
The Absence: Adventures of Esmeralda

Known for being a condemned larcenist, Esme lived her past life with so much hardship and even died miserably. Waking up one day to learn that she has been given a second chance, she was more than astonished. However, after finding out the real story behind all the fiaschi the true Lady has endured, there was only one thing in her mind. That is to survive in this strange land.

MF_Prieto · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Chapter One: The Foretold Demise

Merinia, The Central Continent

THE THIRD MONTH of the year is the period where merchants from the West would flock the capital of Merinia. Numerous festivities would take place to also bring honour to the god of harvest.

It was nearly the middle of the day. The sun has shone itself and the blazing heat was not delightful. Several men packed up a lot of their goods to travel for the mainland where trading takes place.

These men are farmers in the province of Yuzen. With all the valuable goods with them, it would take them a day and a half to reach the city gates of the Merinian capital. Malori, a tall, middle aged man, who was known to possess the largest land of the province has led this group in the journey. He was reasonably prominent and gained the respect of the other farmers.


As the group started their journey, a young woman called out from behind them.

The maiden was wearing a lush green cloak, embroidered with gold. This person had delicate profile with thick long lashes yet her eyes held a bewitching charm. Her pink lips were pursed and she resembled a porcelain doll. Her dark ebony hair was tied in a braid.

Malori who turned around to see her approaching, frowned.

"Why are you here?" The displeasure in his tone was not concealed. "You are supposed to help your aunt with the feast for tomorrow."

"Uncle, you promised me a week ago that you will let me go to the mainland." She exclaimed gleefully.

"You are a man, uncle. You cannot go back on your word."

Without giving the man a chance to refute, she smiled and headed towards the carriage.

"This is the first and the last time that I will let you, Esmeralda! You are not allowed to stir up any trouble in the mainland," Malori yelled in bitterness.

The other farmers laughed in unison, amusement visible in their eyes. The uncle and niece arguing is entertaining to their eyes.

And so they set off.

Throughout the whole journey, Esmeralda was wide awake and was admiring the beautiful sight before her. Since it was her first time traveling outside of Yuzen, she was able to see large mountains and plains full of flowers reaching wide to the neighboring mounts. The flowers are in full bloom and the breeze was refreshing.

Sitting inside the wooden carriage, she would talk to the other uncles and they would tell her stories from their affairs. Fortunately, Nicolas was there or else she would feel out of place. Nicolas was her auntie's godson, and is a few years older than him. They were playmates when they were still children. When they grew up, they rarely see each other since Nicolas would usually went to the mainland to do trading.

When it was night time, the group camped in a remote forest and set out again by dawn.

She enjoyed the whole journey until they reached the river just outside the capital's rim.

It was this time that a lot of people are also traveling along them. The dust from the dry road would always appear every time horses and carriages passed by it.

Some people with them are wearing strange and striking clothing with modes that she have never seen before. They looked like people from the West, and she heard them speak a different language.

"Capital officers will inspect our belongings. You must behave yourself." Her uncle warned her before talking to the officer in charge.

They were told to stay near the river as the officers inspected their goods. Carriage by carriage, officers assessed sharply.

Roaming her eyes around, she saw the officers wearing a dark blue coat with a silver insignia on their left chests. Seeing that the officers have weapons in their bodies, and has eyes like that of a hawk, Esmeralda lowered her head. Nicolas saw everything and was amused. He chuckled.

"It's alright, they are just going to inspect us to make sure that there are no gunpowder being traded." Her friend explained.

"Gunpowder?" She was confused. She never heard of this gunpowder before.

"Gunpowder is really harmful. It is used by some people from the Han country to make destructive weapons." Nicolas clarified. "Fortunately, it is outlawed to be used in Merinia."

"Interesting! This is the first time I've learned of this gunpowder." She said, amazed.

Their chat was interrupted when the officers announced that they can directly depart for the city. Everyone went to their own carriages.

Moments later, the group passed by the border and entered Merenia's capital city, Persan.

The streets were crowded. The group was welcomed with the loud music from a caravan.

'It must be for the harvest festival.' Esmeralda thought. She was more than bewildered at the scene before her.

It was a sight to behold. Multicolored adornments were hanged in every windows. People were too busy with the preparations for the festival. Women, elderly, and even children are out in the streets. Excitement can be felt in the air.

It was almost noon when the group entered the mainland and passed by the entrance of the Persan market. Soon, stalls offering various commodities are in view. They passed by taverns and even brothels too. And they stopped in front of a small building. It was more like a private stock house. There were a few fresh and raw foods being displaysd.

When the uncles started unloading their goods, it was when she knew that the stock house before her is the same store her uncle, Malori, owned.

"Are you going to stand there the whole day, Esmeralda?" Malori, who stood by the door of the store, asked.

Distracted by her uncle's voice, Esmeralda met his gaze and smiled. She sauntered towards the store.

"Uncle, I honestly think you should work on your temper."

She didn't failed to taunt this uncle of hers before she entered the house. Seconds later, laughter filled the store.

