
The Age of Lords: A Scholar's Journey

In a world on the brink of collapse, Ethan is thrust into the "Age of Lords," where survival is dictated by mastering territories and harnessing magic. With only basic skills and minimal advantages, he must navigate this perilous new reality to secure his place and thrive. Ethan's exceptional learning ability becomes his greatest asset in this challenging environment. As he adapts and acquires crucial knowledge, he begins to turn the tide in his favor, striving to build a strong foundation for success in the demanding "Age of Lords."

Infinity_Snake · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

The Rise of the Hero : Demon Blood

With a decisive gesture, Ethan activated the warrior transfer certificate. A brilliant white light enveloped the champion spirit, marking the beginning of its transformation.

As the light gradually faded, the once formidable champion spirit monster had evolved into the hero Demon Blood Spirit Monster.

"Master, I am deeply grateful for this new existence," Demon Blood spoke, its voice tinged with uncertainty. "However, I feel that my strength has significantly diminished."

Ethan, understanding the situation, nodded. "This is an expected outcome. Your previous strength was largely a result of magical backlash. Without that, your natural power seems reduced, but this is actually a beneficial change. It means your potential is now fully unlocked."

Using his Eye of Magic, Ethan observed the changes within the Demon Blood's body. The chaotic magical backlash that once plagued the spirit had been removed, revealing a clearer and more stable magical structure.

Next, Ethan reviewed the attributes of the newly named Demon Blood. Despite the perceived drop in strength, the stats were impressive.

**Hero: Demon Blood · Spirit Monster LV1 (0/1000)**

**Occupation: Bloodbath Warrior**

**Loyalty: 100 (constant)**

**HP: 100%**

**Magic Value: 10**

**Attack Power: 12**

**Defense Power: 8**

**Strength: 5**

**Knowledge: 0**

**Hero Talent**

**Garden Luck: Luck +1**

**Blood Fighting: For every 1% decrease in HP, own attack power increases by 1%**

**Magic Physique: Each level increases 5 points of attack power, 5 points of defense, and 5 points of strength**

**Magic Wisdom: Increases 10 magic points per level**


**Primary Offensive Technique, Primary Magical Power**

**Level 1 Magic**

**Fire Magic: Bloodthirsty Thaumaturgy (Increases the attack of the selected troops by 3 points, the effect lasts for 15 minutes, consumption: 5 points of magic value)**

**Fire Magic:

Magic Arrow

Causes (Strength × 10) +10 Damage

Consumption: 5 Magic Points**


**Standard Long Sword: Attack Power +2**

**Bone Helmet: Defense +1**

**Standard Armor: Defense +2**

The talents and skills of Demon Blood were quite remarkable. With four talents, two skills, and one magic ability, the focus was clearly on aggressive combat.

The Bloodbath Warrior's strength increased as its HP decreased, and the abilities included both group enhancements and single-target attacks.

The transition from spirit to hero had converted the spirit's abilities and skills. Loyalty and taming had evolved into constant loyalty, while mana physique and magic wisdom now allowed for growth.

The original blood attack exchange was percentage-based, indicating significant potential for the future.

"Master, now that I'm a hero, I will be able to lead the team independently and benefit from some of your divine abilities," Demon Blood said with anticipation.

"Indeed," Ethan acknowledged. "With your newfound luck, you're likely to gain more resources than I could. This will allow me to focus on magic research and finding ways to create additional hero units."

Ethan understood why the term "Lord Era" was fitting. It's not just about being a lord; it's about evolving into one. Hero units had attributes that surpassed those of ordinary lords.

Demon Blood, with its champion-level foundation and rare profession, was a prime example of this evolution.

**You taught Demon Blood and Spirit Monster Level 1 Origin Magic: Eye of Magic**

**You have learned level 1 fire magic from Demon Blood and Spirit: Bloodthirsty Thaumaturgy, Magic Arrows**

Unfortunately, academic magic wasn't always directly applicable. For instance, his version of Bloodthirsty Thaumaturgy lasted only 10 minutes, while Demon Blood's version lasted 15 minutes due to the latter's strength attribute. The same disparity applied to the Magic Arrow spell.

Ethan lamented the lack of a complete mage inheritance. He was missing a fully developed magical education, which could enhance his own abilities and further support his troops. Despite this, the transfer of skills from Demon Blood was a significant step forward.

He then considered whether Demon Blood had acquired any combat or training skills. The "Berserker Training Manual" had mentioned skills like Blood Rage, but the Demon Blood's abilities seemed limited to its innate talents and skills.

"No, Master," Demon Blood responded. "I only feel a slight decline in strength but have not gained any additional combat skills or abilities."

Ethan glanced at the sky. The third night was falling, and Demon Blood was preparing to hunt and gather resources with spirits and monsters. Now a hero, Demon Blood had access to an inventory for resource storage.

"If that's the case, we'll wait until tomorrow," Ethan decided. "I'll teach you some additional skills."

Ethan was convinced that academic skills had more to offer than just basic magic teaching.

The current Demon Blood had powerful talents and skills but lacked specific abilities and training skills.

"I will teach you the skill of Blood Rage," Ethan began. "This skill might amplify your Blood Fighting talent, enhancing your attack power significantly. Additionally, I'll cover some professional skills that warriors typically possess, which you might lack since you've been promoted through a transfer certificate rather than traditional training."

**You are explaining the skills to Demon Blood and Spirit Monster Level 1...**

Ethan was intent on refining Demon Blood's abilities further. He had noticed that academic magic often had more layers than initially apparent.

The practical application of skills was crucial for effective combat, and Ethan's own magical education had left gaps that needed addressing.

"Blood Rage is a powerful skill that could work well with your Blood Fighting talent," Ethan continued.

"It's designed to increase your attack power significantly as your health decreases, aligning with your innate strengths."

As the night deepened, Ethan and Demon Blood continued their discussion. Ethan's knowledge of magic and combat skills was extensive, but he was always eager to expand his understanding.

Teaching Demon Blood was as much an exercise in learning as it was in instruction.

In the days to come, Ethan knew that mastering and expanding skills would be essential. The transformation of champion spirits into hero units was a significant milestone, but it was just the beginning of a longer journey.

The potential of hero units like Demon Blood was vast, and Ethan was committed to exploring it fully.

He was also aware that the world of magic was intricate, with countless layers of power and knowledge waiting to be discovered.

Each skill and ability had its nuances, and Ethan was dedicated to uncovering these details to maximize the effectiveness of his units.

As the sun rose on the fourth day, Ethan prepared for the next phase of their journey. Demon Blood was now a hero, and its potential was immense.

Ethan's focus would shift to further enhancing Demon Blood's abilities and exploring new avenues of magical and combat training.

The journey was far from over, and Ethan was ready to face the challenges ahead. With a newly empowered hero and a deepened understanding of magical skills, he was prepared to lead his forces to new heights of strength and capability.

The transformation of champion-level spirits into heroes was a crucial step in this process, and Ethan was determined to make the most of it. The future held many possibilities, and he was eager to explore them all.