
The Adventure of Arion

In a world where power is measured by one's mastery of magic and martial prowess, Arion, the young heir of an esteemed family, embarks on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Through trials and challenges, he unlocks the ancient power of Ki, a force that transcends the boundaries of conventional magic. Guided by his mother, Seraphina, and aided by a mysterious system, Arion learns to harness the potent energy of Ki, unlocking new abilities and unleashing his true potential. As Arion navigates the complexities of his world, he grapples with the legacy of his lineage and the expectations placed upon him as a member of the Tiered Families. With each revelation and encounter, he gains insight into his own strengths and weaknesses, forging bonds with allies and confronting adversaries along the way. Armed with his newfound power and determination, Arion embarks on a quest to uncover the secrets of his heritage and the truth behind his mother's enigmatic past. Along the way, he faces formidable challenges, from battling robotic opponents to exploring the depths of his own soul. Through moments of triumph and adversity, Arion learns that true strength comes not from the magic one wields or the bloodline one inherits, but from the courage to embrace one's destiny and forge their own path. With the power of Ki at his command, Arion stands poised to leave a mark on the world and carve out his own legacy amidst the tapestry of fate.

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20 Chs

Three years Of Training pt.2


Arion Ravenheart

Talents: Blacksmith, Adaptive Learner, Diamond body

Points: 360

Mana Core Stage: initial Tier 3

Strength: 90

Agility: 95 (Changed)

Vitality: 155 (Changed)

Intelligence: 70

Wisdom: 75

Charisma: 11

Mana: 90

Aura: 90


Ki: 330(capped)

Elements: Light, Fire

Arion observed his stats on his system. He had really grown over the last three years making more progress the last three than he did the first five.

During the last three years, Arion had learned all the techniques his parents were teaching him. The training wasn't easy in the slightest, there were many days of mental struggle for Arion but he was able to overcome them with sheer determination and perseverance. His stats now reflected his hard work and dedication, showing a significant increase in all areas of his abilities.

Arion couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as he looked at his progress. He had come a long way since he first began his training, and he knew that he still had much more potential waiting to be unlocked.

Seraphina had even assured him with his current strength and potential she could only think of a few kids from Arion's generation who could keep up with him. Arion was a little disappointed hearing the news, but Seraphina didn't tell him the only kids she could think of were the Heroes of this generation born a few years before him.

During the last three years, Arion had become the youngest person recorded to learn force which is perfectly fusing your mana and aura to become a new energy that could make someone's combat ability transform completely.

This feat baffled his mother the fact that Arion was able to achieve this so young, it wasn't like she didn't believe he could do it. it was just that he was wearing a bracelet to suppress his Aura and Mana only had access to it at limited times. So the fact that he did it just showed his talent.

Not only did he Figure out how to use force, he had also learned how to integrate his elements with his mana core, now his Mana takes on the attributes of his affinities.

His fire elements gave him a more explosive attack power and his light element changed his attack speed to almost untraceable in the same tier.

The last important part of his training was his Ki. His father had spent many delicate hours training Arion on the many different usages of Ki and broadening his perspective on it. Arion had picked on all of it thanks to his Adaptive learning talent.

Arion also discovered the cap of what his body can hold for Ki, but thanks to his father's second gate technique a single drop of his Ki today his overwhelmingly stronger than all his Ki from three years ago.

With his newfound abilities and accomplishments, Arion felt a sense of fulfillment wash over him. He had pushed himself to the limits and beyond, breaking barriers that many believed were impossible to overcome at such a young age.

As he reflected on his journey, Arion couldn't help but feel grateful for the guidance and support of his parents. Their unwavering belief in him had fueled his determination and given him the strength to persevere through even the toughest of challenges.

Now, as he stood on the cusp of a new chapter in his life, Arion felt ready to face whatever obstacles lay ahead. With his skills honed to perfection and his resolve stronger than ever, he knew that he was prepared to take on the world and carve out his own path to greatness.

'now for my first day off in three years' Arion thought.

Arion finally done with his training sped off towards the estate, to finally get some rest. luckily the camp wouldn't take place for two weeks giving Arion time to enjoy himself and hopefully explore the lands.

During the last three years, Arion had heard from his parents about the occupation called Hunters. Hunters were individuals who would take on quests to do odd jobs around the kingdom, conquer dungeons, fight magical beasts, and become rich and famous. Intrigued by the idea, Arion couldn't help but wonder if this could be his calling.

Arion didn't know what the future held but he wanted to enjoy himself in this new world. He hasn't had the opportunity to do so now, but he knew in order to fully enjoy himself he needed the strength to protect himself and his future friends if he made any. So he was willing to make the sacrifice now to train as hard as he could, to have a better future.

As Arion made his way back to the estate, he couldn't shake the excitement bubbling within him. The prospect of exploring the kingdom, taking on quests, and facing formidable challenges filled him with anticipation. He envisioned himself as a renowned Hunter, revered for his bravery and skill in battle.

But amidst the thrill of adventure, Arion also felt a sense of responsibility weighing on his shoulders. He knew that with great power came great responsibility, and he was determined to use his abilities for the greater good. Whether it was protecting innocent villagers from rampaging monsters or delving into treacherous dungeons to uncover hidden treasures, Arion was ready to face whatever trials came his way.

As he reached the estate and stepped through the gates, Arion's mind buzzed with possibilities. He knew that the path ahead would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, but he was undeterred. With his newfound strength and unwavering resolve, Arion was prepared to carve out his own destiny in this vast and wondrous world.

As Arion made his way back to his room, he was greeted by many guards and maids, each offering a respectful nod or a warm smile as he passed by. It was a familiar sight, the bustling activity of the estate's staff going about their duties with efficiency and dedication.

