
The Adventurer For Fun

Kenny, who always wanted to be a adventurer finally takes his adventurer exam and becomes a official adventurer. He travels the world.

SleepingSlime · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

2 Hannah Sky Guild

So here's the recap! Yesterday I graduated from my school [Lillios High School for Adventurers] and became an official adventurer. I tried to join a guild in [Lillios Guilds Market] but the plan didn't really work out. Suddenly a girl came and invited me to her Guild! I accepted the offer without a second thought as being an adventurer without a guild scared me. Today I was supposed to meet them at their Guild Base... but uhh... I woke up late. I was so excited yesterday that I couldn't even fall asleep.

Ahh shit this is not good. This is gonna be a bad first impression. I can't be late on my first day! Yes, I see the guild base. The so-called guild base was someone's house... [Resident of Ryuk Sky]... Yeah this must be it. I knock on the door.

knock knock

"Yes... coming!"

Door opens...

"Oh hi, you came!" Hannah welcomed Kenny. "Come in we were waiting for you."

"Ahh sorry I woke up late today. I couldn't sleep yesterday because I was too excited haha..."

"Ah it's fine, I get it. The excitement. Anyway welcome to our Guild Base, well... for now. We will shift to a real base soon."

I followed her to the basement where there were 2 more people.

"Guys this is the guy I was talking about! Our new member... sorry what was your name?"

"Nice to meet you all I'm Kenny Walker. I look forward to getting along with you all."

"Kenny, this is Kono David and Sasha Jackson. Guys he's Kenny Walker."

They all exchange greetings. Kenny takes a seat. He scans the room... The basement room seems quite big, I mean Hannah's parents must be rich. Her house is big af, almost a mansion. Kono seems to be a well built guy about his age, looks like he mastered 'Quantum Rizzics'. Sasha looks a little introverted, she had nice silver coloured long hair.

"So I'm guessing you're a sword user," Hannah says as she peaks at Kenny's sword.

"Yeah I like swords. Slicing something clean feels so good!"

"I know right!! I use swords too. I use two sword technique, Nito-ryu."

"Cool we got another sword in our guild!" Kono adds.

"Well not only swords(Katana), I can also use other weapons like Bow and Arrow, Spear, Shield, Crossbow, Halberd and Long Sword."

"Why so many weapons? Isn't it better to just focus on one?" Sasha gets curious.

"Well you see... I don't have [Gift]..."

"What? You don't have [Gift]?! wh... what?!?"

"Yeah... I was born without a [Gift]. My teacher refused to believe it so he taught me several weapons if I had any talent in at least one of them... But it was futile. I was [Giftless]. My teacher feared no guild would keep me for long if I had no [Gift] so he told me to keep practicing the weapons I learned to fit in in any role."

"I see..." Hannah notices Kenny getting uneasy.

"Well it's fine if you know at least the basics. Come one let's have a spar," Hannah challenges Kenny.

They are in the backyard. Hannah and Kenny stood face to face across the yard.

"Don't worry my parents went on a business trip and servants don't care. I know I said sparring but go all out. If you are able to last 1 minute in a fight with me I will let you stay and if not... you go."

Kenny takes out his Katana and holds it tightly facing towards Hannah. There's so many things going on in his head. He must show his worth!

"I'll let you make your first move. Show me what you got!"

I've studied and practiced and then studied and then practiced... Again and again... And again. I was not only [Giftless] but also didn't have even a slight speck of talent.

Kenny starts running towards Hannah. He attacks with his katana... it misses! Both exchange several attacks.

"Strange... He looks quite fit, fast too and his attacks are precise but thats it. He's repeating only a few sets of combos again and again. So he wasn't kidding when he said he's [Giftless]... But even if he is [Giftless] there isn't any talent in him. I know a alot of people without [Gift] but they all have something they are good-ish at. I don't know who trained him but he or she did well training him. So Thats what it looks like when you train someone with no talent to the extreme. Brute strength is best way to go when you have no talent," Hannah thinks in her head.

After just few seconds of the match Hannah has already got used to Kenny's attacks.

"Is this all you got Kenny? I'm kinda disappointed," Hannah mocks Kenny.

Kenny activates his first and only skill...

"[Blink]!" Kenny shouts.


Kenny surprises Hannah and others with his skill.

Blink is a skill that cuts/slashes the opponent several times in a split second. The skill can attack the opponent from 3 attacks to 1000+. This skill is categorized as Level 4 skill.

