
Acala vs buddha Part 1


That was the signal for the battle between mo xian and zhao wu ji to began, without hesitation mo xian summoned his second spirit the twelve winged humanoid eagle as three spirit ring appeared with being two of them was purple colored and the last one was black colored, following the summon and transformed, mo xian black hair then become white as cloud, his black pupil let out a purple lightning, while his height increased and six pair of wing appeared on his back, at the appearance of the transformed mo xian and his spirit ring zhao wu ji was shocked that he can't even speak.

Watching as zhao wu ji was struck dumb and stood still, mo xian attacked zhao wu ji. Using his six pair of wing as propeller mo xian body was shoot forward right in front of zhao wu ji, mo xian make a fist with his right arm as his entire right arm started to let out a metallic glow and punched zhao wu ji right in the face, right before mo xian fist hit zhao wu ji face zhao wu ji come out of his reveries and seeing the nearing fist he let out a roar as he decided to become serious while also using his spirit ring ability.


"first ring spirit skill motionless bright king body" after using his spirit skill a bright glow covered his whole body as his defence increased.

BANG crack crack crack

An explosion occured as the fist hit the body, zhao wu ji was thrown as his defence have many crack at the same time mo xian was also thrown far away, as zhao wu ji was thrown not to far away he stabilized himself faster than mo xian, while mo xian that was thrown farther away still didn't stabilize himself.

Zhao wu ji was shocked that he got thrown even after using his spirit skill, feeling ashamed, angry, and excited he looked toward mo xian that was still trying to stabilize himself and attacked using his spirit skill.

"second ring spirit skill vigorous vajra palm" zhao wu ji shooted a palm shaped energy blast toward the still unstabilized mo xian then followed by another palm and another palm and another palm as the palm obstructed his vision.

Mo xian looked toward the numerous incoming palm and smiled "third ring spirit skill void traversing wing" the wing on mo xian back flapped and then mo xian vanished and the palm blast hit nothing but dirt.


A cloud of dust appeared and obstructing zhao wu ji vision, zhao wu ji looked toward the place where his palm blast landed and wondered to himself "did the kid die?" when he suddenly feel a sense of danger from his back, without even turning his back he used his spirit skill once more while jumping forward.

"second and third ring spirit skill motionless bright king body plus gravity increase" in mid jump zhao wu ji body was covered by a bright glow while the gravity in his surrounding increased, feeling assured after using two spirit skill zhao wu ji sighed in relief when he suddenly heard a cold voice "second ring spirit skill cloud explosion" when zhao wu ji suddenly feel something soft and wet on his back as he instinctively tried to jump forward once more before a loud explosion ensued and his body was thrown uncontrolably to the front.


While mo xian after using his third ring spirit skill he teleported behind zhao wu ji and sneak attack him when suddenly zhao wu ji started to jump dorward and used his spirit skill to increase the gravity making mo xian sneak attack almost failed if not for him using his second ring spirit skill and created a cloud like substance that can explode.

Seeing zhao wu ji was thrown by his explosion mo xian was prepared to make a followed attack when he suddenly sensed danger and used his third ring spirit skill and teleported far away.

Zhao wu ji was ashamed and angry after he got hit by mo xian and in his anger he used his last spirit skill "seventh ring spirit skill spirit avatar vigorous vajra bear" after saying that his body started to become a giant armored bear, then he swung his paw toward mo xian place standing before he teleported.

In the distance mo xian appeared and looked toward the giant armored bear "tch he really going all out huh making the place into a mess, fortunately there was other expert that protect those three idiot if not they would already be dead went vice principal zhao wu ji transformed into that giant bear, anyway should l knock him out"

While mo xian was still contemplating he saw a giant paw heading toward him, he looked toward the incoming palm before flapped his wing and landed on the giant palm before unsummoned his spirit and started to run along the bear arm.

In the distance the three boy that got slapped by mo xian along with a middle aged man looked toward the fight between mo xian and zhao wu ji agape in shock, the four of them murmured at the same time "monster" but they become even more shocked when they saw that mo xian unsummoned his spirit and chose to run without summoning his spirit, the four of them said at the same time "insane"

Mo xian run along zhao wu ji arm when zhao wu ji other arm attacked him, the four people on the distance was shocked when they saw mo xian was swatted by the giant paw, the middle aged man spotted a black wing on his back and hurriedly flying to save mo xian when he saw a bizzare sight that stopped him in place.


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