
The Ability Theft In Naruto

In a world of Naruto, you have the ability to steal everyone's power. This man has no knowledge of Naruto, but he knew what he needs to do to survive in this World.

MarSus · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
26 Chs

Jinchuriki's power

Roshi summoned his fiery prowess, creating intense waves of lava and fire that surged toward Kai. But Kai's Wind Aura surrounded him like an impenetrable shield, deflecting the searing flames and leaving him unscathed. He retaliated with a swift burst of fire ball technique, launching a blazing fireball that roared towards Roshi. The fireball impacted with a thunderous explosion, scattering embers in every direction. Roshi defended himself, using his earth manipulation to create a protective wall of rock and stone.

Seizing the opportunity, Kai activated his Chameleon Disguise, blending seamlessly into the environment. He disappeared from Roshi's sight, using the element of surprise to his advantage. Roshi's keen senses detected the faintest rustle of leaves, and just as he turned to face the source, Kai emerged from the shadows with a flurry of wind-enhanced strikes. His attacks were precise and powerful, striking at Roshi's defences with unmatched speed. Roshi's experience had just barely allowed him to evade and counter, his lava and earth manipulation creating a volatile battleground. However, It was clear that Roshi was being pushed back by Kai as wounds begin to appear at Roshi's body.

Roshi's defenses were gradually crumbling under the relentless assault of Kai's enhanced abilities. As Kai pressed forward, it became evident that Roshi was being steadily pushed back, his attacks unable to match the precision and power of Kai's techniques.

A sense of déjà vu enveloped Kai as he witnessed the familiar phenomenon of a red aura enveloping Roshi. It was akin to the chakra transformation he had observed when facing Naruto. However, Kai was prepared this time. He had honed his skills and strategies, learning from his past encounters.

In response to Roshi's intensifying power, Kai's Wind Aura surged with newfound strength. Through dedicated training and experience gained from his battles, he had refined his wind armor technique. It was a transformation he had unlocked from his training while in the Akatsuki. The once wispy swirls of wind surrounding his body had transformed into a formidable complete chakra armour of wind. It now provided him with a more comprehensive defense, capable of enduring even the most potent attacks. It had slowly resembled the Raikage's chakra armour, only this time it was the wind elemental.

Kai's movements were calculated and deliberate, his control over his abilities reaching new heights. He deftly weaved through Roshi's assaults, using his Wind Aura not only to protect himself but also to augment his attacks. Each strike was imbued with the might of the wind, its sharpness cutting through the air and challenging Roshi's defenses.

Empowered by his enhanced Wind Armor (phase 2), Kai surged forward with renewed vigor, his attacks and defenses seamlessly interwoven. As he pushed against Roshi, he recognized a distinct pattern emerging. The influence of the tailed beast within the Jinchuriki often led to a more frenzied and aggressive style of combat. Seizing upon this insight, Kai adapted his tactics accordingly.

With each calculated strike, Kai deliberately varied his attack pattern. He skillfully alternated between precise strikes, feints, and evasive maneuvers. This strategic approach exploited Roshi's heightened aggression, forcing him to overcommit to his attacks. As a result, Kai found openings to counter and capitalize on Roshi's increasingly straightforward assaults.

The battle raged on, the clash of their abilities and tactics echoing through the surroundings. As their fight escalated, Roshi's desperation became evident. With a wild gleam in his eyes, he suddenly bellowed, "Very well, witness the power of the tailed beasts!" In a breathtaking transformation, Roshi's form shifted, yielding to the immense force within him—the tailed beast.

Awe-inspiring and monstrous, the tailed beast emerged from Roshi's being, its presence shaking the very foundations of the forest. Its colossal form radiated raw power, its energy surging like a torrential storm. Kai's resolve was put to the ultimate test as he faced this formidable adversary.

The atmosphere quivered with anticipation as the tailed beast unleashed its might, challenging Kai with a force beyond measure. The ground trembled, the air crackled, and Kai stared down the beast's overwhelming power. In the face of this extraordinary spectacle, the battle entered a new phase.

Pain's gaze remained unwavering as the tailed beast's immense form surged forth. Konan materialized at his side, her presence offering counsel. "Kai is not yet strong enough to face a tailed beast in its full power. I believe it's wise for us to aid him."

A subtle shake of Pain's head conveyed his decision. "Not yet."

Undeterred by the colossal challenge before him, Kai pressed on in his battle against the overwhelming-tailed beast. His wind armor shimmered with determination, its energy pulsating in sync with his resolve. The forest trembled under the force of their clash.

Amidst the chaos, Kai's gaze flickered to Pain. It was evident that Pain had no immediate intention of intervening.

Calculating his moves with care, Kai nimbly evaded the tailed beast's devastating attacks, his instincts honed to the battle's rhythm. He recognized the significance of this moment, knowing that victory against a tailed beast required not only skill but also strategy. The tailed beast's unbridled power had to be countered with a calculated approach.

His wind armor enveloped him like a second skin, enhancing his speed and defense, allowing him to narrowly dodge the tailed beast's earth-shaking attacks. Kai's eyes flickered with determination as he unleashed a barrage of Cresent Wind blade, the wind shrieking to life and aiming towards Son Goku's fur.

However, Son Goku was a force to be reckoned with. The tailed beast's immense chakra surged through its body, granting it incredible strength and regenerative abilities. The ground trembled with each mighty step, and the air crackled with the potential for devastation.

Kai's chameleon disguise ability once again was invaluable as he blended into his surroundings, momentarily evading Son Goku's attention. He reappeared with a swift strike, his wind-imbued fist cutting through the air and colliding with the tailed beast's side. A shockwave rippled through the forest, and for a moment, it seemed that Kai might gain the upper hand.

But the tailed beast was not so easily bested. Son Goku's eyes glowed with a fiery intensity as he unleashed a torrent of molten lava from his maw, it was the Four-Tails' signature ability of volcanic elements. Kai's wind armour swirled into a vortex of protection, deflecting the searing onslaught. His own abilities proved invaluable, as he conjured Sai's ink art to life, creating a barrage of animated creatures to distract and hinder the tailed beast's movements.

Yet, despite Kai's resilience and innovative techniques, the tailed beast's relentless assault began to take its toll. Son Goku's tails lashed out with incredible force, striking the ground and sending shockwaves that threatened to destabilize Kai's footing. His wind armor wavered, and beads of sweat mixed with dirt adorned his face. Although this newly evolved wind armor was stronger, it consumed a somewhat larger amount of his energy, as his supply of energy is not unlimited.

As the battle reached its crescendo, Kai's strength began to wane. His attacks grew less frequent, and his movements slowed. It was at this point that Son Goku's tail managed to inflict large damage, penetrating Kai's wind armour into his body.