
The adventures of Bluefire: Story 3: Bluefire and the Purple Rose

Cynthia_Daggett · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 7: Rescuing Zania

Hey guys. I'm back! Hey. Where is Zania? She's in trouble! Said Master. That must have been why he left. I have a favor Master. Everyone who has powers follow me. Either by car or power. So he called those people over and they followed Mizuki.

Bluefire was off to help the person in need. NO! NO! NO ! Said Bluefire. Zania is in trouble! I have to help her! He rushed over not thinking and knocked a guy down. Who do you think you are?! Said Bluefire. Are you the guy that was controlling Purple Rose and Blue Phantom?! I thought you already knew? Said the guy. Your friend Zorin saved them, they got away. Yes they did. You're still picking on innocent people. You need to stop, or deal with me. Oh really? Said the Evil man right behind Bluefire. Bluefire turned around and said, Yes. I was the one controlling them. Now I am going to control you. No don't! Said Zania. Please! Not to him! Too late Zania. Bluefire was now under the Evil guy's spell.

Mizuki finally got there, and a few people who had powers came. Mizuki noticed Bluefire was acting weird. OK guys! We want to go after them. Whatever you do, don't look him in the eyes. Right! So they all went after them and Blue Phantom came over to help Zania.

Mizuki said, Come on Bluefire! Snap out of it! You can't be controlled by this monster! Bluefire attack everyone! Even if you have to kill me! Bluefire was trying to fight it, but fire started coming from his legs, then up to his arms. Mizuki said, Bluefire! Come on fight! Please fight it! Everyone is fighting to save you! You made a promise remember?! He was saying this as he was fighting Bluefire. Actually 2 Promises. You promised to take care of Zania! She is right behind you, in trouble! Chloe! You promised, you would make her a better person than your Mom. That should be enough to fight! Your loved ones are fighting for you! So snap out of it man! Bluefire was fighting really hard. Mizuki! Out of the Way! I don't want to hurt you! I'm doing the best I can to fight it off! After awhile, he fought the spell, and aimed all that power at the evil man and knocked him out. Bluefire was falling, Mizuki caught him. Mizuki. Said Bluefire weakly. It's ok now. You're ok now. Said Mizuki. Ok now! Anyone who can fly, get Zania out, and get the hell out of here! Mizuki took Zorin in his car. Mizuki.... I'm sorry. Bluefire was out of breath. He had enough strength to revert back to Zorin. Don't worry about it ok? We are heading back home now.

Mizuki finally got to the dojo with Zorin and said, OK is everyone here? No. Said Tenma. Zania, she got under his control. Dammit! Said Mizuki. Mizuki! Said Zorin exhaustedly. Wait. I have an idea. Zorin don't even think about it. You're not in any condition to do anything. Neither is anyone else. Trust me. You said you think of me as your big brother, right? So trust me. I can do this. I won't be alone. Just then the person who was going to go with Zorin showed up. Oh hey Raven and Roxas. Said Mizuki. Are you going to help Zorin? Yes we are. Ok good. You know he is not in any condition. We know. Said Roxas, At least he knows when he needs help for once. Stubborn idiot. Zorin chuckled then coughed a little. Cough, Cough. You ok Zorin? Said Mizuki. Yeah fine. Oh good. Ok now, all of you, good job. Rest up for the day.

Raven, Roxas, let's go. Said Zorin. Wait. You need to rest first. I can't rest. You think Zania is resting? No! Right now she is under some mind control! Probably doing something horrible! I know that. Said Raven, As exhausted as you are, how are you going to help Zania? That's why you guys are with me. Raven sighed. You are not going to stop bugging me about it until we go are you? Nope. As you, my Dad, and Roxas, say I am a stubborn man. Ok. Said Raven. Are you strong enough to fly? I'm not strong enough to fly just yet, but will in a few min. OK. Well hopefully you will be, when we get there. Yeah I will be. Thanks Raven. Bye everyone! Don't worry, I will get Zania back. I made a promise to protect her. Ok let's go.

They finally got to the destination of where Purple Rose is. Zorin was laying down the whole time and pushed on his belt and turned to Bluefire. Ok now. Bluefire said. Raven and Roxas, you will stay here. I will go in and get them out here. They might have some henchmen with them, don't kill them. They are most likely under this guys spell as well. Just knock them out. Ok Sure. Said Roxas. Finally. Said Roxas. I can put my skills to use. Raven and Bluefire chuckled. OK be right out. He flew to the lair.

Bluefire went into the lair and Said Let Purple Rose go NOW! You will suffer my wrath. The evil man Laughed. You really think I am going to listen to a mere boy. Who the hell do you think I am? Purple Rose! attack! Purple Rose attacked Bluefire, but he blocked her moves and aimed straight for the man. Bluefire grabbed him and flew out of the lair. Henchmen! Out here now! Then about 20 men came out for a fight. Woah! Said Raven. This is too many. How do I fight them all? Raven! Bluefire said as he was fighting Purple Rose, and Evil man. Use your power! It's ok! I know you're afraid, but remember you have me! I can take it if something happens! Don't worry, these guys won't die. Trust me. Bluefire knocked the Evil man out again, and is now fighting Purple Rose.