Despite the formalities, Arion couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with the people who served his family. Over the years, he had formed bonds with many of them, sharing stories and laughter during brief moments of respite from his rigorous training.

"Welcome back, Master Arion," one of the guards said, bowing slightly as Arion approached. "We hope your training went well."

Arion returned the guard's nod with a grateful smile. "Thank you, it did," he replied. "I'm looking forward to some rest now."

The guard nodded in understanding, stepping aside to allow Arion to continue on his way. As he reached his room, Arion couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. The familiar surroundings provided a sense of comfort and familiarity, a welcome respite from the challenges of the outside world.

With a contented sigh, Arion entered his room and closed the door behind him, ready to relax and unwind after a long day of training. As he settled into his favorite chair, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead.

Arion sank into the plush cushions of his chair, feeling the weight of exhaustion settle over him like a heavy blanket. Despite the fatigue that threatened to engulf him, there was a spark of excitement burning within his chest. The prospect of exploring the world beyond the estate's walls filled him with a sense of adventure, unlike anything he had ever experienced before.

Leaning back in his chair, Arion closed his eyes and let his mind wander, imagining the possibilities that awaited him beyond the confines of his room. He envisioned vast landscapes teeming with life, majestic forests shrouded in mystery, and towering mountains reaching toward the heavens.

But amidst the excitement, there was also a hint of uncertainty lingering in the back of his mind. The world beyond the estate was vast and unpredictable, filled with dangers and challenges that he had yet to face. It was a daunting prospect, but Arion was determined not to let fear hold him back.

With a sense of determination, Arion resolved to seize the opportunity that lay before him and embark on a journey of self-discovery and adventure. He knew that the path ahead would be fraught with obstacles and trials, but he was ready to face them head-on, armed with the skills and knowledge he had acquired during his training.

As the day drew to a close and the gentle embrace of sleep began to beckon him, Arion felt a surge of excitement coursing through his veins. Tomorrow would mark the beginning of a new chapter in his life, and he was ready to embrace it with open arms. With a contented smile on his face, Arion drifted off into a peaceful slumber, eager to greet the dawn of a new day and all the adventures that awaited him.


In the midst of the chaos and carnage of the dream, Arion found himself standing on a bloody battlefield, surrounded by the deafening roar of battle cries and the clang of clashing swords. The air was thick with the stench of blood and smoke, and the sky above was a dark canvas streaked with ominous clouds.

Arion's heart pounded in his chest as he surveyed the scene before him, his mind struggling to comprehend the horrors unfolding around him. He could see warriors locked in combat, their faces contorted in expressions of rage and desperation as they fought for their lives. But amidst the chaos, Arion noticed something chillingly familiar about the enemy they faced.

The opposing force was a race he had never encountered before, their twisted and grotesque forms moving with a savage grace as they cut through the ranks of his comrades with brutal efficiency. Their eyes burned with a feral intensity, and their weapons dripped with the blood of the fallen.

As the battle raged on, Arion fought valiantly alongside his comrades, his sword flashing in the dim light as he sought to repel the enemy onslaught. But despite their best efforts, the tide of battle began to turn against them, and one by one, Arion watched in horror as his fellow warriors fell to the merciless onslaught.

Arion was completely exhausted and out of any type of energy. His system wasn't working and none of his skills could be used at this moment.

Panic seized Arion's heart as he realized that he was surrounded on all sides by death and destruction, with no hope of escape. His mind raced with fear and uncertainty, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to make sense of the nightmare unfolding before him.

Desperate and alone, Arion fought on, his movements fueled by sheer instinct as he sought to fend off the relentless onslaught of his enemies. But with each passing moment, the ranks of his comrades dwindled, until he found himself standing alone on the blood-soaked battlefield, the echoes of battle ringing in his ears.

Terror gripped Arion's heart as he realized that he was the last one standing, his comrades fallen at his feet. He felt a surge of overwhelming despair wash over him, his mind consumed by the overwhelming weight of guilt and helplessness.

As the enemy closed in around him, their twisted faces twisted into cruel grins of triumph, Arion felt a sense of overwhelming dread wash over him. With nowhere left to run and no one left to fight by his side, he braced himself for the final, inevitable confrontation, his heart heavy with the burden of his failure.

Arion's eyes snapped open, his chest heaving as he gasped for breath. Beads of sweat dotted his forehead, and his heart pounded against his ribcage as if trying to break free from its confines. The echoes of the nightmare still lingered in his mind, the images hauntingly vivid even as he struggled to shake them off.

His breath came in ragged gasps, and he could feel the cold chill of fear coursing through his veins. It took a moment for him to fully register his surroundings, the dim light filtering through the curtains of his room providing a stark contrast to the darkness of his dreams.

Slowly, Arion pushed himself upright, his muscles protesting as he forced himself into a sitting position. His hands shook slightly as he ran them through his hair, trying to dispel the lingering remnants of the nightmare that had gripped him so tightly only moments before.

For a long while, Arion sat there in silence, his mind racing as he tried to make sense of the jumbled thoughts and emotions swirling within him. The dream had felt so real, so visceral, that it was difficult to shake the feeling of impending doom that still clung to him like a shroud.

With a deep breath, Arion forced himself to push aside the lingering fear and uncertainty, focusing instead on the present moment. It was just a dream, he reminded himself, nothing more than a figment of his imagination brought to life by the darkness of the night.

But even as he tried to reassure himself, a nagging sense of unease lingered at the back of his mind, a whisper of doubt that refused to be silenced. Shaking his head to clear away the lingering cobwebs of sleep, Arion rose from his bed and made his way to the window, determined to banish the shadows of the night and greet the new day with renewed strength and resolve.