
Chapter 53: USJ (II)

"It is you!" He exclaimed,"Damn, damn, damn! It is all your fault that I was unable to carry out the plan..."

The leader looked at Shido's position and said in a hoarse and mad voice,"You have to pay, you made me fail that mission, I can't forgive you..."

He started scratching his neck repeatedly, taking off whole pieces of skin with his nails.

Shido looked at this crazy figure in a weird way.

"Have we met before?"

The crazy man started scratching even more wildly, tearing off chunks of his skin.

"Shido, I think he's the guy we met at the gate of the school when he was trying to infiltrate inside." Yoshinon offered his thoughts, jolting Shido's memory of him.

"Oh! You're that guy! I'm so sorry, the hand on your face was covering, well, your face, so I couldn't recognise you." Shido scratched his head in embarrassment.

He was supposed to know a lot of stuff, but he actually failed at recognising someone important? What an embarrassment!

"Y-You...I'm going to kill you!!"

Shido looked at this crazy figure in an amusing way. His uncontrolled madness made him an incredibly amusing object for Shido. He doesn't have a fetish for seeing people suffer, but his madness and agony was mirthful.

"Are you sure about that? Besides, I didn't think you would show up again after I pointed a gun at your head~" Shido replied in a calm tone of voice.

The response to Shido's provocation was only more assiduous scratching.

After a few seconds, he suddenly stopped, and looking with his red eye, exposed between all the hands on his face and body, at Shido's red one, he laughed. But his laughter could not even be considered laughter.

"Nomu, take him..."

The motionless figure next to the white-haired young man immediately moved. It had a very muscular body which was as black as coal, the face was that of a bird apart from it's open skill, thus exposing the brain to the air. At first, it took one step at a time, and then, on the first step, it gave itself a sprint towards Shido that seemed like teleportation to the students' eyes.

Shota, seeing this, immediately tried to block the alleged quirk of that being, but was unable to because of all the henchmen that this group had brought with them.

"Don't look elsewhere, bum, hahaha!"

"Don't fool him, Grim, even though he can cancel emission-type quirks, he can never cancel ours!" Immediately charging against Shota, who, seeing this reaction, did not flinch. If anything, Shota was only annoyed that he could do nothing to stop that mass of muscles that 'teleported' to Shido's side.

In fact, through his bandages, he captured both of them, and with a fist, he hit both of them on the face.

As soon as Shido saw that being take the first step, he immediately summoned his weapon.


A large halberd with raging flames immediately appeared in his open right palm.

He did not know what the being could do, but judging from the bulge of muscles everywhere, he assumed that it had a melee-strength type quirk.

And he wasn't wrong. His speed and power was on a whole new level.

As soon as the being arrived in front of Shido, he immediately slashed down on it, successfully splitting it into two.

Just as Shido was about to say anything, he saw the two pieces trying to 'connect' back to each other via some disgusting looking 'strings'.

"Useless, useless, useless! This weapon was going to be used to kill All Might! It can regenerate his body, so even even if you split it into pieces, it would still be able to regenerate! You think a mere slash would be able to ki-"

Before they could successfully merge however, Shido ordered Yoshinon to freeze the two pieces separately, preventing any chance for them to merge together.

"Phew..." Shido wiped his non-existent sweat on his forehead before turning back to Tomura,"I'm sorry. What were you saying about the regeneration? It doesn't seem to be regenerating to me though..."

The entire place was silent after seeing how easy it was for Shido to eliminate something that was going to kill All Might.

"You said that this weapon was going to be used against All Might? I think you must be joking. It wouldn't even be able to withstand one punch from him." Shido looked at them with disdain.

"Y-you..." Tomura pointed a wrinkled finger at Shido before spluttering,"Y-You! I'm going to kill you if it's the last thing I do!"

"Sure, but first things first, these pesky fries should be restrained. Gabriel!"

Unlike his usual concert where only a piano was summoned, the full might of Gabriel was finally revealed.

A huge organ appeared in front of Shido as he said,"Let's get the concert started..."

Different from his usual piano, there were the presence of pipes all around the place and a huge row of pipe organs behind him.


Shido started pressing down on keys, fully showcasing what Gabriel was capable of. Unlike his usual concert where the music was either pop music, classical music, or just some relaxing music, the music he was currently playing was fast and lively with no particular lyrics.

Despite the lack of lyrics, it was undeniably still pleasant to the ears, if you ignore the effect that it could bring about.

A lively, fast and energetic rhythm could be heard everywhere, especially in the areas filled with villains since there were many pipes sticking out of the ground and facing them, amplifying the volume of the music in the process.

The students were enjoying the music and on the contrary, the villains were not having a great time.

With the exception of Kurogiri and Tomura who quickly took out ear buds to block out the noise, the rest of the villains weren't so lucky.

No matter what they were doing before, the moment the amplified music entered their ears, they immediately stopped.

