
The Adventure of a Monster in Young Justice

As the teen’s eyes adjusted to the shocking sight before him, he realized with disbelief that he had transformed into a peculiar black blob with a white face. Gone was his familiar human form, replaced by this bizarre and unfamiliar entity. Now known as Black Sperm, our protagonist embarked on a journey to navigate this bewildering transformation and the challenging world that awaited him. With his altered appearance and circumstances, he is faced with the task of adapting to his new body and the unconventional environment that surrounded him. Uncertainty loomed over Black Sperm's future path. Would he embrace his newfound abilities and use them to become a heroic figure, fighting for justice and protecting the innocent? Or would he succumb to the allure of darkness and venture down a path of villainy, using his powers for personal gain and causing chaos? Alternatively, perhaps Black Sperm would chart his own unique course—like a solitary figure waging a one-man war against the rat population in Gotham City, driven by a determination to remove these pests once and for all. Only time would reveal the choices Black Sperm would make and the destiny that awaited him in this strange and unpredictable world. ***** *WARNING* The purpose of this Fanfiction is to offer a light-hearted and entertaining twist on the superhero genre. Remember, dear readers, to enjoy this whimsical tale with a sense of humor and a pinch of salt. It's all in good fun, and Black Sperm's adventures are simply a delightful diversion from reality, aiming to bring smiles and laughter to those who join in his unconventional escapades. ***** Disclaimer: I want to clarify that I do not possess any ownership of the franchise or its associated characters, with the exception of my main character. The FanFiction I am creating is solely a hobby that allows me to dedicate some of my free time to an enjoyable pursuit.

UI_Shaggy · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
12 Chs


Stepping into his bedroom, an eighteen year old with jet-black hair gently placed his backpack on the floor before opening his wardrobe.

He resembled any other boy his age, with average grades, average parents, and an ordinary lifestyle. There was nothing particularly remarkable or distinctive about him.

However, like countless other kids his age, his primary concern was something truly dreadful—a looming entity that instilled fear in young hearts, akin to a maximum-security prison like Alcatraz.

It was none other than school itself, often referred to as "Hell" by its hapless inmates.

To cope with this ordeal, people employed various methods to occupy their minds. Some embraced hobbies like gaming, sports, singing, or spending time with friends. For this teenager, his means of escape and solace lay in the blissful embrace of sleep.

After changing into comfortable pajamas and sweatpants, the weary teenager reached for the AC remote and switched it on before settling into bed.

"Finally," he muttered, relieved that the school bell had ceased its relentless toll. Glancing at the alarm clock, he discovered it was already 5:00 PM. Adjusting the settings, he set the alarm to ring at 7:30 PM.

"A two-hour nap should rejuvenate me. Man, I'm utterly exhausted," he mumbled, feeling the weight of weariness settling upon him.

In the grip of exhaustion and mental fatigue, the boy surrendered to a state of blissful sleep, finding respite from the burdens of the day.

However, his peaceful slumber was abruptly interrupted by a blaring alarm, though it wasn't emanating from his own alarm clock. Disoriented, he attempted to ignore the intrusive noise, groggily reaching out for his alarm clock, believing it to be the source of the disturbance, in an effort to silence it.

Despite his attempts, the boy's efforts to silence the unfamiliar alarm proved futile, and his room was suddenly engulfed in a blinding flash of light that pierced through the curtains.

Startled to his core, the teenager jolted upright as the sound of a deafening explosion reverberated in the distance. Overcome by a sense of dread, he pushed aside the blinds, his eyes widening in absolute horror as he witnessed a mushroom-shaped cloud billowing on the horizon.

Dazed and bewildered, the teenager slowly opened his eyes, his face etched with confusion upon finding himself lying on the ground.

"What? Was that all just a nightmare?" he whispered, his gaze shifting as his eyes gradually adjusted to the dim light emanating from above.

But then, a realization struck him like a lightning bolt. This wasn't the familiar ceiling of his own bedroom, and he certainly wasn't resting on the comfort of his soft bed. Instead, he found himself sprawled on the unforgiving surface of the hard floor.

