
The Ability Theft In Naruto

In a world of Naruto, you have the ability to steal everyone's power. This man has no knowledge of Naruto, but he knew what he needs to do to survive in this World.

MarSus · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
26 Chs


Hidan and Kakuzu exchanged a brief glance, their surprise at Kai's proposal evident in their expressions. However, after a moment's consideration, they both nodded in unison.

Hidan's twisted grin widened, "Well, well, it's not every day we get a chance like this. Fine, temporary alliance it is."

Kakuzu, usually a stoic figure, grunted in agreement, "As long as it benefits us."

Meanwhile, the unexpected fireball jutsu disrupted Shikamaru's focus, causing his shadow to dissipate and freeing both Hidan and Kakuzu from his control.

As Kai seamlessly merged with his surroundings once more using his chameleon ability, the ninja dog's heightened senses kept a vigilant watch. The tension in the air was palpable as they sensed his movements, but Kai's mastery over his abilities allowed him to exploit the briefest lapse in their coordination.

In an instant, he emerged from his concealment, harnessing the wind manipulation power that he had recently acquired. With swift precision, he crafted a blade of cutting wind and surged toward Ino. The wind blade gleamed dangerously as it cut through the air, aimed at catching Ino off-guard in the midst of the turmoil.

Choji sprang into action, his body swiftly expanding to an enormous size. He managed to intercept Kai's wind-blade attack, using his massive arms to block the slicing gusts. The impact created a shockwave that shook the surrounding area, scattering leaves and debris in all directions.

As Kakuzu relentlessly pursued Kakashi, his elemental masks at the ready, the two clashed in a fierce exchange of jutsus. Kakashi's lightning blade met Kakuzu's fire mask, resulting in a scorching explosion that momentarily obscured their figures. The clash of elements created an inferno of heat and light, casting shadows across the battlefield.

Hidan, with his scythe in hand, lunged at Shikamaru with an eerie grin. Shikamaru moved fluidly, evading Hidan's deadly strikes with calculated dodges and nimble footwork. He narrowly sidestepped the razor-sharp edge of the scythe, using his shadow imitation technique to keep Hidan's movements in check.

Meanwhile, Ino quickly recovered from the surprise attack, realizing that the situation had intensified. She focused her chakra and performed a mind-transfer jutsu, attempting to take control of Kai's mind and force him into a momentary stupor. However, Kai's resistance was strong, and a battle of wills between their minds ensued.

In an act of desperation, Kai once again utilized his chameleon-like ability to elude her mental grasp. Ino's brows furrowed in frustration as she scanned the area, struggling to pinpoint his whereabouts. The tension in the air was high as everyone's senses were on alert, trying to anticipate Kai's next move.

The dogs' warning reached Shikamaru's ears, just in time to react. He leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding Kai's windblade that had materialized with deadly precision. His heart raced as he felt the blade's chilling proximity, understanding the dire consequences if it had hit its mark.

Despite Shikamaru's narrow escape, Kai's intention was clear. He aimed not for a fatal blow, but for a mere graze that would provide him with the blood he needed. Shikamaru's mind raced, analyzing the situation and realizing the significance of the seemingly minor wound that Kai sought.

With an air of urgency, Kai turned his attention to Hidan, commanding him to initiate his gruesome ritual. The sight of Hidan stabbing himself and forming the ominous circle sent shivers down the spines of those present.

Once the mark was done, Hidan reached for Shikamaru's blood and licked Kai's wind blade, the transformation that followed was both eerie and unsettling. The very air seemed to darken around him as his body underwent a metamorphosis.

Hidan's maniacal laughter echoed through the battlefield as he gloated about the newfound control he held over Shikamaru's life. His taunting words struck Shikamaru like a chilling gust, "Your life is mine now. Just like your precious sensei's" he said

In yet another unexpected event, Hidan's jubilant proclamation was abruptly interrupted by a powerful kick that struck him. Shikamaru winced in pain as he felt the residual effects of the ritual, and confusion mixed with relief spread across his face. It was Naruto. He had arrived on time to stop the ritual. Unbeknownst to Naruto, Naruto's timely intervention had saved his life, halting the ritual's dark influence.

Naruto's arrival injected a surge of energy into the battle, his presence a beacon of hope. Shikamaru's pain and apprehension quickly shifted to surprise as he registered Naruto's voice calling out to him.

"Hey Shikamaru, are you alright!?" Naruto's concern was genuine, his eyes reflecting a mixture of worry and determination.

Kakashi, witnessing Naruto's arrival, couldn't help but acknowledge the unpredictable turn of events. "Truly the number one most surprising shinobi," he mused inwardly, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his masked mouth.

As the dust settled and the chaos subsided for a brief moment, Kakashi's attention turned to Yamato, "Have he finished the training?" Kakashi inquired, his tone laced with a hint of expectation.

Yamato's affirmation carried a sign of acknowledgment. "He was also adamant about joining the mission once he heard you were heading out to apprehend the Ability Theft," Yamato explained.

Kai, standing with a composed demeanour, attracted Yamato's gaze. His features exuded a handsome yet silent aura, with solemn eyes that seemed to hold hidden depths. His straight, black hair flowed with an air of sophistication, reminiscent of the traditional Korean comma hairstyle. The square jaw of his face added to his distinct appearance.

As Kai's attention shifted to Kakashi, he voiced his realization. "That's the ability theft?"

Kakashi's affirmation was accompanied by a word of caution, his tone conveying the heightened threat that Kai now posed. "Indeed. He's become stronger since our last encounter within the village."

Naruto, however, regarded Kai with a mix of accusation and anger. "So you're the one who killed Sai.." Naruto's voice held a restrained fury that was almost palpable. The mention of Sai's death ignited a surge of rage within him, causing his eyes to change in an unsettling transformation. The influence of the Nine-Tails seeped into Naruto's expression, the malicious eyes of the fox revealing themselves gradually.

This is the first encounter between the two main characters of the series.

Just remembered to give a brief description of the MC lol. Anyways, tell me what you guys think of the series so far! What do you think can be improved?

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MarSuscreators' thoughts