This takes Hannah by surprise. She is then slashed by Kenny's sword 3 times consecutively in a one single moment instantly. Kenny's not done yet.

"He's not here to survive the 1 minute he's here to win the fight!" Kono says.

After the [Blink] skill which took Hannah by suprise Kenny does not waste time and goes for the kill.

"What a suprise... Who knew a guy like him had a Level 4 Skill. But that won't be enough..." Hannah thinks as she smiles looking at Kenny coming to attack with his sword.

She also uses her skill [Air Cutter]. She swings one of her sword in the air. The shockwave from the sword's slash Kenny mid air.

[Air Cutter]? Its a powerful skill that can attack the enemy while keeping the distance but it was a big flaw. While the skill has great damage the user gets slightly slower for a few seconds. In battle even one second can change the tides.

Kenny takes damage but he doesn't stopfor long. He uses his skill again [Blink] that cuts Hannah 5 times this time. Hannah starts to get furious.

"Alright... Not bad. You are starting to get into my nerves..." Hannah thinks while preparing her skill.

"[Sword of Wind]!" Hannah shouts

[Sword of Wind] : it's a powerful skill that uses sword to create multiple powerful waves of wind.

Just before Hannah was able to execute the skill but a unknown being stops her. Kenny is in shock. That thing right there is a...

"Sh-Shik... Shikigami?!" Kenny is in shock.

Kenny tries to attack ot from behind but the Shikigami punch him away easily on his face.

Sasha steps in. "Easy Kuro," Sasha said to the Shikigami and turns to Hannah. "Kenny won the match. Look," She shows her pocket watch.

"Congratulations Kenny you won!" Kono congratulates Kenny.

"Who is that?!" Kenny says while still confuse.

"He's name is Kuro. He's a Shikigami. He's my friend don't worry. He was just trying to stop Hannah," Sasha explained.

"Friend? That thing right there is a Demon!" Kenny gets into fighting stance again.

"Kenny wait, how do i explain it..." Sasha panicks.

"Let's just say Kuro is Sasha's summon. Kuro is Sasha's servant and she's the master." Kono explains.

"My father gave Kuro to me," Sasha said.

"Who's your father?" Kenny asked.

"My father is Michael Jackson. You might know him as [The Greatest Necromancer of All Time]."

Michael Jackson was a gifted Necromancer. The Jacksons were all gufted in Necromancy but Michael was exceptionally gifted. His power started to shine from the age of 4. When he was 9, he created his own army of dead and helped the Arien King defeat the invading army of Bernapuron Kingdom. By the time he became 12 he was already the strongest Mage in the World.

"If your father is really Michael Jackson, why are you here?" Kenny lowered his weapon. "Your father's Guild is still very strong."

Though Michael Jackson died ages ago his Guild which was given to his best friend, Kira because well he's his best friend and Sasha that time was too young.

"Daughter of The Great Michael Jackson. That's how people called me since I was young. Like my father and his father and before, I too was gifted his Necromancy. I wanted to be acknowledged as a person and not simply because of my father." Sasha starts to get fired up. "I wanted to prove to the world that I... " Sasha slows down and starts to blush. "Haha... Was I getting fired up too much?"

"That's great! Believe me you will be a great Necromancer, possibly even better than your father!" Kenny said.

"Anyway you did great Kenny! I did not expect you to have a [Level 4] skill, " Hannah compliments Kenny. "Your not so [Giftless] after all. "

"Ahh thanks... Well this is the only skill I know, " Kenny said while double tapping his sword.

"Guys we should go to [Quest Board]. I heard that's where every beginner guild do their task and level up their guild, " Kono said.

"Alright, let's go people, " Hannah commanded.

Q. Burnapuron Kingdom

Ans. A neighbouring kingdom of Arien Kingdom in the East. Current leader : Zenichi Dioris of Burnapuron Kingdom.

Q. [Gift]

Ans. [Gift] is a ability given to almost every humans. They awaken their [Gift] when they're about the age of 5-7. [Gift] can range from super strength, weapon proficiency, magic powers to time ans reality manipulation.

Q. [Skill]

Ans. Skills are divided into 5 levels.

Level 1 - Basic skills. Common knowledge.

Level 2 - Still common but more stronger.

Level 3 - Needs proper training master it. Average Adventurer use skills from this level.

Level 4 - Very powerful skill. Needs extreme training and mind control.

Level 5 - Not many people are able to use this skill. People who master this level usually becomes the most powerful person in the world.