
Chapter 135 First Day Work At Lycan Area

Emma's pretty face turned red. She pounded his chest twice with her fists before struggling to sit down on the sofa.

It had only been an hour or so, and Janice had already prepared all the documents for Emma, who was going to join the company.

The name on Emma's fake ID card was Monica Keith, which was cute and down-to-earth. It was a good match for Emma.

"Miss Wilson, from now onwards, you will be working under the name Monica Keith. I hope you can get used to it as soon as possible," Janice told her politely. Emma quickly nodded, and said in an excited tone, "Okay, thank you, Beta Janice."

"I've talked to the department manager. You can go to my office at 2 p.m. You work at the information department under the charge of the personnel department. I just say that the job is very easy .