
The Abyssal Cultivator

In the mystical underwater realm of Coralopolis, a world pulsating with the vibrant essence of the Dao, young Liam and his sister Hayley, heirs to the royal lineage, set off on their first gather-hunt, a tradition of the royal family for the past millennia, to save them from a creature that has been bothering them for centuries, the Leviathan. . The hunt takes an unforeseen turn when Liam is ensnared and his mind besieged by a malevolent spirit of a long-forgotten cultivator. In her desperate attempt to rescue him, Hayley is struck by a deadly poison. As despair looms, a dormant power within Liam awakens. His hundred water spirit body, hundred different creatures arose within Liam's mind. From mythical to ordinary and some no one has ever seen or heard before, but one thing was for sure, they all possess an incredible power. What will Liam choose, his only chance to save his dying sister, by abandoning his home in search for the world above. Or will he submit to the uncertainty and stay in Coralopolis. As Liam stands at the crossroads between his underwater haven and the vast, tumultuous world of cultivation, one wonders: Will he rise to unite the forces against a lurking greater evil, or will he find himself overwhelmed by the battles that rage above and below the sea? Will he ever find out about the enormous cultivation world above the water and the political battles that go on between the top powers

Jov_175 · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

08 Giant bluff

The bookshelf pushed Christopher right into the wound that was created from the slab of metal. He was almost crushed by the massive amount of weight behind the bookshelf. Luckily most of the books had fallen off, so he managed to survive.

Christopher found himself in a little cave of sorts. That cave being the wound. He had less than 3 meters of space length wise and just under a meter in width. The sheer heat produced from the meat of the leviathan was almost killing Christopher. But in the tired state that he was in, he knew if he tried to survive outside again, he would just die.

When he got the bookshelf off of him, he looked at the books in the shelf and there were two rather interesting ones. Sadly, one of the books was destroyed and ripped in half. Only the first half of the book was readable.

The two books were water element cultivation techniques. The full book, was a basic water element cultivation technique, it slightly increased your lifespan up to 150 years, gave you strength and better maneuverability inside water, and also very slight control of water. The technique only went up to the third human realm.

The second book was very different, while also a water element technique it gave no increase in your lifespan and no added strength and it also went to the third human realm, at least in the part of it that Christopher had. It did give you a pretty good level of water control, but that's not what's interesting in the techniqu0e. The reason why Christopher decided to pick that one was, because it increased the strength of your bloodline. Every kid that you have will have increased strength, speed and dexterity. And even better the added abilities got better with each next generation. The only downside, there was still no increase to the lifespan.

Christopher started practicing the technique every day, but he still didn't exit the cave. His strength and ability were still too low.

He practiced the water control ability, and used the water from the air to keep the heat of his cave down.

Christopher managed to survive by the food and other supplies that the Leviathan ate and ended up at his cave. He managed to build a bit of a fort. He expanded the cave by slowly digging into the meat of the Leviathan, and he always put beams of logs and stone so the wound wouldn't heal up. He threw out everything he didn't need to maximize space.

Over time he built himself a small library that he used to educate himself on various different matters. The size of his cave was now 3 by 5 meters.

But Chris had a problem, after living there for 3 months he ran out of food. Not enough of the food that the leviathan ate, fell inside his cave. He had to go down, luckily, he had a plan.

When Christopher came out of the esophagus of the Leviathan, he was instantly surrounded by a group of people.

"A new comer, it's been a while since one has come through." One of the people there exclaimed.

"Hey kid, do you have any food on you. If you give it to me, I will protect you inside this place." A bulgy and muscular man said to Christopher in a deep voice, trying to scare him into giving in any food that he has.

"Don't believe his words, he just wants to use you. And just because he is a bit big doesn't mean he's strong. I am at the late stages of the first human realm, he is only at the middle." Onother frail looking man said.

"If you give me some good food, I'll give you a nice reward." A seductively dressed woman winked at him as she liked her lips.

"Hey I don't think that's a new comer. I think I saw him previously around The Racoons. One of the people standing in the back said.

