
The Aetheris Chronicles

In the mystical world of Veridan Haven, "The Aetheris Chronicles" introduces readers to Elian Aetheris, a transmigrated soul thrust into a realm pulsating with ancient magic and family secrets. As Elian assumes his role within the revered Aetheris family, practitioners of the elusive Aether magic, the narrative takes an unexpected twist, steering him away from the path of a traditional hero and towards an unforeseen journey of darkness. The plot unfolds against the backdrop of a city that seamlessly melds medieval and modern elements, revealing the Aetheris family's magical heritage. Elian's siblings, Elara and Cole, find themselves entangled in the threads of ancient prophecies and the mystical forces shaping Veridan Haven. Themes of power, destiny, and the consequences of choice weave a complex tapestry as Elian grapples with internal struggles, ultimately transforming into an enigmatic villain. The secrets of the Aetheris family unravel, exploring the delicate balance between familial bonds and the weight of a magical destiny that transcends the ordinary. Note: Elian doesn't become a Villain initially after a lot of chapters he moves towards the dark side. This is also my entry for the 2024 writing contest for villain. Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/7HJPY3kX

Mubarak_Zen · แฟนตาซี
178 Chs

The Plague of Darkness

Elian, having emerged victorious from the unsettling confrontation, found himself alone amidst the quiet aftermath. The once-lustrous Voidbane, now stained with the remnants of the demonic clash, demanded his attention. With deliberate movements, he cleaned the blade, watching as the dark essence of the forest mingled with the eerie glow emanating from the enchanted weapon.

As he worked, the unsettling events replayed in his mind. Why had those fifth-year students, once his peers, succumbed to such dark inclinations? Their attempt to violate the girls and subsequent demonic transformation raised questions that lingered like shadows in the recesses of his thoughts.

Lost in contemplation, Elian was abruptly pulled from his musings by the emergence of a shadowy figure. A flicker of necromantic energy materialized into the form of a disembodied eye, its ethereal glow fixated on Elian with an unsettling intensity. The air seemed to ripple with an otherworldly presence as the eye observed him, awaiting some unspoken interaction.

Elian, momentarily taken aback, studied the spectral eye with a mix of curiosity and wariness. The forest, once a haven of mystique, now harbored an unexpected visitor. The ethereal glow of the eye cast an eerie illumination, illuminating the tangled roots and dense foliage that bore witness to the supernatural encounter.

Silent and enigmatic, the necromantic eye conveyed a sense of anticipation, its presence invoking an unspoken dialogue between Elian and the mystical forces at play. In the quiet aftermath of the demonic skirmish, the eye seemed to be a harbinger of arcane truths yet to be unveiled, casting its gaze upon Elian as if inviting him to decipher the cryptic dance between light and shadow.

The necromantic eye, once a silent observer in the shadows, suddenly intensified its glow, emanating a pulsating blood-red radiance that bathed the surroundings in an eerie crimson hue. The vibrant light extended beyond its spectral form, expanding to envelop the entire Arcana Academia in an otherworldly brilliance.

The academy, now shrouded in the unearthly glow, took on an ethereal and surreal appearance. The familiar structures and ancient trees became distorted, their outlines blending into a dreamscape of shifting shadows and haunting red illumination. Elian, caught in the midst of this mystical display, could feel the arcane energy coursing through the air like an electrifying current. He felt an evil presence. He turned around to find nothing. The necromatic eye got bigger and bigger and Elian was over gripped with fear.

As swiftly as it had intensified, the blood-red brilliance of the eye began to wane. The ambient glow receded, leaving behind a lingering sense of enchantment that clung to the very fabric of the academy. In the aftermath, the necromantic eye vanished without a trace, leaving Elian standing amidst the transformed landscape, perplexed and awestruck.

The silence that followed was punctuated only by the whispers of the wind and the rustling leaves, as if nature itself sought to comprehend the mysterious event. Elian, still grappling with the surreal encounter, couldn't shake the feeling that the eye held secrets—secrets that intertwined with the very essence of Arcana Academia and the latent forces that governed its mystical tapestry.

A sense of disquiet lingered in the air, leaving Elian to ponder the significance of this spectral manifestation. What had the eye sought to convey, and how did it intertwine with the unfolding narrative of his journey within the academy? The questions echoed in his mind, unanswered, as he gazed upon the familiar yet transformed grounds, now touched by the enigmatic touch of the blood-red glow.

