
The Adventures of Azule Vulta

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of NxGero. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Azule Vulta, a character of my creation. Let's see how he fairs on his adventures as the dice of fate comes to play. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Writing this fan-fic for fun, don't expect great grammar or story much less a stable upload schedule. Have a nice day. :)

NxGero · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Character image/stats

[Azule Vulta] [Age: 13] [Sex: Male]

[Bio: Lived on Earth for most of his time until someone ordered for his death. Killed by a truck, he now wonders the worlds in hopes of seeking answers as to why.]

[Masterclass Piloting - Pilot any craft with unheard of proficiency, down right mythical]

[Customizable AC - Gained access to an Armored Core of their own.

Currently running HAL 826 for all frame parts.

Currently running Beam Saber as it's R-ARM UNIT

Currently running Beam Saber as it's L-ARM UNIT

Currently running Necron Gauss Cannon R-BACK UNIT

Currently running T'au Rail Cannon L-BACK UNIT

Currently running IA-C01B: GILLS BOOSTER

Currently running IB-C03F: WLT 001 FCS

Currently running IA-C01G AORTA GENERATOR ]

[One With The Frame - The AC becomes like a second skin to the Pilot. It grows stronger, the more adept the Pilot becomes. Repairs automatically when out of the combat zone.]

[Sign-in bonus - sign in for the day to gain powers or items of different worlds]

[Inventory - It is what it is, it holds items of any matter. Even live ones. Must be within three ft. from the object.]

[Personal AC Hanger/Hub - A personal dimension meant to store/repair/recharge/collect personal, as well as companion ACs. Activate upon thought.]

[Mechanized Size Manipulation: Manipulate the size of the user's AC/Mech]

[Titanfall Pilot Training Expertise: User gains the combat expertise of that of a Titanfall Pilot (Standard Pilot Kit not included]

[World Jumper: Jump Worlds with just an intention to do so. Users can jump worlds as he pleases, with the only consequence being the world left behind will forever be destroyed]