
A Little Hero Steps Up

Although still a bit reluctant, Ayana stepped forward, her mind racing to think of a plan. From previous outbreaks and attacks, many people, but especially Ayana now that she had encountered an attack, knew that the zombies were bad against loud noises. Grabbing a nearby metal pipe from the debris, she swung it against a metal street sign and dragged it against it, creating an unbearable screeching noise, as if somebody's long figernails had been screeching against a chalkboard.

The sound startled the approaching zombies, making them pause momentarily, and though Ayana had expected this, she was still partially surprised from the fact that she had actually cause the zombies to stop, even if momentarily. Realizing she had discovered a valuable weapon, Ayana continued to create a symphony of chaos, using objects from the wreckage to create the most deafening sounds she could think of, disorienting and repelling the zombies.

As the zombies retreated, the survivors looked at Ayana in awe, their hearts filled with gratitude. They realized that "Little Hero" was no mere nickname; as it truly described the girl who had saved their lives.