
The Absolute Power Effect

Humans have all the power they could ever want but by thier very nature can't be satisfied. John Shepard saw the writing on the wall and left earth. He's picked up by a ship full of Asari after two lonely decades of exile, he's hell bent on turning it into his love boat. Only, it seems everything wants to destroy the fragile little cruiser. MA smut and Cultivators

Ultimatedaywriter · วิดีโอเกม
2 Chs

Chapter 2: Blue Is My New Favorite Color

Alarms blared around the ship and the beautiful wet Asari pussy below him pulled away from the pleasant bond leaving him unfulfilled. He was seconds away from impregnating his first alien.

Whatever or whoever did this would feel his wrath. Unless they were a group of extremely hot woman, he'd kill them. John made his way to the bridge along with the Asari crew. Another blast rocked the ship. He caught a falling crew member and placed her back on her feed. It was a subconscious reaction to protect his future plunder.

"Human, you're naked it would be best if you find a room to hunker down in." John grunted.

His Aquilla Mark X found him and quickly warped around his body. Metal plates formed their protective layers around his body and the power cells drank deeply of his qi. The amplifying Martin rods took in his qi and refined it into a proper barrier. John opened himself fully to his suit and pulled qi from the stars and transformed it. His suit lit up as long dormant systems awoke.

No longer did he walk as a guest. His gate changed to that of a commander. He stepped onto the bridge as if the ship was his. "What is he doing here?" Captain M'loose asked.

"Transmission from the raider ship." From the viewing screen a crew of four eyed creatures appeared. They were hideous.

The Batarian opened his mouth to speak. John cut him off." You will fall to your knees and surrender or face execution. You have thirty seconds to comply." John announced. 29, 28, 27… he began the slow count down. He wasn't in any mood to play with them.

"Look at that two eyed retard. He thinks some fancy armor is going to intimidate us. I'm going to make that one my toilet." One of the captain's men barked out. John pointed his finger at the Batarian and reached out through the void. At his level telekinesis is as simple as scratching his ass.

The alien's head exploded. Brain matter, skull shrapnel, and red blood sprayed like a fountain. They stared between the feed screen and the headless corps on the ground.

"Someone cut the feed." 5, 4, 3, 2, one of the alien's eyes widened. He leapt up.

"Wait, we'll," John waved his hand. An asteroid flashed by and tore their ship apart. Pieces of shrapnel from the ship never touched them. It took a bit more focus to steer flying debris than it did to burst a defenseless alien's head.

The eyes of the Asari were on him. One swallowed deeply. He looked around. Its true what they say when a man is heard their brain become small. The Asari might have had everything under control and his intrusion may have disrupted their plans.

He let out a sigh and raised his hand. With a tug of will and a slightly greater use of his power the asteroid and ship debris stopped. Most of the complicated machinery exploded when the asteroid hit the engine. That too was ok. He could give them time to fiddle with the wreckage.

"Captain, the batarian ship, its comping back."

"I apologize for my actions captain. The doctor and I were in the middle of something when the alarms blared. I wasn't in a healthy state of mind. Please, I'll gather the wreckage. Is there anything you need from it?" John said.

"Shepard, how are you doing that?" He looked around. They seemed curious enough but what could he tell them. What he used wasn't some grand technique. At the system realm his aura core's energy was hyper efficient. The laws of diffusion no longer wore at his energy and what aura he used was restored by his cultivation. After spending twenty years in space there was little to do other than cultivate and master a few of his techniques.

"I reached out with a form of energy that transfers data back to me at a quantum level. I apply pressure to some areas and natural reactions do the rest." John couldn't go into much greater detail than that. It would be like describing sight to a blind man. The sixth sense was something that couldn't be properly described. It had to be used.

"When we get to the citadel the councilors will have a lot of questions about humanity. I'm not sure you're ready to be the center of attention." The Asari captain gave him a softer expression. "On behalf of myself and my crew, I'd like to thank you. Please go rest in my quarters, Maayta escort him." The Asari crewman saluted the captain and he flowed behind her.

"Why the armor?" She asked when the door shut behind them.

"I'm naked, I didn't think the enemy needed to see that." John said.

"Well thank you. We aren't a well-armed vessel. A lot of us feel uncomfortable out here. Don't tell captain M'loos that." She made a turn through the ship. They entered a luxurious room covered with fish tanks. Each held multicolored fish more exotic than the last.

"They remind me of some of the fish in the underwater city of Europa. I was born on earth, but I lived most of my life on the fourth planet from our star Mars and Europa. Holy earth was for the ascended or those about to ascend. It became a blackened hellscape filled with powerful monsters and more powerful ascended." He left unsaid the plans to gather asteroids from the Kuiper belt. They were going to pull earth from its orbit and merge it with the Kuiper belt's asteroids.

He shook the old memories away. Twenty years was a long time maybe things had changed. It was possible that his people finally grew used to godhood. John fought down the urge to laugh at his own wishful thinking.

"What is human society like?" John tapped his chin in thought.

"I'd say we're a collection of city states each governed by a Warmaster. Those Warmaster answer to the Master of mankind. Most warmasters governs a territory the size of a planet. On those worlds there are lesser officials that carry out the day to day. A Warmaster's main duty is to keep the smaller wars and skirmishes from becoming too destructive. The resources of the universe are finite and sometimes war is the fairest way to decide who get what. That may sound strange to you." John said.

"It sounds like a horrible life."

John recalled his life. His parents were ascended on earth. He along with hundreds of their children were born in pods. Once he finished development under the qi rich atmosphere, he was sent to the Olympian War College on Mars. There he spent two decades cultivating and learning war. Then he left it all behind for Europa. He worked hard as a mercenary. Then he noticed something. The Warmasters were taking more control over humanity. Wars between factions were no longer tolerated. Each generation become softer than the last. In less than a hundred years society shifted and free trade was stifled. Regulation were placed on important cultivation materials. Certain techniques were limited to the Warmaster's soldiers. Then the emperor vanished. He was ready and left in his Aquilla Mark X.