"these guys are so annoying. Waiting here fishing for food and materials and trying to rip off new comers into giving their food, before they had learnt the harsh system of this place." Christopher thought to himself.

"He's right, I'm not a new comer" Christopher said as he gathers a bucket's worth of water, floating over his hand in the form of a sphere. Then he started moving the water around his body with ease. Until in a blink of an eye he had the water siting right in front 0f the neck of the muscular man, a slight cut on his neck could be visible, as a small stream of blood trickled down his neck.

That control, he has to at least be at the fourth human realm. I have to tell the boss!" One of the people there screamed, as he started running in the opposite direction.

The other people from the group followed after him. Each to tell their own respective boss.

All around the Leviathan's body, that has become a home for a lot of people. The leaders of each of the top 4 gangs got the news.

"Dammit, that kid got lucky and found a fourth human realm technique. I have to attack him with my full force, before he gets used to the Fourth human realm, and is still at the beginning. After that I will have no chance. When I get my hands on that water element technique, I'll finally be able to leave this retched place." The leader of the Racoons said when he got the news and instantly put his whole gang into motion.

"If I convince him to come to my side, I'll have a complete monopoly of everything here." A scarcely dressed woman said. When she received the report from one of her subordinates. The subordinate that informed her, was the same woman who tried to entice Christopher with her body. She was a part of the Succubus group.

"I am a fire element cultivator. I have no need to clash with that guy. I hope we can remain on peaceful terms." The leader of the Dragon group said.

And the final leader of the Tigers had the same thought process as the one from the dragon group. He had no interest in interfering with him.

All of the leaders were in the third human realm. There was no one above the third human realm, because with the power you have at the fourth and above, is enough to get out of the Leviathans belly.

Finding a Cultivation book of your element above the third human realm was an instant pass out of the horrendous environment.

The racoon groups troops were quickly getting into formation. Only the third human realm members were going, as the other ones would just get in the way, and be pointless deaths. Their army of about 20 people was finally ready to head out.

While the Racoons took their time, the leader of The Succubus group, Lydia, was already in front of Christopher. She tilted her upper body forward, so her cleavage was more visible, as her big eyes stared at Christopher and she used her seduction technique.

Most seduction techniques were considered evil or forbidden cultivation techniques. That did not stop people from practicing them.

"You can stop your act. I won't fall for that." Christopher said calmly, while looking at her.

"What, you don't find me pretty, or maybe you package just doesn't work." Lydia said, as she was quite offended that her technique didn't work.

Christopher just ignored her and waited there. Lydia had informed him that the leader of the Racoons, Clyde, was planning to attack him. She had proposed that if he joined as a vice-leader of her group. That she would gather her troops and help him defend against Clyde's attack.

"Also, I don't need your help." Christopher said to her.

She was confused and wanted to ask more, as even if he was in the fourth human realm, he just reached the fourth human realm and was at the beginning stages. An attack from 20 or so experienced late third human realm cultivators should be enough to overpower him. Just as Lydia planned to ask him what he meant, she was interrupted by him, as he pointed to where the twenty men coming towards him.

The twenty late stage third human realm cultivators from the racoons instantly rushed towards Christopher. Not even asking for him to hand over the fourth human realm water cultivation technique.

Christopher remained calm. When they got into 100 meters of him. He gathered a buckets worth of water onto each hand, he moved his body around in a weird way and the two blobs started to move and contort around his body. Until eventually he made them into a crescent shape and he sent one of flying towards them.

"Everyone, duck!" Clyde screamed.

When the giant crescent of water passed over them, their leader said something that surprised most of them.

"Everyone, kneel before your new master." Clyde said as he knelt, his head lowered, not daring to look at Christopher.

Lydia was to stunned to react, but when she saw that Clyde was kneeling, she knelt herself.

"Boss, why should we kneel to him?" The one on the left side of Clyde asked.

"Are you stupid. Didn't you see how he controlled the water. Only cultivators at the fifth human realm can do that."