As the teenager hastily rose to his feet, an overwhelming stench assaulted his nostrils—an unbearable, putrid odor reminiscent of rotten eggs. But that was not the only shock he experienced.

In his hastened movement, he suddenly realized his height had drastically diminished. Glancing downward, he was confronted with the most mind-boggling revelation of his entire existence: His entire body had transformed into a compact form, devoid of color except for an eerie blackness that mirrored the depths of darkness itself.

A surge of panic and disbelief coursed through him as he gingerly raised his arms. To his astonishment, his hands, too, adhered to the same strange transformation. They were now diminutive, obsidian appendages, shrouded in an unsettling aura of blackness.

It was as if a profound metamorphosis had occurred, turning him into something unrecognizable—a being far removed from his former self. The reality of his transformed state left him grappling with a myriad of questions and an overwhelming sense of uncertainty.

The teenager, now identified as Andrew, paused for a moment, his mind racing with a multitude of questions and a distinct lack of answers.

"No," Andrew thought to himself, mustering a semblance of composure. "Now is not the time to panic. Remember your father's teachings, Andrew. Take a deep breath and calm your mind. Panicking will not help anyone."

With a newfound clarity and determination, Andrew began to cautiously explore his unfamiliar surroundings. Every step he took was a blend of curiosity and trepidation, as he tried to make sense of this bewildering situation.

"Perhaps," Andrew whispered in a hopeful tone, "this is all just a lucid dream. Yes! It must be a dream—a 'vivid and extraordinary experience', that's how my parents explained it to me, just like last time." He tried to reassure himself, drawing upon past encounters with lucid dreaming that had left him both amazed and enthralled.

Relying on this glimmer of hope, Andrew ventured forth, allowing himself to be guided by the mystery of the unknown. He embraced the "dream"like quality of his current state, determined to navigate this surreal landscape with a newfound sense of determination and resilience.

As Andrew cautiously moved forward, an unforeseen obstacle awaited him. Unaware of the small, rusty pipe protruding from the ground, he stumbled and lost his footing, plummeting down to the unforgiving sewer floor on his skull.

As Andrew landed on the ground, he keenly felt the impact. shattering the assumption he had held onto from his previous lucid dreams. The feeling he felt was real, vividly contrasting with the no feeling experiences he had encountered within the realm of his dreamscapes.

Horror etched across his face, Andrew grappled with this newfound revelation. The feeling of the impact served as a stark reminder that this was not a mere flight of fancy but a tangible reality he was now entangled in.

During Andrew's childhood, he had a deep-rooted craving for adrenaline-fueled experiences. He constantly sought out thrilling activities, eager to immerse himself in anything that could provide that electrifying rush. Whether it was participating in extreme sports, engaging in daring escapades, or pushing his limits in various endeavors, Andrew was known for his relentless pursuit of excitement. However, as he grew older, his priorities shifted towards his hellish academic pursuits, causing his adrenaline-seeking tendencies to take a backseat.

The demands of schoolwork and the pressures of a more structured life gradually dampened Andrew's adventurous spirit. The thrill-seeking activities that once defined his childhood began to dwindle, as he devoted his energy to studying and passing his nightmarish classes.

Although his adrenaline-seeking sense became dulled over time, the dormant desire for excitement still lingered within him. It was as if a dormant flame awaited the right spark to reignite its vibrant glow.

Grimacing, Andrew rose to his small feet with a newfound sense of determination. Although the realization of his predicament had shattered his initial optimism, it also ignited a resolute fire within him. He understood that navigating this treacherous underworld would require unwavering resilience, adaptability, and the ability to confront harsh realities head-on.

"I will get through this," Andrew repeated, reinforcing his conviction as he pushed forward, ready to conquer whatever obstacles lay in his path.

And so with each passing moment in the darkness of the sewers, Andrew's hunger for thrills would be reawakened, fueling his determination to not only survive but to embrace the excitement that awaited him around every corner.

And with that, the first chapter of this fic comes to a close. I eagerly await your feedback and thoughts in the comments section. Your input means a lot to me as I continue to craft this story. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I can't wait to hear your thoughts!

UI_Shaggycreators' thoughts