
The Alpha's execution

Just like every girl, I have a secret . But that's not the main point. I have a mark on my neck . Someone claims me , but I don't know who . As the lowest ranking werewolf , I did an unforgivable thing to the Alpha. Find out how I die.

Savage_bubbles · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Who marked me


Staring at the vast land , beyond the stripe lies true freedom .The luxury houses were worth to die for . Mansions and more mansions . Someday I will be there too . I will have house with my own pool and many servants to worship at my feet . Now back to reality, I have a lot of work to do back in the little cottage I call home. The wide gap between us and them is brutal. It's who I am, I never picked where I wanted to be born in . It just happened.

I had an assignment to submit before midnight . I walked back home to a solitude house. Nothing much other than the little we were allowed to own.

We as the omegas were moved into segregation units , the lowest rank in the pyramid didn't deserve much other than reserved areas.

We were not allowed to set foot beyond the stripes, no mingling with the Betas or worse the Alpha . Our schools were limited to resources. Five computers , in every school our phones were tapped and we only got the second hand phones sold in our stores. Malcom was cunning enough to sneak in brand new phones and sell it to us , he was mauled to death by the Deltas right before our eyes . No one has ever had the courage he had. It was a painful death we didn't see coming.

. What we learnt in schools was also limited , no deep details of why we were the most looked down upon were to be discussed . The Alpha was the sovereign man .

I hated this life, It was sure annoying as hell . As I walked pass the grove of trees , I came to a halt . I glared one particular spot where the grass wasn't green and instead died out completely. I wryly smiled formed on my lips .I shook my head and walked away . Back in the village , everyone was in a hurry.

Oh yea! Its the Festive of the Collectives . Another season to worry about , well besides me . I could care less what the season was all about .Anyway, what is the season all about. Before winter , The Alpha will walk down to the Segregation . Our tax returns animal and farm produce will be counted and presented to him. If we produce good results , we would be allowed to have some few priviledges.Our hope was to have electricity and internet, Its hard to submit my assignment when there is no internet access. Internet is in school and at the free wifi booths. But remember its not secure, everything we do is monitored. If they hate us so much why would they feel the need to contain us like we are a bunch of terrorists ?

And then there is punishment if the produce was low and the tax returns are not pleasing .Death to those who didnt meet the expectation and not just them but all their family members . I have seen three families be beheaded , mauled and beaten to death on the wheel.No one wants to be among the statistics . This year there is reason to worry.

A month into the summer season , Kavora hit us. A killer flu that claimed lives . We lost most of our jobs , the factories were shut down hence I couldn't go to work . Many of our lives were interrupted. I believe so many lives would have been saved if we had accessibility to medical care . I am basically jobless, having not filed any tax returns . I have so many reasons to dread this year's festival.

The Alpha will not have a smile on his face this time. I work at the rubber factory. Meagre pay, I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel...and now I don't see the end of the tunnel.

I landed on my couch sighed as the relief of walking such a long distance .

As I shut my eyes , a flashing image swiped across my mind .

I could see myself drifting into an abyss , bubbles surrounding me. My hand movements were slow. Yes ! I was submerged into some liquid. From a distance , an image of someone I couldn't make out drew nearer to me.

My eyes sprung open. My sharp hearing sensed a presence .

" Ding dong " came my bell rang .

I sprung up and went to answer the door .

Upon opening Marsha stormed into my house .

" Savage, am doomed . I will be executed. " she sobbed frantically.

" It's been bad for all of us Marsha " I replied.

She drew her hands over her head.

" Savage... " she cried . I held her .

I understand why she is worried , she's heavily pregnant , any day now she would give birth.

" Last season , Ronald was executed right before my eyes. He made nothing. I am on the same lane now . Tom was sick and wouldn't work. My body kept shutting down . We have survived on the little you gave us. " She said .

I turned her to look at me .

" Nothing will happen to you , the baby or Tom. I haven't made a cent since the factory shut down . It's not your fault dear. " I said .

She sobbed uncontrollably.I rested my hand on her back .

I worry too for her. I wish I would comfort her that all will be well. I am uncertain of how the festival would be.

She calmed down after a few minutes.

" Savage, what happened?" She asked as she touched my neck .

" I honestly don't know , I woke up like this . I have tried to research, nothing" I replied.

She tilted my head to the side.

" I had this when Tom marked me . " she said .

So it's a mate mark !