The group resided in an inn near Malori's edifice to have their lunch. It was only when the sun's about to set that Malori decided to go back home with her niece and Nicolas. The other farmers are staying until the end of the month for the trading.

No one foresaw the danger that awaits. Not even Malori himself.

The group of three set off right after they had their spare of meal. The setting sun was visible in the horizon. Clouds of purple and red in the skies was a beautiful scene. With only a carriage and a dark mount, they traveled for only an hour and they reached the old ravine.

This old valley was the old boundary between Yuzen and Kirsha, a smaller province next to Yuzen. Crossing during the day is deemed safe since there are a lot of traders who still used to transit the old Valley. However, it was night time and different.

Malori and Nicolas, who knew about the dangers of the place, decided to quickly cross the valley and just camp in a secluded forest near Yuzen. The night was cold and unusual.

It was when they have reached the small opening of the forest that Malori noticed little movements from behind them. He squinted his eyes to realize it was a group of strange men making their way towards their direction.

Realizing that it would take a few moments before the group would reach them, he hurriedly gripped on the reigns of the dark mount and entered the small forest. A little confused, Nicolas who was behind him, rode the other horse with the same pace.

Inside the carriage, Esmeralda was dozing off the entire time. She was then awakenened by the bumping of the carriage as she felt that her uncle was running in an incredibly rapid speed.

"Uncle? What's the matter?" The young woman questioned. "Why are we going fast?"

The last question held a little annoyance. The speed was making her head dizzy. There was no answer from her uncle.

Soon, the carriage made a stop near a little road. The trees surrounding them were thick. Howling can be heard from a few miles away. And then the faint sound of horses.

Malori was alerted. With their speed, they will reach them in no time.

He can clearly sense the fear inside of him. His messy thoughts ceasing to a dreadful truth. They are here to end her life like sixteen years ago. He cannot let that happen.

"Nicolas." Malori called the young man who was also in a state of confusion. Urgency apparent in his voice.

"There is no time to explain," Malori started. He grabbed his shoulders. "Listen, you need to bring my niece with you and head north."

"Uncle, what exactly is going on?"

Esmeralda, who just went out of the carriage asked. Her eyes carried an obvious concern.

Malori, for the first time, looked at her with a solemn expression. What surprised her is the softness hidden in those eyes.

Without a second thought, the old man, grabbed her hand and assisted her towards the mount.

She glanced at him, confused. She waited for an explanation yet they were interrupted by the loud noise of horses.

"Promise me, Esmeralda. Whatever happens, never look back, and save yourself. Wait for your aunt in the old cave, north of Yuzen. Do you remember that cave?"

She nodded despite the awful feeling inside of her. She was reluctant to leave. Fear was welling up inside of her. Yet the hard tone of his uncle made her think of countless possibilities.

"Protect her."

"I will, sir."

She was able to take one last look at Malori before his figure became smaller and smaller, completely disappearing from her view.

Diero, The Northern Continent

In the northern most region of Diero, behind the two mountains, where no naked eye has ever discerned, a Witch resided. Due to the deathly cold temperature, no one has ever tried to stay and live in this territory.

The snow storm was raging outside of a bamboo residence, creating a layer of white blanket on the stone pavement. Nevertheless, the inside of the hut is warm and cozy. Several large candles, the size of an arm, are placed in every corner of the room, creating a vivid glow.

In the center of the large room, a young woman was pondering. Her eyes were tightly closed, and her back was facing the wooden door of the hearth.

Out of nowhere, a bizarre mist started to form above her figure. As if an unseen wall was broken, shards of frost went straight to the wall in front of her. Sweat glistened on her forehead and her heart thumped hard against her chest.

A loud sound as though something heavy had collapsed, interrupted the silence of the night. The young woman who's complexion was deadly pale, clutched her trembling hands tightly. Pain was visible in her face.

Bearing the pain she felt, she opened her eyes abruptly. Light orbs glinted as she was trying to supress the agony. A sharp and intense discomfort she cannot describe traveled from her head to her toes.

Sixteen years have passed, yet her perception of the future didn't altered.

And then, all the pain she felt was gone in an instant as a whole scene was projected in her vision.

Before she slumped from the fatigue, she was able to mutter what she saw in a soft whisper.

"She will die.. die tonight."

And then, a little tear which sparkled in the darkness, fell from her eyes.



Efesia - is the second realm of the living.

Merenia - is the largest and the central continent of Efesia.

Diero - is  the small continent of Efesia which is located in the north of Merenia.

Persan - is the capital city of Merenia

Yuzen - is a small province in Merenia where most of the goods came from.

Kirsha - is a smaller province next to Yuzen where the refinement is delayed.

Characters mentioned in this chapter are:

(1) Malori - Esmeralda's uncle, the man who led the farmers to trade their goods in the mainland.

(2) Esmeralda - a witty sixteen year old girl who grew up in Yuzen. She was raised by her uncle and aunt.

(3) Nicolas - Esmeralda's childhood friend, her aunt's godson.