
Chapter 2

"Fennekin use Ember!" Serena instructed as flames came out of Fennekin's mouth.

"Dodge that and use Thunderbolt!" Ash yelled. Pikachu jumped in the air and used Thunderbolt on Fennekin.

"No, Fennekin!" Serena said. Fennekin fell to the ground but got back up right away. She wasn't gonna give up now.

"Now Fennekin, use Fire Spin!" Fire came out of Fennekin's mouth again and spun around Pikachu. It was like a hurricane made out of fire, and it was sucking Pikachu in.

"Pikachu, are you okay?" Ash asked in a worried tone. Pikachu nodded and got back up.

"Now Pikachu use Iron Tail!" Pikachu's tail became metal and he hit Fennekin with it.

"Fennekin!" Serena yelled and rushed over to her furry friend.

"Fennekin is unable to battle," Clemont said. "Please bring out your next pokemon."

"You did well, thank you," Serena whispered as she put her Fennekin back in its pokeball. "Now Pancham, come on out!" Serena threw her pokeball and Pancham came out of it.

"Pancham use Tackle!" Serena ordered. Pancham started running at Pikachu and hit it with his head.

"Oh no! Pikachu!" Ash yelled. Pikachu was weak. Could it continue?

"Pikachu is unable to-" Clemont started but wasn't able to finish. He was interrupted by Ash, who was encouraging Pikachu to continue.

"I know you can do it, buddy!" He yelled. "I know you can!"

Then, using all his strength, Pikachu got up.

"Great job, Pikachu! Now use Quick Attack!"

"Dodge it, then use Slash!" Pancham jumped in the air, dodging the attack. Then, it used Slash on Pikachu. Pikachu was really down now. He was laying down on the floor, unable to get up.

"Pikachu is unable to battle!" Clemont called out to Ash. "Please bring out your next pokemon."

Ash walked over to Pikachu and picked him up.

"Thank you," He said softly. "Now take a rest." Ash put Pikachu beside him and gripped his next pokeball.

"Goodra, come on out and use Water Pulse!" A large dragon looking pokemon came out of the pokeball and used Water Pulse on Pancham.

"Pancham, no!" Serena yelled. "Can you continue?"

Pancham got up, revealing the answer.

"Ok, then use Crunch!" The attack hit Goodra and it fell to the floor.

"Good, now use Tackle!" Pancham used Tackle on Goodra.

Goodra was weak, but it wasn't down quite yet.

"Now let's finish this off with Poison Tail!" Goodra used Poison Tail on Pancham.

"Pancham!" Serena yelled.

"Pancham is unable to battle," Clemont said. "So the winner is Ash!"

"We won Goodra, we won!" Ash exclaimed.

"You did well, thank you. Now return." Serena returned Pancham.

"You return too," Ash said and put Goodra back in its pokeball. "That was a great battle! I see you've gotten better at battling."

"Thanks," Serena said. "I'm trying to get better so I can beat you one day."

"Well I'm looking forward to our next battle," Ash said with a big grin on his face.

"Me too," Serena said and smiled back.

Not long after, the school bell rang.

"It's time to get back to class," Serena said and started walking.

"Wait for me!" Ash said and followed behind her.

Serena went into the classroom and sat down at her seat. She kept thinking about the battle.

"I'm gonna win next time," she thought over and over in her head. "I know it."