
The Aetheris Chronicles

In the mystical world of Veridan Haven, "The Aetheris Chronicles" introduces readers to Elian Aetheris, a transmigrated soul thrust into a realm pulsating with ancient magic and family secrets. As Elian assumes his role within the revered Aetheris family, practitioners of the elusive Aether magic, the narrative takes an unexpected twist, steering him away from the path of a traditional hero and towards an unforeseen journey of darkness. The plot unfolds against the backdrop of a city that seamlessly melds medieval and modern elements, revealing the Aetheris family's magical heritage. Elian's siblings, Elara and Cole, find themselves entangled in the threads of ancient prophecies and the mystical forces shaping Veridan Haven. Themes of power, destiny, and the consequences of choice weave a complex tapestry as Elian grapples with internal struggles, ultimately transforming into an enigmatic villain. The secrets of the Aetheris family unravel, exploring the delicate balance between familial bonds and the weight of a magical destiny that transcends the ordinary. Note: Elian doesn't become a Villain initially after a lot of chapters he moves towards the dark side. This is also my entry for the 2024 writing contest for villain. Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/7HJPY3kX

Mubarak_Zen · แฟนตาซี
178 Chs

The Dream

The acrid stench of singed parchment and molten metal flooded Elian's senses as he regained consciousness. A guttural cough ripped from his throat, sending a wave of pain through his head. He blinked, his vision blurry, struggling to make sense of the scene before him.

Gone were the familiar, sun-drenched courtyards of Arcana Academia. He was sprawled amidst a smoldering wreckage, the remnants of wooden beams and shattered stone littering the once grand hall. Smoke billowed upwards, obscuring the high ceiling and forming a choking haze that clawed at his lungs.

The air vibrated with the sounds of battle. Groans of pain and desperate cries for help mingled with the sickening clang of steel on steel. Through the smoke, fleeting figures moved, their faces twisted in a gruesome mix of fear and determination. A student, his robes ablaze, stumbled past, his screams a chilling counterpoint to the crackling of flames.

Elian scrambled to his feet, a primal fear gripping his chest. He stumbled blindly forward, the uneven floor threatening to send him sprawling again. "What happened?" he rasped, his voice raw and unfamiliar to his own ears.

No answer came, only the symphony of chaos. Panic rose in his throat, a metallic taste that threatened to choke him. He had to get out. Out of this inferno, out of this nightmare.

He pushed through a curtain of smoke, emerging into a corridor. The same scene of devastation unfolded before him. Bookshelves lay overturned, their contents scattered like forgotten memories. A trail of fresh blood led around a corner, disappearing into the thickening darkness.

His foot snagged on something soft. He looked down, bile rising in his throat. A figure lay sprawled across the floor – a young female student, her eyes wide open and vacant, her face devoid of color. Her throat was ripped open, a jagged wound that spoke of a brutal and swift demise.

Elian stumbled back, his vision blurring. The image of the dead student burned into his mind, a hideous tableau etched in blood and fear. A horrifying realization dawned on him. This wasn't a training exercise. This was real. Arcana Academia was under attack.

Suddenly, a booming voice echoed through the halls, seemingly emanating from everywhere and nowhere at once. "Foolish mortals," it resonated, dripping with malice and dark power. "You defy the inevitable. You resist the glorious oblivion I offer!"

Elian's heart hammered against his ribs. He knew that voice. It was Malachar Nightweave, the embodiment of his nightmares, the dark sorcerer who had haunted him for months.

"Where are you?" Elian shouted, his voice hoarse. A desperate, childish plea lost in the cacophony of battle cries and the roaring flames.

A chilling laugh erupted from the unseen speaker, sending shivers down Elian's spine. "Look around, child," Malachar's voice hissed. "What you see is but a taste of the devastation I shall bring. Your precious haven will crumble, your teachers will fall, and you, Elian, will witness it all before I claim you as my prize."

The world seemed to tilt on its axis. Darkness seeped into the edges of his vision, the smoke-filled air thick with a suffocating dread. He stumbled, his hand brushing against a fallen torch. Hot metal singed his skin, but the pain was barely noticeable amidst the chilling fear that consumed him.

He was alone, lost in a nightmare made real. Malachar's dark laughter echoed in his ears, a promise of a future far bleaker than any of his darkest premonitions. Elian squeezed his eyes shut, desperately trying to hold back a wave of despair that threatened to engulf him. He had to fight back. He had to find a way to stop this madness. But how? He was just a student, a fledgling mage in a world suddenly consumed by chaos. Yet, as Malachar's ominous laughter faded, a spark of defiance flickered in the depths of his despair. He was Elian Aetheris, and he wouldn't surrender to the darkness without a fight.

He stood up shaking with fear. He let out a battle cry. Then the world shifted. A labyrinth mocked Elian with a suffocating shift. The jagged stone walls that had moments ago formed a corridor now pressed in on him, the air thickening into an oppressive stew of dust and fear. The nightmare morphed, the familiar faces of his friends dissolving like smoke in a gale.

He stumbled, disoriented, his breath rasping in his throat. "Rylan? Drake?" His voice echoed hollowly, swallowed by the oppressive silence.

Gone. He was utterly alone.

