
The Absolute Power Effect

Humans have all the power they could ever want but by thier very nature can't be satisfied. John Shepard saw the writing on the wall and left earth. He's picked up by a ship full of Asari after two lonely decades of exile, he's hell bent on turning it into his love boat. Only, it seems everything wants to destroy the fragile little cruiser. MA smut and Cultivators

Ultimatedaywriter · วิดีโอเกม
2 Chs

John Shepard

It had been two decades since he'd seen another human. His armor smelled of sulfur and ammonia, a smell that he never grew used to. The smell within his armor could be considered a biological weapon by world war 1 standards. That being said, his armor used to have a self-cleaning function. The fluid only lasted for two years.

John Shepard wasn't stupid; he knew he'd passed the same black hole with the binary stars a hundred times. No, he wasn't stuck in the black hole's gravitational field. No, he wasn't going to send a message to home and find a rock to wait until help arrived. No, he didn't have the signal to download a system chart.

Gathering his aura, he burst with FTL for a few light years. Something caught in his eye and he stopped. Forces that should rip him into space dust rolled off his aura shield. Being a qi expert never paid off more than in this kind of situation. He saw something, he never thought he'd see, a ship.

They were very lower-case t shaped and strange. He swept his qi sense over the ship and felt something odd. An object in the ship's engine seemed to make the ship lighter. Shepard wasn't much of an engineer. He could repair his suit and build an aura engine like everyone learns in mechanical shop class. Like most warriors, he learned the skill and let it sink to the back of his mind.

Well after staring at the ship, he came to a few conclusions. This wasn't a human ship. The engine wasn't spewing out aura particles and the ship's captain hasn't hailed him with aura. Odds weren't very good that it was a stealth ship. The metal wasn't a known alloy that blocked or limited qi sense.

A probe shot out from the vessel and shot towards him. It froze in front of him and he did the only thing he could think of, he waved. Blinding lights flashed on him before his helmet's darkening tints activated. A section of the ship opened up as if beckoning him.

Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, he flashed his aura and propelled himself to the ship. The hatch closed behind him and pressurized. The second the door opened; a line of guns were arrayed against him. Holding the guns were blue skinned woman with tentacled hair and boobs. Slowly, he reached his hands up and mentally sent the unlocking command to his helmet.

"I come in peace." John said with a winning smile. The blue women dropped their guns and clung to their noses. Loud foreign words were sent his way with a lot of feeling. If he was a lesser gentleman, he might feel a bit offended. Then again, after two decades he still wasn't used to his own stench. One of the ladies hit a button on a flashing tool and a message flashed on his neural link.

A vast amount of data flashed through his neural link. With a thought, he ran a number of antiviral programs before opening himself to the data. He absorbed their language, some history of a place called the citadel, and a ton of laws. Shepard smacked his lips a bit feeling how dry his mouth really was. He had no practice with the Asari language and didn't want to spook them worse than his smell already had by replicating sound with aura.

"My name is John Shepard an explorer of mankind." Shepard said. The words didn't quite sound like the Asari coming from his own voice. The blue ladies looked at him strangely before one spoke.

"How long have you been away from your vessel?" He leaned from foot to foot while they stared at him. This was the first bit of social stimulus he had in several years. Ever since his companion AI committed suicide, he'd been lonely.

"Too long," he gave the Asari who spoke a little smile. "I don't mean to be rude, but do you have any bathing facilities on board." Before the little blue sailor could lead him away the ship captain spoke up.

"I'm sorry John Shepard. This is a first contact situation and before we're certain you haven't infected our ship with numerous deadly pathogens you aren't leaving my sight. We still have some hoses." She made a disgusted look. "Do your kind have an aversion to water?"

He watched the captains tightly clothed blue ass swing from side to side while a group of crewmen turned on the hose. One Asari ran into the cargo hold and tossed him some flowery smelling soap.