Elian returned to the desolate halls of Arcana Academia, the usual hustle and bustle replaced by an eerie silence. The flickering torches cast long shadows, creating a haunting ambience that mirrored the uncertainty that hung in the air. The academy, once filled with the vibrant energy of students, now stood as a hollow testament to the abrupt disruption that had befallen it.

As Elian treaded softly through the quiet corridors, he couldn't shake off the heaviness that enveloped the atmosphere. The echo of his footsteps served as a somber reminder of the vibrant life that had temporarily abandoned these once lively hallways.

Reaching his room, Elian noticed how even the usually persistent sounds of the mystical creatures that inhabited the academy had hushed to a murmur. The air felt charged with an otherworldly stillness, as if the very essence of magic within the walls of Arcana Academia held its breath.

With a sigh, Elian settled into his bed, the cool embrace of the sheets providing a stark contrast to the warmth that had persisted in the dreamlike version of the academy. The events of the day replayed in his mind, each scene etching itself into his consciousness like indelible ink on parchment.

As sleep beckoned, Elian surrendered to its grasp, his eyelids growing heavy. The weight of the day's events clung to him, but the quietude surrounding him offered a peculiar kind of solace. In the embrace of slumber, he sought refuge from the turmoil that had unfolded.

Elian awoke to the soft light filtering through his window, the residue of dreams fading like mist in the morning sun. The calm that had embraced him in slumber lingered, leaving him with a sense of renewed energy and clarity. He dressed in the familiar attire of an Arcana Academia student, the fabric smooth against his skin as if carrying the whispers of the mystical energies that permeated the academy.

As he ventured into the heart of the academy, the usual symphony of magical creatures seemed muted, replaced by a disconcerting stillness. The corridors, once vibrant with the echoes of laughter and learning, now bore witness to a different atmosphere – one tinged with unease.

Pale faces and hushed conversations greeted Elian as he strolled through the hallways. The air carried the weight of worry, and the usual camaraderie among students had given way to a collective sense of apprehension. Some students were visibly unwell, their vitality drained as if a shadow had cast a pallor over their once-rosy cheeks.

Elian's brow furrowed with concern as he observed the somber scene unfolding before him. He approached a group of students, their expressions marked by a mixture of confusion and fear. Whispers of an unexplained malaise rippled through the gathering, an unsettling undercurrent that seemed to have woven its way into the very fabric of the academy.

He extended a hand to a fellow student, inquiring about the cause of the pervasive ailment. The response he received was a solemn acknowledgment of a mysterious affliction that had befallen many. The origins of this malady remained shrouded in uncertainty, leaving the academy in a state of collective disquiet.

Determined to unravel the enigma, Elian continued his exploration, traversing the familiar paths with a newfound sense of purpose. The academy, once a sanctuary of magic and learning, now harbored an unsettling secret that begged to be uncovered. As he delved deeper into the mystery, Elian's steps echoed the unspoken resolve to restore the harmony that had been disrupted within the hallowed halls of Arcana Academia.

Elian's concerned steps quickened as he made his way to the healing room, a sense of urgency gnawing at him. The door swung open, revealing the subdued aura of the space dedicated to restoring health and well-being. There, lying on one of the healing beds, was Res, her usually vibrant demeanor replaced by the pallor of illness.

"What's wrong, Res?" Elian's voice carried genuine worry as he approached her bedside. Her response, a mere whisper, was laden with discomfort. She spoke of an inexplicable sickness that had taken hold, leaving her with a fever that scorched like an unrelenting flame.

The sight of Res in such a weakened state tugged at Elian's heart, a reminder of the vulnerability inherent even in those adept at manipulating magic. He inquired about the nature of her ailment, seeking answers that remained elusive in the face of this mysterious affliction.

As Elian prepared to leave the healing room, his eyes caught something peculiar – a disconcerting anomaly that added a layer of urgency to the situation. Res's fingertips, once imbued with the gentle hues of her elemental powers, were now darkening, an ominous transformation that defied the logic of conventional illnesses.

A shiver of concern coursed through Elian as he pondered the implications of Res's deteriorating condition. It was not merely a mundane sickness; there was an arcane element at play, one that defied easy understanding. The academy, once a bastion of magical knowledge, now harbored a silent threat that manifested in the very essence of its skilled practitioners.

Attention all readers. I will be starting exams soon so my update schedule will be severely reduced to 2 chapters a week. Please bear with me

Mubarak_Zencreators' thoughts