
The Accursed One (A Dark Souls x Tensura Crossover)

The Bearer of the Curse, a man whose journey has reached a total halt because of the lack of further adventures to take, is engulfed in desperation, and in his desperation, he is granted his wish to enter a new world to be able to search for higher power to cure his curse. The curse of hollowing. Now in the Cardinal World, the Bearer of the Curse must meet old, current and new foes to get closer to achieving his desires. He must kill, fight, die and kill more to ever hope to come closer to his desires. Disclaimer: The MC is The Bearer of the Curse, who is the Dark Souls 2 MC, Rimuru Tempest will play a major role as the second main character, but it will always be the DS2 MC as the story's center. The first 10 chapters are all introductions for the characters, as the roster of the Dark Souls series is large, I made a group of characters that will be in the Cardinal World based on their importance to the lore. After the first 10 chapters, we will start to see more action between both worlds.

Iudex_Banshoman · วิดีโอเกม
25 Chs

Disasters Passed (2/2)

{Confirmed, individual "Geld" has evolved into "Orc Disaster".}

This isn't a slaughter on our side anymore..

This is a full blown disaster..!

No, disasters!!

Rimuru made contact with the ground, and stood beside Artorias.

Then he connected through thought communication with the others, and told them to keep close to Sif's side.

They needed whatever advantage they need to ensure absolute victory.

It was not a fun time anymore.

This was a time of hardship.

-"Artorias, we're with you."


Artorias knew to stay absolutely focused at times like this, and he used a little something of an empowerment on his body and sword.

The clown then bowed a little.

-"Name's Laplace, at yer service!"

Then he instantly disappeared, and reappeared before Rimuru and Artorias, launched a triple mid-air spin kick at Artorias.


Rimuru tried to do something, but the kick came out way too fast for him to even react.

Artorias used a blocking stance with his sword, which sent him digging into the ground, and a spit of blood coming out of his helmet.

Laplace turned to Rimuru immediately and attacked with intensely concentrated ferocity.

He was absolutely no joke, and he was aiming to finish the battle quickly.

Rimuru changed into his slime form to become smaller to dodge the incoming palm slam, which barely succeeded.

Then he formed into a human again, but his formation was so that he rose into a lunge directly at Laplace's torso.


Laplace jumped back, but he hit something solid.

He hit Artorias' armor.

Artorias grabbed Laplace from his neck, he absolutely dwarfed this clown, and he began crushing down.

The Orc Lord, now the Orc Disaster, was busy dealing with Shion and the others, endlessly regenerating.


Then Laplace laughed.

He punched Artorias' helmet with a hell of a force, and Artorias was sent pummeling to the ground.

Rimuru rushed at Laplace, who kicked Rimuru with another superspeed kick, and Rimuru hit the ground as well.

Laplace moved to finish off the two, but the two were saved by another newcomer.

Or, to be exact, multiple newcomers.

Six newcomers had surrounded Laplace, and all dashed at him with a large sliding attack, which made them exchange positions in a beautiful way.

Laplace jumped away from everyone's field of vision, as he seemingly knew the attacks were coming even before they were released.

Immediately standing up, Artorias stayed on his guard, the six warriors that had just slid in gave chase to Laplace, as Rimuru also stood up.

-"Rimuru, go deal with the big one, go!"

Artorias urged Rimuru to kill the Orc Disaster quickly before things get out of hand, and he called for Sif and ran after Laplace.

-"Artorias! Be careful!"

Artorias took those words to heart and tracked down the six fighters who chased after Laplace, the sounds of dirt dragging was audible to all near the area, even amidst the forest.

-"Sif, if anything should happen, you back to them immediately, alright?"

Sif barked at Artorias in disagreement, he was trying to argue back, but Artorias shut him down with a jump forwards into the air.

Sif ran after Artorias, who had now plunged down onto Laplace's position.

Laplace dodged, and two of the formerly mentioned warriors followed his position.

Laplace dodged and dodged and dodged, which only affirmed Artorias' thoughts.

He definitely has some form of foresight, we cannot beat him, so we'll have to force him into a position where he will have to take a hit.

But Artorias had to think no longer, as Laplace bowed quickly, and bid farewell.

-"Tsk tsk, you lot are a big nuisance! No matter, my fight here is done!


Laplace disappeared from view afterwards, which lead to the fighters lowering their weapons.

Sif stuck to Artorias' side, and he looked at the now grouped together six warriors facing him.

-"Benimaru! The second the head flies off, you burn it!"


Benimaru prepared a [Hell Flare], and Rimuru jumped at the Orc Disaster, sending a wind attack at him, but the Orc Disaster smashed the earth below Rimuru with his foot, sending a shockwave making everyone standing stumble or cancel any attack they had prepared, which forced Rimuru to have to prepare an attack himself.

He drew out his sword, and sliced the head of the Orc Disaster off, and commenced the struggle for devouring.

They were fighting for who would eat the other first, Rimuru realized there would be no way around this, as no one besides him in the nearby area is strong enough to kill the Orc Disaster.

-"You big pig! Just die! Ughhh!"

Rimuru kept recollecting himself and moving around as the Orc Disaster ate through him more, and his subordinates still couldn't pin the Orc Disaster down properly.

Then the cavalry arrived.

Artorias and the six warriors came back, and the battle ended that moment.

-"Ahhhh you guys really saved me back there.. I was terrified as hell!

I thought I was going to get ripped apart if I make one mistake!"

Rimuru took a deep sigh of relief and Artorias laughed slightly, all of Rimuru's subordinates were preparing a massive feast.

But nothing comes to peace, not when it's centered around Rimuru.

He would not get a good night's rest, not yet at least.

Because, a distant laughter was approaching.

A bad omen, that laughter was.

But also, a lone knight was coming to their direction.

A knight who had just fended off an entire country's attempt of assassination, an entire guild's headhunting requests.

Be wary, for the God of War comes.