says in thought.

Zeta Rowan is soon back with a shiny armor.

"Such a sight to behold," Ava comments.

'I know, right?' Camilla replies. The beauty of the armor makes her want to salivate.

"Camilla Gael," the Alpha starts. "You are the firstborn daughter of Orson Gael. The last person to wear this armor was his sister, Mai Gael. Unfortunately, we lost her in a war."

Everyone stares at them. Even Camilla wonders what's going on. Alpha Adan goes on. "Today, you have come of age to join your warrior heritage and that's why we are here today. I, as the Alpha of The Bronx pack, officially put you in the way you should go. You are now a soldier of our pack."

He hands her the armor. She blinks at it several times, not fully understanding what just happened. "Um, thanks," she manages to whisper. The name Gael is engraved on the breastplate.

"But sir, isn't she supposed to enroll as a trainee first?" Zeta Rowan whispers to the alpha.

"No, she isn't. She is from the Gael family. Those people are born warriors. All she needs is to be your personal student for about a week or two, then you will let her join the army officially," Alpha Adan replies. "Do you understand?"

"Yes sir." Zeta Rowan's cold eyes land on her for a second before he goes back to resume his previous duties.

"Rowan," Alpha Adan calls. "Don't you think you're forgetting something?"

The man's forehead creases but then his eyes immediately widen. "I'm sorry about that, sir," he says rapidly. He approaches the girl, who instinctively takes a step backward. His tall muscular figure stood over her. He orders, "Kneel."

Camilla does as she is told. Zeta Rowan retrieves the armor from her and stands, towering over her figure. "I, Zeta Rowan, welcome you to The Bronx army by my power as the commander," he says, handing her armor back to her.