"I've lived long enough to see the loss of freedom. Choosing to go to war is different from being conscripted." Being trained from birth made a difference as well. John knew how to kill with his abilities in ways other qi experts couldn't fathom. He knew the history of techniques and the Darwinism that war brought.

"Why don't you get out of your armor. It'll make you more comfortable." Maayta said. The plating of his armor twisted and shifted like liquid silver. Soon, he was bare chested and exposed to all the world.

The Asari stepped forward and rubbed a hand against his chest. She slowly lowered herself to his waist. With his member in her hand she leaned forward and licked him. Maayta licked her lips.

"Hollic tastes so good. I haven't had her in months. She's always such a treat." Maayta opened her mouth wide and took his member in. Her tongue swirled around looping in a hungry urgency. John could feel her mouth water as the connection between them increased. Her eyes flashed black. "Emwace ternity," she mumbled out before she slurped his cock deeper.

Her mouth was warm, wet, and welcoming. She settled into a pleasant sucking looping her tongue to claim more of his member. She made a loud slurping sound before bobbing forward. His member soon slipped down her throat.

From her he felt a pleasant sensation of fullness and a happiness of familiarity. She was picturing a threesome between herself, Hollic, and him. Her womb pulsed at the thought of a threesome. The thought of not knowing who the father had pleased her even more. It would be a mystery that neither could solve. She bobbed her head and maneuvered his member to an angle and continued slurping.

He could feel the tentacles of her opening rubbing against each other in anticipation. She wanted it, she wanted him, and Hollic. John pulled himself out of her and she quickly pulled off her clothes. She brought her large beautiful blue breasts into place. They easily wrapped around his member. They were firm almost muscular but soft when she relaxed. They sheathed his member in her warm and she sucked on his head.

John sat on captain M'loos's bed while she sucked away. The embrace was strong, and he could feel her heat up while saliva poured over his member and she bounced her tities. The doors opened and he saw captain M'loos walk in already stripped down to a black pair of panties. They were made of a synthetic fabric that he couldn't determine from the data cash.

"Let me help you with that. A captain shouldn't leave her crewmates to do all the work." She walked up wiggling her hips. She kissed him before pushing his chest. He let himself fall back.

She hopped onto his chest and wiggled her rear at him. Her pussy tentacles where a dark almost purple shade of blue. They needed no help pushing the panties out of the way. Once the fabric was out of the the way they flexed in a com hither motion." He connected to her in the embrace that bound their nervous system together. From her he felt a fiery need to be pleased by him. She pushed her breasts against Maayta's and began trading tongue with her around his member.

Captain M'loos waved her hips back and forth spilling her nectar on his chest and inching slowly towards his face. He leaned up and met her. The tentacles met his tongue like eight little tongues. Dueling with them sent explosions of pleasure between their connection. He felt a churning deep within and couldn't hold out much longer. Their tongues showed him no mercy. They lashed and battled around the head of his cock.

He slipped his tongue into her beautiful blue bloom and felt the flower welcome him. The tiny tentacles within tasted sweeter than condensed milk. He didn't know if it was his own senses that registered that or Maayta's interpretation. Either way, he knew he was addicted to this taste.

"It looks like its about to blow captain." Maayta said. She pulled away and turned around. From captain M'loos's eyes he saw eight deep purple tentacles writhing and looping around each other. They quickly turned and pushed into her own opening and spread her out more. She backed up and pushed against his member. Long streaks of powerful Asari lubricant dripped down his member. He gasped as his head began to slowly slip inside.

John could feel the smile on her face and the triumph she felt from making him endure. She knew he could sense her, and she relished in it. Connected as they were, she also knew he didn't want to hurt any of them. So, she took her time. Shepard buried himself in the nectar of Captain Saniga M'loos's Asari pussy. He tasted the powerful tentacles and felt them pull at his tongue.

The captain moaned at his sudden aggression and licked up the member. She caught the trails of sliding nectar from Maayta and he tasted it through her. Maayta for her part squirmed and slowed down her approach. He felt an ever-building pleasure within her. It grew with every centimeter of his dick she took. It grew with every drop of nectar she slurped or that Saniga slurped off his member. It grew slower within Saniga but it was there. He was growing closer and he didn't know if he would last much longer.

The peak was close, but he didn't know how close. Blue flesh and tentacles consumed his vision until only the sensation of her pussy around his member existed. She squeezed and inched him deeper inside of her until finally he bottomed out. Her tentacles moved and her womb sucked on his head. Then she clenched and began to spasm. Her spasms sent a shock wave to Saniga who spasmed around his tongue and finally he gave in. He spilled out into Maayta. Maayta pulled off and Saniga quickly jumped on his member mid spurt. She pulled off and Maayta jumped back on. Then the girls crossed their legs around his member.

With his member between them their tentacles locked. John had already recovered and felt them kiss in a way around his member. It made him spurt again and again. Each time he recovered faster and filled them up.

A few hours later he lay in bed with both women in his arms. Within them, he felt the beginnings of life take hold. He could also feel his own qi growing within that life.

"Did you know there was a race of ape on Thessia that was once used as a surrogate father? We bonded with them in this ritual. At the end they died and new life was born within us. I'm glad you didn't die." Maayta whispered. He had no idea why they thought a little sex might kill him. Compared to the orgies back in Europa this was tame. Then again, he hadn't experienced those orgies himself. He cultivated, perhaps it was time to start cultivating some sexual techniques.

Check out my other work, Devour The Heavens.

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