
the legendary turtle island pt.2

Wait a minute Beverly says to herself  after a few swings. I don't think this plant is being cut by my rapier. Hey, Joan  she screams. Are you having a problem cutting this plant? 

Yey she yells back. But we must keep trying. She says as she continues slashing. 

Sisters! behind you! The Second captain yells to Joan and Beverly. 

As the 2 turn around they see 2 plants dashing at them fast. Both female captains are able to slay the attacking plants with ease.

Nice Michael yells. 

The plant then let's off a screech.

 I think you angered it. The second captain yells still dangled in the air. 

I am a Royale knight from the Kingdom of Obadiah! Joan says as she turns back around and faces the giant man eating plant. It's going to take more than a few oversized man eating plants to take me down. She pridefully says. 

Just then using more roots, it goes to wraps itself around the legs of  the other captains but Michael catches it and warns the Captain's. 

BENEATH YOU SISTERS! he cries out. 

Both captains  quickly jump back and cut the roots. When they do that,Michael notices that the roots are its weaknesses.  

THAT'S IT! he yells out loud. 

What's it? What are you talking about, Beverly asks. 

Micheal then pulls out a few of his daggers and throws them into the mouth of the plant. He then throws one dagger at the root, cutting him free.

 It's the roots. He says to them as he lands. He then puts on both of his katars 

The roots Beverly asks confused. 

Yey Michael says to the eighth captain. I seen it when I was in the air, when the fourth captain cut the root, the giant plant started shaking. He then dashes towards the roots and begins to cut away at them, the giant man eater let's out a huge screech of pain. The other 2 captains join in. The knight captains end up defeating the plant. Suddenly mandrake plants begin sprouting up and begin to attack the knight captains. 

I wonder if the other captains are having as much fun as we are second captain Michael says with a smile.

 I swear you men an thys lust for battle Joan says just before  rushing into battle slaying multiple mandrakes.

 Leave some of the creatures for me sister! Micheal yells as he dashes into battle behind Joan. 

Beverly just stands there shaking her head shes just as lustful as the men, maybe even a tad bit more. Suddenly Beverly is interrupted by her superior captain. 

Beverly! Joan cries out, stop daydreaming, and get over here! She says in an assertive tone.

 Also very scary Beverly continues on as she grips her rapier and dashes into battle. Right! she calls out.

It then cuts to John, Daisy and Thomas. While exploring the island, the group seem to have wandered into a forest and find themselves face to face with tree people called Dryads. Legendary creatures who have long thought of to be extinct, Their tree armor is as strong as any knights armour, they are super strong and tough.

 We haven't seen a thing at all, not even a wild beast John says as he walks. And I'm beginning to get bored. John complains as he walks

Hahaha, be patient Brother,  Thomas says to the fifth captain as he laughs at him and puts his hand on his shoulder. I'm sure we'll come across something before sunset. 

*sigh* I hope you're right brother John says as he lets out a sigh.

You men, and your urge for battle she says as she folds her arms, I don't know who likes fighting more you men or the fourth Captain. 

Just then Daisy senses that they're being watched and spots something unusual in the distance.  

Hey, Brothers Daisy says as she calls for both John and Thomas, is it just me, or does anyone else feel like we're being watched?

Watched? John says as they continue to march on. don't tell me that after all that time on the boat you forgot what it was like to be in the wilderness

Yey, Sister Thomas says. Remember Second captain told us that the island is uninhabitable.

Yey, but maybe he may have been mistaken? She says when she suddenly catches a glimpse of a humanoid Silhouette running thru the forest. She quickly dashes after him.

Sister! Thomas yells as he chases behind her. 

Ahh, now this maybe promising...…For Obadiah!!  John says before he takes off running behind the other two captains. 

It then cuts back to thomas, he's caught up to Daisy.

Sister for why did you just take off running? Thomas asks

I believe I seen a person she answers as they continue running.

Really?! Thomas says. Did you see what he looked like?

Nay, it was too far and it was hiding in the shade.

Just then John catches up.

Brother, sister he cries out. What's the deal? Did one of you two spot someone? He asks

Yey Daisy said she spotted a shadowy figure peering at us through the forest.

Yey, who knows it may be a Dark elf 

That's what im thinking Daisy says.

If this is an Dark Elf, then this just may get interesting john says.

They then suddenly stop running.

Damnit Daisy says

What happened? Why' d we stop running? John asks.

I lost him Daisy says as she turns around and faces the 2 captains but i know that hes around here somewhere she says as she begins to look around.

Are Ye' sure sister? Thomas asks.

Yey Daisy says. He was moving fast, but I know I lost track of him around here. She says.

Come from outta the shadows Dark elf thomas yells.

Yey, come out ye'  coward and face us like a true warrior John yells.

The captains begin to here the brush rattle and turn in the direction of the noise.

Ah, so ye' arn' t coward John says 

Wait it sounds like its more than one daisy says.

The more the merrier Thomas says.

Just then two humanoid creatures step out from behind the brush and the captains are stunned at their appearance.

What in Gods name is that brother Thomas asks. 

Hell if I know Brother John replies, but i can Tell you one thing He says. They sure aren't dark elves, he says with a smile, but they sure do look tough he says as he looks at the creatures.

