
The Abyss dweller

The world as we knew it had come to a brutal end. A sudden and unexpected invasion from the Abyss had ravaged everything in its path. The laws and customs of society had become nothing more than a distant memory. The plane was overrun by countless beasts and monsters, freely hunting and slaughtering any human they came across. It was a hopeless and despairing world, with only a handful of survivors left. Among them were the Abyss dwellers - those who dove into hell itself, fought back against the invasion and managed to escape the destruction. But at a cost… Now, with the immediate threat of the Abyss gone, and their services no longer needed, what drove these Abyss dwellers to continue their aimless travels across the lands? Enter Amon, one such Abyss dweller, haunted by the memories of his past. As he journeys through the plane, he finds himself forced to take action once more. As the possibility of another calamity looms on the horizon - a threat that could bring about the end of the world, and everything that remains with it. With courage and determination, Amon sets out to confront this new danger head-on. But as he faces unimaginable obstacles and uncovers secrets long forgotten, he begins to realize that the true enemy may be closer than he ever imagined. Will he be able to overcome the trials ahead and save what remains of his world? Or will he fall to the darkness and become just another demon in the abyss? The fate of the plane rests on his shoulders, and time is running out... PS: Cover is mine

Immortal_Simo · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 2: Duty

Making his way amidst the trees. Amon's lonely figure could be seen, illuminated by the faint silver moonlight. The rain had subsided significantly, easing his journey. His right hand constantly tossed the sack of gold in the air before catching it again. A nonchalant expression hung on his face as he made his way across the ominous dark forest.

A sudden breeze caused the trees to sway and leaves to rustle. Amon's carefree expression was nowhere to be seen. Instead, a cold but tired one overtook his face. He came to a sudden halt as his right hand calmly secured the gold sack by his waist. His golden eyes flashed with a dangerous glint as he locked on to a specific spot behind a tree a distance to his left.

"Come out, Trixy. Your killing intent is still as bright as daylight." He sighed.

The shadows next to the tree morphed as a hooded figure walked out. The stranger pulled back her hood, her bright messy orange hair cascading down her face. Trixy's mouth stretched into a wide grin as her ocean eyes studied Amon with interest. Her face's soft features were ruined by a large scar that extended from above her left eye down to her cheek.

"Killing intent? Surely you jest Amon," She replied with a chuckle. Two short twin blades silently appeared in her hands.

"Oh ya? My eyes must be failing me then. I could swear I see you holding two blades in your hands," Answered Amon with a gentle smile.

"Well, it's no surprise for you to go senile. How long have you been bound to this plane? Hundreds? Thousands of years?"

"Who knows, I lost count when the sky regained its sun."

"Hmm," Hearing that Trixy's smile turned malicious as she replied. "You know I can always help you end it all, a sword to each eye. That's how you kill an Abyss dweller, right?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Amon answered with a bored tone. "So I heard. Can't say I tried it before, though."

"Exactly, so what say you Amon, aren't you tired? I sure as hell would be. All of those years, all those battlefields, wars, and monsters. Maybe it's time for you to get your well-deserved rest, eh?"

"Can't say I didn't think about it, Trixy. But I think I'll hang in there for a few more years, see what more life got to offer."

As if hearing the funniest joke ever, Trixy erupted into laughter. "Life? Hahaha! What more life has to offer-"

Not letting her continue. Amon's figure flashed as he dashed towards her. Trixy's eyes widened slightly as she subconsciously slashed at him with her twin blades. "Damn it, Amon, how many times do I have to tell you that it's dirty to fight like that!" She yelled.

Ignoring her, Amon sidestepped her attack, ducked, and kicked at her feet. "You already did that before!" Laughed Trixy as she stepped back, avoiding his blow.


His sword suddenly teleported from its scabbard and into his hand, alarming Trixy. "Wait! Wait! Wait! You didn't tell me you can do that!" She cried out her swords, aiming at his neck.

Amon effortlessly parried her attack, sending her hands up in the air. He then used the pommel of his sword to deliver a swift but brutal attack on her stomach. A loud grunt escaped her mouth as Trixy was downed to her knees. Not losing any momentum, Amon then delivered a back kick to her chin, sending her to the ground.

With his opponent unable to continue the fight. Amon sheathed his sword and tossed hers away with a kick. He then kneeled before her and gave her face a few light slaps. "Trixy~ Wake up, come on. Hey, don't you dare use that hidden dagger. I can see your hand moving to it, you know?"

Her eyes suddenly shot open as she studied Amon's face with an intrigued expression. "Did anybody tell you that you got pretty eyes?"

"Same eyes you wanted to gauge out a few seconds ago? And they say I'm the crazy one," Mumbled Amon as he rolled his eyes at Trixy before proceeding to walk away.

"Hey, you can't blame me for being tempted!" She said, jumping to her feet as if nothing had happened.

Hearing that, Amon suddenly paused and looked back at her before asking. "Hmm? How much did it reach?"

"A hundred!"

"Hundred thousand?" He asked with a frown.

"Damn right! A hundred thousand gold coins for your head, dead or alive. Well, I doubt they have any hopes on that alive part, that's for sure," Mumbled Trixy.

"And? Why are you here?"

"Oh, why the long face. I thought you liked me?" Said Trixy, with a feigned saddened tone.

"Haha, I tolerate you, Trixy. Know the difference."

"Sure, you big softy. Anyways, the old man sent me to bring you back." She said, her tone unexpectedly turned solemn.

At that, Amon's brows twitched uncontrollably as he carefully asked. "He's still alive?"

"Haha, why wouldn't he be? I mean, look at you, you're still fine and dandy."

Shaking his head, Amon raised his hand to stop her before asking. "He told you to bring me back? As in, back to the borders?"

"That's what he said," Answered Trixy with a shrug before adding. "He didn't just call for you, but every one that is still alive."

"Everyone? Is he finally going to kick the bucket? No, even so, I doubt he'd call everyone back. Unless..." Reaching that chain of thought, Amon's eyes widened. His golden pupils shook as he grabbed Trixy by the shoulders. A shocking amount of killing intent leaked from his body, making her shudder as he asked.

"The abyss?!"

Trixy was momentarily surprised by his sudden outburst and the heavy killing intent behind his gaze. She was unable to breathe. Her gaze locked with his as she stuttered.


Realizing his mishap, Amon hurriedly reigned back his rage, took a deep breath to calm his mind, and let go of the frightened lady.

"Ah, sorry." He sighed, shaking his head.

A relieved gasp escaped Trixy's mouth as she replied. "Damn it, Amon! I nearly soiled myself!"

Ignoring her. Amon leaned against a tree and sat down on the ground. "The abyss," He mumbled under his breath. His face still burning with rage.

Trixy silently approached him and patted his shoulder. A rare sincere smile on her face as she spoke, "I'm not sure what exactly happened, and if it's actually related to the abyss or not. But, what I do know is that times have changed. Although your numbers have dwindled, you're more prepared than ever. And this time, you guys are not alone. The burden is no longer yours only to carry."

Glancing at her. Amon's gaze softened as he gently ruffled her hair. "Look at this child, talking as if she knows everything," He chuckled. A sad expression overtook his face as he pulled her into his embrace. Trixy's eyes widened, yet she did not fight back. Instead, she buried her head in his chest.

"I'm not a child anymore," She muttered under her breath.

"Yes, yes. You don't have to concern yourself about such matters. If the sky was to fall, leave it to us old-timers to carry it. It was and still is our duty to do so." He said with a sigh. His gaze was melancholic as he hugged Trixy and glanced at the broken moon in the sky.