He sent a command causing his suit to crawl off his body. The blue woman stared at his bare chest. John ripped the protective sweat absorbing sleeve off his body. The second it hit the ground it crumbled to dust.

Without warning the hose blasted him. He let the water pass through his barrier, and he washed himself thoroughly. With a flex of his aura, deadly pathogens from tens of thousands of years of human evolution died on the spot. It wouldn't do to give his new collection of blue beauties a mix of chicken pox, yellow fever, the black death, and corona. Even if they diseases are unlikely to jump species it was better safe than sorry.

John took hold of his curtain of wet black hair and strung it out. Water fell down into the ships drains where he knew recycling systems would purify the water for later use. A slight upheaval of aura blasted the water from his body leaving him dry and clean for the first time in 18 years. He waved to his armor and the hose hit it next.

With a bit of the remaining soap most of the grim was cleaned from his Aquilla mark X. Energy from his metaphysical multi-system aura core fueled the armor while he replenished his core energy. If he was an Asura platform or Dao Specialized a mere 20 years in deep space wouldn't have depleted his energy levels at all.

Not being as powerful as he wished to be was his cross to bear. It did lead him to a ship full of beautiful woman. He'd call that success. He lifted off the ground and hovered for a second and inspected the various lights on the ceiling. The light gravity from the energy fields produced from the engine couldn't hold him anymore than any other gravitational field.

"By the goddess is he flying or is there a weakness in the mass effect field." John looked to see the blue ladies gasping at his sudden flight. He blinked once then twice. It dawned on him then. They didn't have qi or the power to ignore universal laws.

"I apologize, it wasn't my intention to cause any of you to worry." He wondered if offering to be the center piece in an orgy was a valid apology.

"Stay back human it isn't safe. If you want to talk then do it at a distance. Maayta have doctor Hollic take a look at him.

He was led quickly out of the cargo bay by the delightful Maayta. The Asari kept giving him the sex eyes.

"You probably haven't had a chance to go over much of the data package. There's a lot of interesting facts about us." Maayta said.

"Like what?" She looked back at him.

"We can procreate with any species." She gave him a very interesting smile before leading him to a well-lit room.

"Ah, our newest alien. Please have a seat. I understand you've been in space for a long time. Are you familiar with any health risks you might be suffering from?" John thought about it for a moment. He made sure to cultivate often.

"There is nothing physically wrong with me. Being alone out in space wasn't good for me, flying into a star seemed like a good way to go out. I don't know how much longer I could have survived." She held up her omni tool hit a few keys.

"Well hopefully being the center of attention on our ship will help." She hit a few keys on her omni tool. "Please remain still while we perform a deep scan."

Two large forks came down and spun around him. He felt a low level blast of electrons.

"Interesting, you have many artificial organs." No as a matter of fact he did not have any artificial organs. Even the neural link was a biological organ changed over time by his cultivation.

"I've never heard that before. There are some of us that replace a couple organs as they age but its more personal preference than needed." John said.

"Are you implying that all your organs are biological?" Jon nodded.

"That's it exactly doc. We start out with soft squishy organs and over our lives our cells are replaced with sturdier materials." John said.

"I'm guessing you aren't a scientist or a doctor." He laughed at that. He knew the inner workings of his body like his neural link history.

At the end of the day he'd long since crossed the threshold of biological and reached a new state of being. To call himself an information life form wouldn't be inaccurate. He could wax about the transcendent nature of his multisystem linked aura core. John chased the forbidden fruit of immortality and what that meant to him as a human who would ascend could be an interesting conversation piece.

If only he could take his eyes off her tities. They were round firm and stretched her tight-fitting clothes nicely. It had been a long time since he had this type of interaction. He'd left earth because of the nonstop orgies, drug induced raves, and streets filled with Oded mortals.