Hey Purple Rose! Come on! fight! I'm OK! I was under the spell too! I got out! I had friends and you to help me! So now I am going to help you! You have me to help you. Remember our promise? Remember Tenma. He was with you. I got hurt saving your life. That's how much people mean to me. Dammit! Said Bluefire. This is getting ridiculous! Just as he was about to give up, Mizuki showed up.

Hey Bluefire! Help is finally here! Dammit! What took you so long idiot?! Sorry. Said Mizuki. Had to convince some folks to come. 6 people including himself came. So you got more friends of yours? Raven and Roxas could use your help. There are 20 henchmen, don't kill them, knock them out. They are being controlled. Got it. Said Mizuki. Everyone do as he says. They ran over and did as they were told. Mizuki. I need you to watch over the guy I knocked out. He is doing the controlling. Got it. Bluefire was still trying to convince her.

Come on Purple Rose. I was about to give up myself. Then my friends came by to help. Come on woman. Said Bluefire. Remember! We have to help you control your mark! Tenma and the others are waiting. Then he thought of the last think he can think of. If your sister and parents were alive today, what would they think of you?! Would they be proud of what you are doing now?! Purple Rose said, Stop it! Stop it! No I won't stop! I am not talking to you Bluefire! I am trying to fight this thing! Not long after she was back to her senses, one punch to the gut for Bluefire. Bluefire held his stomach. Purple Rose! Purple Rose you ok?! Said Bluefire. Yes I will be. Sorry about that last Punch. Yeah. I will be fine. He said with his mask torn on the bottom and blood dripping down his mouth. What about the henchmen? She said. They both looked and most of them were defeated. There was one more. Raven said, I will take this one. She took off her glove and flames came up. She knocked him out with one purple fire ball. She quickly put her glove back on and smiled at Bluefire.

Mizuki! How is the Caster? Said Bluefire. Still unconscious. We need to take him to Masters and put him in the magic cell that takes away any spell or power casting. I got it. Said Bluefire. I will fly him close, then revert back before anyone sees. What about the henchmen? Said Raven. Oh yeah them. Um lets see...Mizuki said. I can use my shield power to take them somewhere safe. OK that would be good. Ok so 3 of you guys can go with Raven and 3 can stay with me. Bluefire has some business to take care of. Mizuki did his shielding power and picked all 20 guys up. Told the shield where to go and flew off. Don't worry. Said Mizuki. They can't get out. the shield is surrounding them. Wow Cool power. Yeah. Ok. Said Mizuki. All of you in the van let's go.

Bluefire was holding Caster. Since Purple Rose can fly, she stayed with Bluefire. Why didn't you go with them Zania? Well even if he is evil, he still pretty much raised me. I will tell you about it, when we are our normal selves again. Tomorrow maybe after we rest up. Sounds good. Said Bluefire. Ok let's get him in the cell before he wakes up. They flew off.

Bluefire was enough away he could revert back to himself and Purple Rose did the same. I feel so comfortable in my normal clothes. Said Zania. Yeah me too. Said Zorin. Ok. We are almost there. They finally showed up at the dojo.

Master said, So this is the Caster? Yes it is. Said Zorin. Take him to the magic Cell. Be my pleasure. Said Master. Oh. Said Zorin. Try not to hurt him if necessary. He's still important to someone I know. Ok. Said Master. We will try not to. Come on Mizuki. Yeah coming. He was staring at Zorin a min and left with Master. Hey Zorin. You sure you're ok? You had blood come out of your mouth after that punch I gave you. Oh this is nothing. He said still holding his stomach. I have had worse as you know. Yeah that's right. When I brought you in half dead.

Well I know it's still a little early, but I'm going to rest a bit. Said Zorin. Then maybe tonight, we can help you train that mark of yours. Yeah good idea. Said Zania. Zorin, thank you. Zania it's all good. Plus, I have wondered what it would be like to have an older sister. You think of me as your sister? Yeah. Sure why not? Everyone here is like a brother or sister to me too. All my close friends are. Zania cried tears of joy. Thank you Zorin. Yeah sure. He went to his bed laid down and went to sleep.

Raven and Roxas were still hanging around. Hey guys were's Zorin? Said Raven. Oh he is in his room resting. Said Zania. He got hurt pretty bad thanks to me and Caster. I'm sorry Raven. I didn't mean to cause you guys trouble. It's Ok. Said Roxas. Plus, I'm sure you fought well, trying to keep him from taking you. You were being controlled when you fought him. I know he doesn't blame you. Why should we? Thank you. Both of you. I wish I can do something to make up for it. Actually. Said Raven. There is. Remember when Zorin said you can stay here? Since you had no place to go? Yes I remember. Well, you can make it up to him, to stay here. Even after your mark is controlled and fully developed. Even if I do officially stay here, there is somewhere I have to go for awhile. After everything is controlled, I will be back. Then when everything is controlled, or even before, you should tell him how long you will be gone. So he knows when to expect you back. You are one of the most important people in his life besides his twin, his girlfriend, Roxas Mizuki and Chloe. Those are the most important people in his life. You are another one. He told me this. But please don't tell him I told you this. He will get mad and want to fight with me. Thank you. Well I better go find Tenma. Let him know I'm back. Oh. Said Roxas. You will find him in the training grounds. Thanks Roxas.