
The All-Knowing Uchiha

Akane, a name given to a boy despite being feminine. Akane, a boy hailing from if not strongest, one of the strongest clan in the Shinobi World. The child of the two overseers of the Uchiha library. Akane, the genius who can comprehend things at the age of a month and form his own thoughts at 2 months old. Akane, the child who can comprehend from simple to beyond abstract at 3 months old. The child who can talk fluently from his very first word at 4 months of age. Akane, the boy who can run at age of 5 months, even in stealth at that. The boy who learn his first jutsu at age of 6 months old. Akane, the boy smart enough to establish the very foundation of all Science in the World of Shinobi at of 7 months old. Akane, the boy who created his own gaming console at age of 8 months. Akane, the boy who learned all jutsu that can be learn, at the age of 9 months. Akane, the boy who awaken his sharingan at age of 10 months out of the very strong emotions of boredom. Akane, the boy left by his parents who went to buy his favorite warm milk, but never returned. At the tender age of 11 months, he was abandoned. Akane, the boy refuses to go to an orphanage and took over as the overseer of the library despite his very young age. Akane, finally a year old, awaken his Magekyō after losing his progress on an rpg game he created. At age 6, Akane was killed by Itachi in the Uchiha massacre ...is what Itachi know after falling to Akane's genjutsu without him even knowing... Akane, a boy too overpowered, the author's creativity in writing has been 'slightly' challenged ........................................................ Brief more specific summary: - The MC is not reincarnated nor transmigrated -The MC does not think with his dick. -The MC is multiversal OP at the start but still growing more powerful every ten or so chapter. -The range of fiction is not just Multiversal, it's Omniversal. Meaning, powelevels are also high. - Powers does not just come from fictions, I'll also make something like Biokinesis or something more 'Sciency'. - An AU World of Naruto is the MC's main world, only occasionally visiting other worlds for fun. -The enemy may came from all direction of the Omniverse, like futile attempts of Ultimate God's wanting to eat the MC for reasons that would be counted as a spoiler.... What? 'slightly' different from what you expected from the description above, isn't it? ‐--------------------------------- For those who are braindead enough to leave a bad review without a proper constructive argument, see the example review below.

Deaxth · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
1 Chs


[3rd P.O.V, Uchiha Compound]

Night, the sound of silence echoes as the boy —if you read the synopsis you would full well know— named Akane gaze upon the round blue moon on the roof of his house/the Uchiha library, as his abysmal eyes seem to devour the luminescent light that should have reflected within his eyes.

'I wonder if I'll turn into a giant ape if I stare at it long enough...' wondered the 6 years old boy. His study comprehension of space-time is such that he was able to visit different planets throughout the multiverse, one of recently visited is called planet Vegeta, which I'm sure you already know what the inhibitants of.

'Saiyans huh... their DNA structure is quite interesting, along with their growth potential with that thing they call Zenkai Boost...' While Akane is analyzing his recent findings, on top of one of the streetlights, a person appeared.

This person is, as you would have thought is Itachi. With just his parents and 'that kid' left, Itachi is pondering on which one to go after first. 'I should go for the most troublesome first... Father is the worst possible enemy for me, so, I should go there' with that in mind, Itachi headed for a building.

The building has 3 floors with the design of the typical japanese building(ancient times) with a sign in the middle top which signifies 'Uchiha Library'.

Itachi is just one building ahead, when he suddenly stopped. Staring upon a boy who is gazing at the blue moon, seemingly unaware of the slaughters happening. Activating his Mangekyō, Itachi lifted his arm and produce a bright flame in an attempt to catch the boy's eyes. And indeed he succeeded, the boy's eyes fell upon the source of the bright light making a brief eye contact to its owner.

A brief eye contact, that Itachi use to put the boy in Tsukuyomi. The world color inversed along with the moon turning blood red.

Itachi appeared besides the boy and quickly killed him. Staring as the seemingly lifeless body fell down from the roof, Itachi watch cautiously.

"So, Itachi. Why have you come for me first before your father? I thought, that you would have thought that he is the worst possible enemy for you?" A voice ask behind Itachi, shocking him.

"Genjutsu!" Itachi exclaimed in shock, as a genjustsu inside a genjutsu of a genjustsu like tsukoyomi should not be possible.

Akane unscattered, continues to watch the now crimson moon as he simultaneously thought: 'I wonder if different moon color produce different affect to ape transformation...'

"You really can read mind, can't you? this is why father is the worst enemy, but you? I would be as dumb as a chicken to go after you while injured" Although slightly shocked, Itachi replied with his usual serious tone.

"Fufufu, atleast you're not as stupid as the path you have chosen." laughed Akane in his soft childish tone, now directing his eyes at Itachi.

"Even if you deem it stupid, I know you know why I'm must do this." replied Itachi, maintaining eye contact with Akane, ready to attack any given time with a grave expression.

"Hahaha, why so serious? Don't be so tense if you're trying to kill me. Eitherway, It'll be fine~ , afterall... 𝑦𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑎𝑘 " Akane said with a playful smile after sarcastically laughing, lightly waving his hand as the tsukoyomi dissappear.

Itachi was surprised, although he half suspects that the tsukoyomi would be less effective on Akane, he didn't expect it to be so ineffective. Forming hand signs he produce two shadow clones, flickering to surround the laying down and moon gazing Akane.

'Amaterasu!' the three Itachi shouted in their mind as they blink their right eye, resulting in dark flames surrounding Akane.

"Good idea, I also think it's little cold outside..." Akane said stretching his legs a little, unbothered by the eternal flames even by little bit. Not even his cloths or the rooftop were a bit burnt.

"sigh..., as expected of you... I'll probabbly never win against you huh..." given up, Itachi is loss on what to do as he disperse his clones. After, using his strongest attacks, he is now sure that he really can do nothing to Akane.

"Itachi, why are you taking so long?" suddenly, a masked man appeared besides Itachi.

"Him" Itachi pointed at Akane.

"What him? there is no one there..." said the masked man as he search for any possible traces of individual but found none.

"You can't see him?"

"I see nothing but your Amaterasu. Why the hell are you wasting you're eye for? could it be your in a genjutsu or is it side effects?" ask the mask man, staring at Itachi in confusion, though hidden behind by the mask.

"Hahaha, he's right you know. You are trapped in a genjutsu from the very beginning, I'm not even here." Akane replied as he dissappear from his position.

"N-nani?" Itachi exclaimed from shock.

"Just kiddin~" Akane reappeared infront of Itachi holding his index and middlefinger together glowing with violet color.

"W-ha—" before Itachi could react, he was poke on the forehead, the purple energy going inside him.

"A fairwell gift, Oldfriend. See you~" After poking Itachi's forehead, Akane is slowly disappearing.

"Oh, yeah, don't worry about old-fart Danzo, to him I'm John Cena..." Before Akane dissappear completely, a faint voice sounded in Itachi's head.

With that, the reality like illusion is lifted and the Akane is nowhere to be seen.

'As always, I've been played again... is that kid really a kid and not a God? but what is a John Cena? sigh... my vessel fails to comprehend... ' thought Itachi as a small smile appeared on his usual stoic face, touching the area of his forehead where he was poked.

"Itachi?" the mask man ask again.

"It's nothing, must be a side effect of tsukoyomi. You can wait for me at the gate. I'll deal with my parents" Itachi's expression returned to its stoic form, finding his previous resolve to do what he must.



