
The Adventure of Sin Cos Tan

What would happen if a God, a demon, and a human made love to each other? This story tells of 3 twins named Sintri, Gonocos, and Tan Metri who go on an adventure together to find their biological parents after what happened to their orphanage. Because all this time, the three of them just lived comfortably in an orphanage with other children. There is only one clue they find after the incident that happened to the orphanage. The three of them managed to solve the mystery by becoming members of an adventurer's guild. They hope to find the figure of their parents soon. Many obstacles stand in the way of each of the three twins' adventures. Even so, the three of them also found many friends and foes that made them grow even more. This made the three twins seem to have high hopes for meeting their parents. Will these 3 twins succeed in knowing and finding the figure of their biological parents? Could it be that the three of them are children created from the relationship of God, Devil, and Human figures?

TeAmoPorSiempre4 · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

Purification Plan

Sintri, Gonocos, and Tan Metri didn't know what Zel was planning to do. Even so, the three brothers still obeyed Zel's orders. The three of them immediately searched for the guild members who were still unaffected by magic and brought them to Zel.

Zel himself in his place was still hugging Freeya tightly because Freeya felt uncomfortable with what happened there. Screams and groans from every place resounded up into the night sky like howling wolves. Zel stroked Freeya's hair gently.

"Calm down, the three kids are just trying to act normal. How can you, an SS level magician, be weak against situations like this?" said Zel while trying to look at Freeya's face.

Slowly but surely Freeya is aware of her duties as a witch. He let go of his embrace and looked in every direction.

"What can I do now?" asked Freeya with determination and sincere intention to help. Zel smiled at that.

"Alright, since you can't stand all this, while waiting for the three kids to return with the guild's people, let's both knock these citizens who are acting indecently unconscious. It's much better than those who are aware but are immoral. Remember! Just make them unconscious aka fainted. Don't hit it too hard which can injure or even kill them!" Zel explained his plan.

"Okay ready, do it!" Freeya insisted immediately carry out her duties.

Zel also moved in and knocked out as many of the citizens who deviated from the norm as possible.

"Oi, isn't that Gonocos?" asked Sio who saw Cos coming towards her.

"Oh yes, that's right. Looks like he's done his job. But where is Grandfather Master at?" asked a confused Wod.

Nakasam City Market is indeed quite extensive. Wod and Sio who had been at the main entrance of the market were now far away in the clothing selling district. It seemed that the two of them were also still conscious and fighting those people even though they were almost tempted. Several B and C level wizards were also with them.

Cos who also saw the 2 A level magicians immediately approached while staying alert for sudden attacks.

"Uncle! Come quickly follow me along with the other guild members!" asked Cos without further ado with breathless breath.

"You managed to tell this to Grandpa Master, didn't you? Where is he now? Shouldn't he have cleared this up right away?" asked Sio insistently.

"Duh! The point is, just follow me quickly, Uncle! Invite those who are still conscious too! I'll explain it soon!" Cos snapped.

Like it or not, Sio and Wod followed the 12-year-old boy's words. They believed the words of the innocent boy in front of him. Together with 5 people who are still conscious, Sio and Wod accompanied by Cos head to Zel's place.

Meanwhile, Sintri managed to bring Pol and his female partner along with 4 other people. Tan also succeeded in gathering 4 guild members. There were 17 of them in total. Zel, Freeya, Trigonometry exception.

Zel and Freeya who saw the arrival of those people stopped their business. Zel just went straight to them all and explained how to deal with it. Sin, Cos, and Tan, who had scattered earlier, gathered again.

"Oh you are Zel who ordered us to gather. Where is Grandfather Master Zel?!" Sio asked curiously because she didn't see Grandpa Lummy's figure.

"Due to the declining health factor, Grandpa Lummy can't come here and leave everything to me. Listen up everyone! You must all be tired enough fighting these crazy people, right? You should know they've been affected by some evil magic too! So what's the best option to do now? You guys can't handle this can you?! Alright, just form a circle so I can easily tell how to handle this matter!" Zel said confidently.

"What the hell?! In a precarious situation like this, you're asking us to make a circle and have fun?!" argued Pol who didn't like Zel's decision.

"That's right! Just tell us quickly what we have to do to wake up our friends and local residents!" snapped another guild member.

Wod who was there actually felt annoyed with the behavior of the other guild members. Sio didn't speak up. Trigonometry was silent as he turned his gaze to Zel and the people present.

"Shut up all of you! Just listen and do what the SS-level magician that Grandpa Master has said!!" Wod snapped in a loud voice.

Finally the chaos caused by the disagreements between the guild members was stopped. They all became silent and did what Zel said. What's more, they also realized that they couldn't do anything earlier. Cos is now amazed at the authority that Wod exudes.

"Thanks, Wod. Alright! Like I said, everyone in a circle!" Zel commanded repeating his line.

The guild members quickly complied. A full circle formed quickly. Zel stepped into the circle of people and explained his plan. While Trigonometry is outside the circle and Freeya also forms a circle.

"The citizens here are being affected by evil black magic! I don't know exactly what happened! But it seems now that the perpetrators have stopped sending their magic anymore. Or you could say the people who are now left are still being affected by that magic. The only way to bring them back to their senses is to pull out something suspicious from their bodies! For that matter, I don't even know what kind of thing it is! That's why I'm gathering you guys! Now all we can do is knock them unconscious! I'm sure you're all exhausted. Therefore, I'll share some of my ES with you and all of you will paralyze the citizens' movements! Any questions?!" said Zel at length.

Sio, who was still confused, raised her hand.

"Then what are we going to do once everyone here is unconscious?"

"Good question! We will soon find out what 'something' was attached to those people's bodies that caused them to act like this. Once we know, then everyone will regain their senses. The point is that our task is only to find the magic devices embedded in their bodies so that they can be controlled by their lust like this! Once we find them, we'll remove the magic device!" Zel explained.

Freeya is stunned by her husband's actions. Likewise with Sintri and Cos. Tan is also secretly amazed by Zel who is serious when carrying out missions.

"Alright, I'll share mine right away! Everyone hold hands! Oi, Trigonometry! You guys come too!" Zel ordered.