
The Agony Of Love.

Have you ever been in love? Have you ever feared that all you love will one day leave you? I fear that. I fear one day all of this will pass away. I am alone, I long for love, I beg for it, I plead and plead again and again. Why. Why.. Just why... Why am I not loved?

Trigger_Black · วัยรุ่น
1 Chs

The Agony Of Love.

Have you ever been in love? Have you ever feared that all you love will one day leave you? I fear that. I fear one day all of this will pass away.

I am alone, I long for love, I beg for it, I plead and plead again and again.



Just why...

Why am I not loved?

The pains of the heart are real.

Trigger_Blackcreators' thoughts