 Hey guys, he says to his comrades, you mind if I take the lead on this one.

Go right ahead fifth captain tenth captain Thomas says just know that we'll be here to back you brother

Right, John says. Daisy? He says asking.

Fine with me Daisy says as she stares at the creatures…  I believe I've seen these creatures in a book before she thinks to herself, but what were they names?

Right John says as he takes a few steps forward and stops, standing only 30 yards from the two tree creatures. He then raises his warhammer and rests it on his left shoulder. With his free hand he then points at the creatures. Creatures of the forest! He cries out calls out. For We are Royale Knight captains from the Kingdom of Obadiah, Identify thyself the captain yells to them.

 Just then one of the Dryad's fist changes into a spiked mace while the other increases its fists into huge circles.

Well Brother I believe that your wish has been granted, seems like  Were in for a fight Thomas says to John.

The fifth captain smiles. Yey Brother he replies back. Now Sister Daisy, he says.

Yey Brother, what do you want me to do? She asks him.

Let the tenth captain and myself take these two. Just provide us cover fire, 

Right Daisy replies as she draws her guns and takes aim. 

Ready when you two are she says to her two brothers 

The Dryads take one step, Fire John yells. Just then Daisy open  fires on the tree people, but, her bullets just simply bounce off them. 

What!? No way Daisy says as she lowers her guns. I fired .52 caliber bullets these will put dents in even the best armour she cries out.

Before he knows it John and Thomas are attacked by the Dryads, as one jumps high into the air the other stretches it's arm and goes to strike Thomas, John steps in the way and grabs his arm protecting Thomas. 

I got this one Brother, John says to the tenth captain, you take the other. He says to Thomas as he spins the creature and slams him into the ground.

 Will do Thomas Says as he jumps up and meets the Dryad in the air. 

Now take this MONSTER! He yells as grabs him and slams him into the ground head first burning him. 

Nice move brother John says to Thomas as he lands. 

 You as well brother Thomas replies back.

Ha, what a disappointment I was hoping they'd give us a challenge. Brother John says as he turns around to go an pick up his war hammer.

I think you may want to turn around to see this Brother! Thomas says to the fifth captain. 

 As John turns around, he sees the Dryads get up with ease and give off a huge YELL(this is the roar the others use). 

Why don't you look at that Thomas says, Not even a scratch on them. It seems you got your wish.

Yey, brother John says as he faces the Dryads gripping his Hammer. It seems we got tough opponents after all John says with a smile. Now MONSTERS! Are ye ready for round two. He asks the Dryads. 

The Dryads let off another roar and begin to charge toward John and Thomas.

 Thomas quickly picks up his lance and looks over at his brother at arms. Looks like they're ready for round two Brother.

Ye', John says as he tightens his grip on his Hammer. This is the most exercise I've gotten in months. For Obadiah! He yells as he charges. Thomas repeats For Obadiah! As follows behind John charging straight towards the Dryads. 

Take this MONSTER! The fifth captain yells as he

swings his huge war hammer hitting one of the Dryad's in the side, sending him flying crashing into many trees before coming to a stop. Now! John screams as he  begins to dash toward the tree monster. He quickly jumps into the air and yells Meteor Smash! (A signature move) using his hammer as a weight he falls onto the dryad creating a huge crater in the earth.

It then cuts to tenth Captain Thomas he points his lace at the tree creature and dashes toward it  piercing it in its side he then quickly turns around and using his signature attack Bee Strom. using his lance, Thomas stabs his opponent 40 times in multiple locations on the body. 

When both duo's clash the force is Tremendous sending shock waves everywhere.

That's amazing, 8th captain Daisy says to herself out loud quietly as she watches the battle in front of her. These creatures; they don't even seem to have been hurt during my Brothers attacks. Just how tough are these tree creatures? And why do they look so familiar? she asks herself…... wait,  i believe i remember the name, these creatures must be.

 Suddenly the eighth  captain is interrupted, she feels a hand reaching for her. Daisy quickly turns around, and is taken back at what she sees. Standing behind the 8th captain is a 12ft tall Dryad. Daisy jumps back, what are you? She asks with her .52 caliber pistols pointed at it.

 "Fear not my lady. For we are Dryads; Tree Spirits and protectors of the forest" 

Dryads she says as she looks at the creature….. Now i remember she says as she lowers Her guns and continues on. I had done some reading on you guys in a book that I owe. In it, It said that Dryads were Tree Spirits and protectors of the forest that were very gentle but also very fierce warriors. It went on to say that dryads are exceptionally intelligent, are immortal and are very rarely found

 "Yey, for the texts were correct. We Dryads do not harm females" he says to Daisy in a deep voice. My name is Ivan, he continues on, and if you need a guide, then I can help you out" he says to her as he bows before her.

Thanks the eighth captain says, that actually would be excellent! You see my Brothers and I are actually Royale knight captains who hail from the Kingdom of Obadiah. We among others, were hand chosen by our King, Lord Orion to accompany him on his voyage to locate the fabled island of legend, the land of the immortals.

I see, so its the fruits of the Immortals that your King seeks eh. Ivan says to eighth captain Daisy.