
The adventures of the Greatest Malfoy

Dare to live a life you enjoy. That was something I never got to do. Now I have a extra chance I am going’s to live a life in which I can be happy. P.S to all you people out there remember it is all a magic dream, and reality that is special to me hope you enjoy. -Author- Warn you might not understand the first couple of chapters though it should come together as the story goes on. I do not own the rights to Harry Potter or any other books, anime, manga, etc… mentioned. All I have is my OCs. I cannot no get a picture for cover to upload so I just took a picture of a color on a blue fabric.

LunarWolf121 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
9 Chs

Chapter three

Two years later

Narcissa Pov

It has been an eventful even year of my life after the birth of my two sons Draco and Ryker. Even though I love them very much they both have their quirks. Draco takes after his father the most as he seems like a child like Lucius just without the cunning. Though Draco takes after his father we pamper him a bit. I remember when we went to a Yule ball and Draco got in trouble with Ryker friend Theodore nott. It ended in the two children fighting which Draco kept saying he would call his father. I could see the little disappointment in Lucius' eyes after that. Ryker couldn't stop the two as he was choking on sweets. I had to scold the two a lot that day.

My other child on the other hand is a genius that is free spirited. He can invent new magic items at the drop of the hat like the magic letter and an auto writing curse pen. Sometimes he creates dark like the auto writing curse pen. I remember he gave what the letter wrote to a group boy who kept trying to leech off of him for his rising genius. After reading it they cried to their parents. It made me laugh, but I still scolded him.

While he is a genius the free spirit of him often overwhelms the genius. Whenever he is not experimenting with magic he is fish, making soap, playing music, cooking, etc…. I don't even know where he learned to make soap. Though he makes some great soap. After experimenting with things like unicorn hair he made what he calls magic soap. These soaps have different effects. My favorite is the autumn breeze. It has the natural autumn smell of nature. The effect lasts for the entire day. This became popular with noble women, but as he would get tired of making soap he would switch to something else. I still have different soaps he makes for me. 

Out of both my children I can honestly say I worry more about Draco. Even though he has Goyle and Crabb I still find it hard for him to make true friends. Plus I always feel something wrong with that Crabb kid.     F Ryker has many friends mostly from the dark and gray factions. His two main friends being Daphne Greengrass and Theodore Nott. I believe that the greengrass girl would make a good wife to my little Ryker. She would be able to contain that free spirit of his. Theodore is a nice boy who is kind though he was cold and lonely when I first saw him. Though that went down after he became friends with Ryker.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh." I hear the screaming of my child Draco which makes me immediately get out of my complating to go check on him. I was shocked and amazed. I see my Draco getting chased by a blue bear that was munching on cookies with Ryker laughing in the background. I could only sigh in defeat as palm my forehead. I should have not let Ryker go into the puppet shop in Diagon Alley. I thought that he would try to make some friendly small puppets that have a spark of life. By how the cookie monster acts, it is suspected that Ryker already reached at least an intermediate level in alchemy.

After chuckling a bit I sent a powerful stunning hex at the cookie monster. The stunning hex sent the cookie monster flying after a bit it crashed into a tree. I saw Ryker already running away from me as soon as he saw the cookie monster flying. "Oh no you don't." I said as I caught him with my wand before he could get away.

"Now tell me why you create a cookie monster to chase your brother." I said to Ryker who smiled as I said cookie monster.

"That is because we entered a prank war to see who is the bigger brother, and it seems I won." Ryker said which only made me sigh in defeat and the antics of my child. I bet he specifically created the cookie monster to get Draco to call him big brother. 

"Mom, I don't have to call him big brother. Tell him that I am the big brother." Draco said still with snot on his face. 

"What am I going to do with the two of you?" I said in resignation as I took the two in the manor and had the house elves clean up the mess they made. Though I still had a slight smile on my face. It is like me and my sisters when we were kids though as we grew up we went our different ways. I hope that doesn't happen to the two of them. I kiss the forehead of both of them

Two years later

Narcissa Pov

It has been an eventful even year of my life after the birth of my two sons Draco and Ryker. Even though I love them very much they both have their quirks. Draco takes after his father the most as he seems like a child like Lucius just without the cunning. Though Draco takes after his father we pamper him a bit. I remember when we went to a Yule ball and Draco got in trouble with Ryker friend Theodore nott. It ended in the two children fighting which Draco kept saying he would call his father. I could see the little disappointment in Lucius' eyes after that. Ryker couldn't stop the two as he was choking on sweets. I had to scold the two a lot that day.

My other child on the other hand is a genius that is free spirited. He can invent new magic items at the drop of the hat like the magic letter and an auto writing curse pen. Sometimes he creates dark like the auto writing curse pen. I remember he gave what the letter wrote to a group boy who kept trying to leech off of him for his rising genius. After reading it they cried to their parents. It made me laugh, but I still scolded him.

While he is a genius the free spirit of him often overwhelms the genius. Whenever he is not experimenting with magic he is fish, making soap, playing music, cooking, etc…. I don't even know where he learned to make soap. Though he makes some great soap. After experimenting with things like unicorn hair he made what he calls magic soap. These soaps have different effects. My favorite is the autumn breeze. It has the natural autumn smell of nature. The effect lasts for the entire day. This became popular with noble women, but as he would get tired of making soap he would switch to something else. I still have different soaps he makes for me. 

Out of both my children I can honestly say I worry more about Draco. Even though he has Goyle and Crabb I still find it hard for him to make true friends. Plus I always feel something wrong with that Crabb kid.     F Ryker has many friends mostly from the dark and gray factions. His two main friends being Daphne Greengrass and Theodore Nott. I believe that the greengrass girl would make a good wife to my little Ryker. She would be able to contain that free spirit of his. Theodore is a nice boy who is kind though he was cold and lonely when I first saw him. Though that went down after he became friends with Ryker.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh." I hear the screaming of my child Draco which makes me immediately get out of my complating to go check on him. I was shocked and amazed. I see my Draco getting chased by a blue bear that was munching on cookies with Ryker laughing in the background. I could only sigh in defeat as palm my forehead. I should have not let Ryker go into the puppet shop in Diagon Alley. I thought that he would try to make some friendly small puppets that have a spark of life. By how the cookie monster acts, it is suspected that Ryker already reached at least an intermediate level in alchemy.

After chuckling a bit I sent a powerful stunning hex at the cookie monster. The stunning hex sent the cookie monster flying after a bit it crashed into a tree. I saw Ryker already running away from me as soon as he saw the cookie monster flying. "Oh no you don't." I said as I caught him with my wand before he could get away.

"Now tell me why you create a cookie monster to chase your brother." I said to Ryker who smiled as I said cookie monster.

"That is because we entered a prank war to see who is the bigger brother, and it seems I won." Ryker said which only made me sigh in defeat and the antics of my child. I bet he specifically created the cookie monster to get Draco to call him big brother. 

"Mom, I don't have to call him big brother. Tell him that I am the big brother." Draco said still with snot on his face. 

"What am I going to do with the two of you?" I said in resignation as I took the two in the manor and had the house elves clean up the mess they made. Though I still had a slight smile on my face. It is like me and my sisters when we were kids though as we grew up we went our different ways. I hope that doesn't happen to the two of them. I kiss the forehead of both of them.