
The Age of Lords: A Scholar's Journey

In a world on the brink of collapse, Ethan is thrust into the "Age of Lords," where survival is dictated by mastering territories and harnessing magic. With only basic skills and minimal advantages, he must navigate this perilous new reality to secure his place and thrive. Ethan's exceptional learning ability becomes his greatest asset in this challenging environment. As he adapts and acquires crucial knowledge, he begins to turn the tide in his favor, striving to build a strong foundation for success in the demanding "Age of Lords."

Infinity_Snake · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

The Rise of the Spirit Champion

A tall figure stood in front of three wolves guarding a wooden treasure chest. The champion spirit monster, who now served Ethan, displayed a ferocious smile.

Unlike the smaller spirit monsters that Ethan had encountered before, this champion spirit exuded a violent aura, making it clear that it was the type of creature not to be trifled with.

The three-headed wolves seemed momentarily stunned by the presence of this formidable foe. However, their instincts quickly kicked in, and they charged at the champion spirit monster.

But today was different. The champion spirit was no longer the weak creature it once was, easily overpowered by others. With a swift and powerful motion, it grabbed one of the charging wolves by the neck, swinging it around like a massive club. The two other wolves, caught off guard, were sent flying through the air.

The sheer difference in strength between the wolves and the champion spirit monster became evident as the captured wolf's head was torn off, its spine yanked out with a sickening snap.

The remaining two wolves, witnessing this brutal display, whimpered and turned to flee. But escape was impossible. The champion spirit quickly caught up, seizing one wolf by the tail and smashing it against the other, rendering both lifeless in mere moments.

Ethan watched the aftermath of the battle with satisfaction as the system messages popped up in front of him.

**[A crushing victory, you gain experience 46.5 (30+15+1.5)]**

**[You searched and obtained:]**

- **Common resources: 5 units of wood, 5 units of minerals, 5 units of grain**

- **Special resource: 1 unit of mercury**

- **Gold Coin×30**

Ethan couldn't help but smirk as he reviewed the rewards. Each wolf had provided him with 10 experience points, with an additional 16.5 points gained from his own enhancements.

Although the decimal points in the experience gain irked him slightly, it was still a decent haul. However, his real focus was on the wooden treasure chest the wolves had been guarding.

**[You opened the wooden treasure chest]**

**[You obtained:]**

- **Gold Coin×100**

- **Architectural Drawing: Lumberyard**

- **Primary Treasure: Standard Long Sword**

- **Special resource: 5 units of sulfur**

The loot from the treasure chest was valuable, especially since Ethan had the foresight to let the champion spirit monster, with its single point of luck, open the chest. Ethan lacked any luck of his own, making this a wise decision.

The lumberyard blueprint was particularly intriguing. If he could construct a lumberyard, he would be able to generate wood resources on his own, a crucial step in his development.

Ethan quickly studied the blueprint, absorbing the knowledge necessary to build the structure. He also tossed the standard long sword to the champion spirit monster, noting that its attack power increased by 2 points when wielding the weapon.

"Let's continue clearing out the wild monsters," Ethan instructed, his mind already planning the next steps. "We need to gather more resources, and if we're lucky, we might stumble upon more architectural blueprints."

The champion spirit, ever obedient, led the way with its new sword in hand. As they moved forward, Ethan took a moment to meditate, focusing on restoring his limited magical energy. His current magical reserves were low, and he needed to be mindful of how he used his abilities.

The world he now found himself in had many parallels to a certain strategy game, particularly in the way skills and magic operated. Yet, there was always a sense that something crucial was missing—some medium that would unlock the full potential of his magical knowledge.

Suddenly, the group came to a halt. The champion spirit had stopped in its tracks, the three smaller spirit monsters forming a protective circle around Ethan. Ahead, the path was blocked by a group of skeleton soldiers.

Without hesitation, the champion spirit charged forward, swinging its sword in a wide arc. The skeletal soldiers, frail in comparison, were decimated instantly, their bones shattering into dust.

**[A crushing victory, you gain experience 155]**

**[You searched and obtained…]**

Ethan didn't even bother checking the specific resources dropped by the skeletons. They were the usual Tier 1 drops: a mix of gold coins and basic resources. Despite their predictable nature, these victories were far better than the struggles he had faced in his previous territory, where he had been on the brink of defeat with no hope in sight.

The champion spirit monster that Ethan had painstakingly transformed was now the linchpin of his strategy. Its strength was far beyond what its Tier 1 classification suggested, with attributes that rivaled those of a Tier 2 champion. The only downside was its limited lifespan, which was a mere three days. Still, Ethan knew he had to make the most of the time he had with this powerful ally.

As they continued their journey, Ethan noticed that his experience bar had filled by 20%. He estimated that with a few more battles, he would reach the next level. The prospect of leveling up filled him with excitement, as it meant gaining new abilities and growing stronger in this unforgiving world.

It wasn't long before Ethan's experience bar reached its limit, and a new message appeared in his interface:

**[Your level has increased to LV2]**

**[You gain 1 free attribute point]**

**[You can choose one skill from the following three skills:]**

1. **Intermediate Enlightenment (add 15% EXP when gaining experience)**

2. **Primary Offensive (increase the damage of melee attacks by 10%)**

3. **Primary Pathfinding (reduces the influence of terrain on mobility by 10%)**

The choice was clear. Ethan immediately selected Intermediate Enlightenment, boosting his experience gain even further. He then allocated his free attribute point to knowledge, committing to his decision to focus on his mental strengths rather than physical prowess.

"Unfortunately, enlightenment skills don't stack," Ethan mused, disappointed that the new skill had overwritten his previous Primary Enlightenment skill. The 20% experience bonus he had hoped for was now just 15%. Still, it was better than nothing.

As they moved forward, the champion spirit monster suddenly spoke up. "Master, there seems to be a tree ahead."

Ethan raised an eyebrow. Trees were not uncommon, but something in the champion spirit's tone suggested this one was different. Looking ahead, he saw it—a massive tree with a vaguely human face carved into its bark.

"Interesting," Ethan muttered, his eyes narrowing. "It seems your luck is coming into play again. This might just be the start of something big."

The sight of the mysterious tree stirred a sense of anticipation within Ethan, as if he was on the cusp of an adventure that could change everything.