Panic clawed at his throat, threatening to overwhelm him. But somewhere, deep beneath the rising tide of terror, a spark of defiance ignited. He wouldn't surrender. Not yet.

He pressed on, his steps echoing in the oppressive silence. Each turn revealed only more darkness, the labyrinth a cruel parody of the halls of Arcana Academia. The stench of damp stone and decay filled his nostrils, the air clinging to him like a shroud.

A low, guttural moan echoed down from a nearby passage, sending shivers down his spine. He froze, his hand instinctively reaching for Voidbane strapped to his side. It felt light against the immensity of the terror that gripped him.

"Who's there?" His voice trembled, barely a whisper.

The only reply was a chilling scraping sound, followed by a hulking shadow emerging from the darkness. It lumbered towards him, a grotesque parody of a human form, its flesh a mottled canvas of decay, its eyes burning with an unnatural yellow light.

"Malachar's herald," Elian choked out, his heart hammering like a trapped bird.

The creature grinned, a gruesome display of jagged teeth. "Run, little mage," it rasped, its voice a cacophony of bone-grating sounds. "But there's nowhere to hide in this place. You are already claimed."

Elian's fear threatened to paralyze him, but the primal urge for survival spurred him into action. He bolted, his lungs burning, his legs churning against the uneven floor. He had to find a way out, a way to fight back against this nightmare come to life.

But the labyrinth seemed to mock him, its passages twisting and turning, leading him further into its heart. The creature's guttural moans echoed behind him, a relentless pursuer in the unending darkness.

Exhaustion gnawed at him, his vision blurring. He stumbled, crashing to his knees. Despair threatened to engulf him. He was trapped, alone, with only the chilling laughter of Malachar echoing in his mind.

Suddenly, a faint glimmer of light flickered in the distance. A beacon of hope in the suffocating darkness. He scrambled to his feet, a renewed surge of determination coursing through him. He wouldn't let this darkness consume him. He would find that light.

With a final desperate gasp, Elian pushed himself forward, the promise of light guiding his every step. The creature's moans grew fainter behind him, replaced by the growing promise of escape.

But as he neared the light, a chilling realization dawned on him. The labyrinth had led him exactly where it wanted him to go. The light wasn't an escape. It was a trap. The gates opened and he was blinded.

Elian squinted, his eyes adjusting to the sudden brightness. Gone was the suffocating darkness of the labyrinth. He stood panting in a wide, circular chamber bathed in a soft, ethereal white light emanating from a central source – a swirling vortex of pure energy that pulsed with an otherworldly hum.

But the strangest sight wasn't the vortex. In its heart, suspended mid-air, was a figure that sent a jolt of terror through him. It was him. Another Elian. This one, however, wore a blank expression, his eyes glazed over, a puppet caught in the invisible strings of a cruel puppeteer.

Panic clawed at his throat. "What the…" he rasped, the words catching in his dry mouth.

"Elian!" Rylan's voice cut through his disbelief, laced with urgency. "That's Malachar's doing! He's trying to… to trap your essence!"

His friends materialized around him, their faces grim. "We need to get you out of here," Drake said, his voice tight. "But how?"

A cold dread settled in Elian's stomach. This wasn't a physical battle. This was a fight for his very soul. Despair threatened to engulf him, but then a resolute voice broke through the fog.

"No," Res said, his voice surprisingly steady. "He won't take you that easily."

Before anyone could react, Res launched himself into the air, a blur of determined movement. He reached the levitating Elian in a single, desperate leap, his outstretched hand grasping for his friend's arm.

The chamber echoed with a resounding crackle as the energy vortex pulsed with renewed intensity. Res' touch seemed to disrupt the flow of power, a ripple of distortion emanating from the point of contact.

"Elian!" Res roared, his voice raw with exertion. "Fight it! Don't give in!"

Elian's glazed eyes flickered, a flicker of recognition passing over his face. He looked at Res, then at his own trapped form, a dawning horror replacing the blankness.

Suddenly, a fierce struggle began within the vortex. The trapped Elian writhed, his form flickering as he fought against the unseen force. The chamber pulsed with chaotic energy, the air crackling with raw power.

Elian gritted his teeth, adrenaline coursing through his veins. He had to fight back, not just for himself, but for his friends, for Arcana Academia. He slammed his fist against the invisible barrier that held him prisoner, focusing all his will on breaking free.

The trapped Elian mirrored his movement, their fists colliding in a silent clash within the vortex. The energy field around them shimmered, the vortex straining under the pressure of their combined struggle.

The friends below watched with bated breath, hearts pounding in unison. This wasn't a fight they could directly intervene in. It was a battle of wills, a desperate fight for Elian's very soul.

A strangled cry ripped from Elian's throat as he poured every ounce of strength into his final push. The trapped Elian mimicked the movement, a flicker of desperation replacing the cold emptiness in his eyes.

With a deafening crack, the vortex shattered. Blinding white light exploded outwards, momentarily engulfing the chamber. When the light faded, Elian stood alone, his clothes singed, breathing heavily.

A shaky smile spread across his face. He had won. He was back.

His friends rushed forward, relief washing over them as they pulled him into a tight embrace. They had faced a nightmare made real, but together, they had emerged victorious.