Xaden along with the other men in their horses, watched as the darkness completely overwhelmed the forest.
"That was close ." Someone said what everyone else was thinking.
"The way we are closing down and destroying the way we have been coming in. Would we have a road back home? I thought there was only one way in." Someone else replied.
"There is only one way in," Erik responded. "But that does not mean there is only one way out."
He turned his horse down the roads.
"It is still not safe," Erik said. "We have to ride down for a while."
They all obeyed him as he led the way for them.
Until they came to a bunch of trees and few plants.
They came down from their horses and made camp.
Two of the men who had gone out to look for the game returned.
"You mean to say that there is no single life stock here?" One of the men asked.
"You went to look for animals?" Elyon asked.