They couldn't walk, couldn't talk, couldn't blink, leaving many of them in tears. They could only breathe and look around, wondering what had happened.

"Be careful of the next tune, alright? Solo!"

Replacing the lively and cheerful tune was a more serious and urgent tune. Before, the listeners were only restrained, but currently, they were totally brainwashed.

"All of you will wait here without doing anything until the police come and handcuff all of you." Shido declared, ending his music before any permanent damage was done to the students and heroes present. After all, music cannot be constrained and is easily spread. Even though the effects were weakened due to Shido's efforts, some of the effects still linger afterwards.

Ensuring that no one important was harmed fatally, he ignored all the gawks and stares from his students, colleagues, Kurogiri and Tomura and continued speaking.

"Now that all your minions are restrained, well...sort of, and you can't fight or kill me, what are you going to do now?"

****Shota PoV****

A while ago, Shota was busy with the enemies in front of him. He didn't know why, but he had the feeling that they had prepared themselves according to the heroes that should have been here, all but Shido.

Against All Might, they had prepared that being, but it was apparently too weak according to Shido.

Against Space Hero, they had prepared the person with the gate quirk.

And against him, there had 'given' him a war of attrition, the same weakness he struggled against the most.

Against Shido, they didn't prepare anything against him. But then again, he didn't really have a weakness for them to exploit.

"Damn..." Shota muttered, out of breath from all the restraining he was doing.

But just then, music suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and all of a sudden, he felt his workload decrease exponentially until he was totally free.

"Huh?" Shota muttered with confusion.

He could feel the effects of the music, though not as strong as the villains, he could feel himself being restrained. Not by any external source, but his own body refusing to move like usual. He could still walk and talk, but he felt like he was underground, limited his movements by a lot.

He was about to complain to the only guy he could think of that could have a music quirk when he found himself free from the restrictions.

"Damn brat..."

His words might give a negative connotation, but a smile was adorned on his face.



"Shigaraki, we need to leave now...we can't fight against him at all. It is exactly like sensei said. He's too powerful for you right now. Let's retreat and think of a new plan." Kurogiri calmly suggested to Tomura, seemingly not caring about the other villains at all.

"Grrrrr...but he's right in front of us now!!!"

"I know, but we won't be able to fight him at all..."

"...Fine...let's retreat now." Tomura said in a venomous tone of voice.

Just as Kurogiri was about to open up another 'gate', a slightly childish voice rang out,"So you think you can leave whenever you feel like it? Since you're here already, why not stay for a while more? I'm sure that the hero's association would have some fantastic tea that would be able to help calm your edgy nerves down."

Kurogiri frowned at Shido's declaration while Tomura just sneered.

"Even if we aren't able to defeat you, you think you can force us to stay?"

"Wanna bet? Michael!"

A key the size of Shido's body appeared, and Shido hugged the key with both arms, bringing it to his chest.

The key was mostly bronze in colour, and at one end, there was a circle that was occupied by a four-pointed star. It looked just like any other fancy key, but the power that it was radiating was no joke.

"Segva!" Shifting the position of the key so it looked like it was holding a gun, he pointed the key at them before turning it like how you would lock a door.

Kurogiri panicked and tried to open his gate, but found out that it was impossible for him to do so.

"What have you done! Why can't I open my gate?" Kurogiri asked with panic in his voice.

"Nothing much, I only 'locked' the space here so you wouldn't be able to open that gate." Shido stated nonchalantly, as if the feat of 'locking' space wasn't anything special.

At this point, everybody had their jaws on the ground and just stared at him without saying a word.

"Oh! And before I forget!"

Shido immediately dashed to the two figures and pierced them with Michael before they could react. The strange thing was, even after getting pierced, not a single drop of blood could be seen.

"Now that I've sealed both of your quirks, let us sit down here and have a nice, long chat, shall we?"

"Grrr...FUCK YOU!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!! RETURN ME MY QUIRK!!!" Tomura screamed with rage and frustration.

"No can do. Plus, if I'm not wrong, the heroes would be arriving anytime...now."

Just as Shido said the word 'now', a cry of fury came through the entire U.S.J.

To the ears of the two villains, it was what made them go into a state of panic. Their original goal was here, and they didn't have their quirks. Needless to say, it wasn't a very good situation for the both of them.

"Have no fear! For I am here!"


A/N: I'm not going to have any drama about Nomu. It's just that simple, so I'm not going to bother talking much about the Nomu. The tag for this is 'OP MC', so this is what I'm going to do. If you talk about the trial battle, my reason is that most of Shido's angels are used for killing, so against heroes, he would be a lot more limited in what he can do. But in this case, he could 'kill' the Nomu without restrictions, so it would naturally be easier.

And I don't need a mentally unstable weakling as a villain so Imma just remove him and return him later in the future.

Tell me what others tags you wish to see here so that readers could see what sort of fanfic this is.

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