Warmaster Augustus' way of trimming the fat was brutal but effective. He'd left their ever-growing fortification of the Sol system and ever-growing shipyard behind. He'd long since concluded that the other warmasters were going to turn on each other. It was smarter to get the hell out of dodge before the war started.

"I'm one of the few who were smart enough to leave our system before the fireworks started. If your leadership is smart, they'll leave mankind to their own devices. Anyone with half a brain the means most likely already left. If you're really lucky we'll go into another dark age." He knew they weren't that lucky. No either the Asari would be conquered and their citadel would become some powerful warlord's trophy home, or they'd become cultivation ingredients.

"Did many of your scientists escape?" John pretended not to notice her eyes wondering below his waist. The longer she stared at him the more his little john grew.

To distract himself he focused on the question. He thought about the enclave of physicians that left flying mars out of their solar system. John left when he saw a way out. He was one of the last to leave before the noose tightened.

"There are a few but we're spread out. I'd suggest your people be very cautious around mine. Those that escaped are probably turning any system they end up in into a fortress." He heard a beep and assumed the scan was finished. "Well doc, am I contagious?"

"No, you're completely safe for interactions, with Asari at least. Before you enter the citadel more tests will be required. Hollic turned around and shook her hips. "Just give me a second to transfer the data."

John left his seat and brushed a hand across her waist. Her breath hitched and he leaned forward. Hollic's body fit comfortably against his chest. Something drew his sixth sense out. She leaned her soft head fringes against his skin and her eyes turned black.

"Embrace Eternity," He felt a tiny hand of mental power reach up to him. Gently, he took it and felt her. Never had he felt a mind so open.

She was a roiling ball of embarrassment, anxiety, and determination. A part of her was terrified of what she saw within him. His biology frightened him, and his threats terrified her. Just seeing the inner workings of his boy and knowing that it was natural was disconcerting. Gently, he took her mental hand and uplifted her to his desires, loneliness, and hope.

He removed her suit gently until her dark blue nipples were fully exposed. This was about being with someone more than sex. He kissed her feeling her hot blue lips and tasting her tongue on his. It was sweet. This woman was a delicate blue angel that he'd take care of. He lifted her and she didn't resist. Her heavy warm breasts crashed against his cool chest. John had to be careful or he'd get addicted to the pleasure.

Feeling her and himself through both perspectives was a treat he hadn't experienced before. She wasn't afraid of him, there were no mental shield or traps. This fearless little blue doctor met his lips and they continued to kiss enjoying the taste of each other.

John placed her gently on the bed and lifted one of her heavy breasts. A look of confusion clouded her face when he pinched her nipple between his lips. That confusion turned to pleasure, and she leaned back to enjoy it. He felt the deliciously sweet tentacles around her opening stretch out.

When the first dark blue almost purple tentacle wrapped around his member, he felt a massive jolt of pleasure pour through her. He let his member descend and each of the little tentacles latched on to him. Thick strands of her lubricant rubbed up and down his member lathering him for insertions. Hollic reached down and pulled her opening wide. Hundreds of tiny fleshy appendages moved about glistening with her warm sweet juices.

The tentacles twisted leading down to a hungry open organ deep within. She gave him a look of desire. Her eyes even like the void seemed soft to him.

He aligned himself and felt the tentacles slip his helmet back. Explosions of pleasure went off in their shared link. With a triumphant charge he slipped into her opening. It was warm and deceitful cunning. Hollic stared at him with a grin of triumph while she tracked down the best sensation with her tentacles. When he moved, she shivered in placed before bucking her hips.

Her womb kissed him. It was a complete turn around fortune from his earlier wanderings.

Then the ship shook. Sensors blared and the moment was ruined.

Author's Note: This was just something I wanted to write for fun. I might give it another chapter next week or write another story.

Check out my other story Devour The Heavens and tell me what you think.

Author’s Note:  This was just something I wanted to write for fun.  I might give it another chapter next week or write another story.  


     Check out my other story Devour The Heavens and tell me what you think.  

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