
The Abducted Lycan's Breeder

Her father had committed an atrocity by attempting to kill the Lycan king, and to punish him, his daughter, the honorable daughter of the Alpha next in line to being the first female Alpha will be used as his breeder. Against her will, she is forced to get pregnant for the Lycan and the Lycan is forced to have her bear his child only for the benefit of seeing the look of anguish and regret in his enemy's eyes. Along the way, will these two finally figure out a way to work out their differences and fall inlove or will the Alpha be the least of the LYCAN'S worries?

Esty_Usodo · แฟนตาซี
116 Chs

A strange voice in the dark

The sound of footsteps, and the clang of metal, filled the hallway, as I spun around, my sword flashing in the flickering torchlight, a bolt of lightning in the darkness, as I prepared for battle.

But the figure before me was not the enemy as I had expected.

It was a guard, my eyes wide with surprise, my sword still sheathed, as he stared at me, his face a mask of fear, of uncertainty.

My sword wavered, and my gaze narrowed as I demanded, "What are you doing here? Who else knows of my whereabouts?" 

"No one, Master Gerald," the guard said, his voice shaking, his eyes darting around the hallway as if expecting an attack at any moment. "I heard footsteps, and strange noises, and came to investigate, to protect the members of your household, my Alpha."

My gaze remained sharp, my sword still drawn, as I studied the guard's face and movements. Searching for any hint of deception, any clue as to his intentions. 

The silence was shattered by the familiar sound, a low, gruff growl that seemed to echo through the walls, reverberating through the darkness like a scream in the night.

I and the guard exchanged a quick, panicked glance, our eyes wide with fear, as we whirled around, our swords were drawn, our movements frantic, desperate.

"What is that?" the guard whispered, his voice trembling, his face a mask of terror, as the sound seemed to grow louder, closer as if the very shadows had come alive, had turned against us.  

In the darkness, the sound grew, a whirlpool of clicks and growls, as if a horde of unseen, malevolent creatures had come for me, had come to claim my soul. 

My breath quickened, my heart thundering in my chest, as I and the guard circled each other, my swords held ready, my eyes darting, searching for any sign of movement, of attack.

"Stay alert," I growled, my voice low, dangerous, as I watched the shadows, my eyes fixed on the darkness that seemed to press in on me from all sides.

Suddenly, the darkness seemed to shift, to move, as if the shadows themselves were alive, were reaching for me, seeking to claim me as their own.

We moved together as a team, our swords flashing in the torchlight, I held off the unseen threat, my footsteps quick, my movements fluid, as I worked together with the guard, to defend against the shadows that seemed to grow, to expand, with each passing moment. 

As the shadows seemed to retreat, to withdraw, I and the guard found ourselves alone, standing in the flickering light of the torches. My swords held at the ready, my body tense as if waiting for an attack that never came.

My eyes narrowed, my expression a mask of confusion, as I turned to the guard, my gaze questioning, probing, as I tried to make sense of the situation, of the darkness that seemed to have come alive, only to vanish without a trace. 

The silence was deafening, a heavy, oppressive force that seemed to smother the air, to suffocate any hope of understanding, of explanation.

I stood still, my sword lowered, my eyes searching the shadows, the flickering light, for any hint of danger, of the unseen threat that had only moments ago seemed so real, so close.

"What was that?" the guard whispered, his voice hoarse, his face pale with fear, as if the very walls, the very stones, had conspired against them, had become their enemy.

The silence persisted, a suffocating shroud that hung over me like a specter as we moved, searching the hallway.  

My sword still held at the ready, my footsteps echoing in the darkness, and my nerves frayed.  

"There must be an explanation," I said, my voice low, determined, as I peered into the shadows, my eyes scanning the darkness, my mind racing with possibilities. 

I dismissed the guard with a sharp nod of my head, my gaze fixed, unwavering, as I spoke in a low, commanding voice, my words a blade that cut through the darkness, through the uncertainty.

"Secure the hallway," I ordered him, my gaze never leaving the guard's face, my expression stern, uncompromising.

 "And raise an alarm at the first sign of anything untoward, anything that does not belong," I added.  

The guard saluted, his movements crisp, precise, as he turned and ran, his footsteps echoing through the darkness like a warning, a cry of alarm, in the stillness of the night.

I watched, my gaze a cold, unyielding sentinel, making sure he left my sight.  

I turned and began to move through the darkness, the shadows whispering my name, my footsteps echoing in the silence. 

The darkness seemed to shift, to move, like a living thing, a predator stalking its prey, as I felt the shadows draw closer, the silence growing thicker, more ominous, with each step he took.

I stopped, my breath held in my chest, as I listened, my senses straining for any sound, any movement, that might betray the presence of the unseen threat that seemed to follow me, to haunt my footsteps.

"Is this real?" I whispered, my voice a murmur, as I whirled around, my sword flashing in the flickering light, my heart thundering in my chest. 

My breath came in short, sharp gasps, my heart pounding like a drum, as I moved through the darkness, my steps cautious, careful, as if each step might lead me to the waiting jaws of a predator.

My sword was a beacon, a symbol of my power, of my resolve, as I glanced around me, my gaze searching for any sign of danger, any hint of the shadow that seemed to stalk my movements, my footsteps. 

The silence seemed to stretch on, an eternity of darkness and uncertainty, as I  moved deeper into the shadows, my steps growing slower, more deliberate, as I tried to control my fear, my instinctual terror.

"This is all in my mind," I concluded, saying it out loud to myself, my voice a whisper, a plea for reason, as I forced myself to breathe, to calm my racing thoughts. I tried to dispel the fear that seemed to cling to me like a shroud, a cloak of dread. 

I stopped, my breath held in my lungs, my heart racing like a bird caught in a cage, as I sniffed the air, my eyes narrowed, my gaze searching the shadows as if I could see the unseen threat that had accompanied me thus far.

The scent was a strange one, acrid and metallic, with a tinge of something dangerous, that made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end as if I were facing an unknown monster that lurked just beyond the reach of my senses.

I felt the hand of the unknown clasp around me, its grip strong, unyielding, as I struggled, my muscles straining against the unseen force that held me in place as if I were caught in the grasp of a giant.

I twisted, my sword flashing in the darkness, as I tried to free myself from the iron grip of the unknown, my breath coming in ragged gasps, my thoughts racing, as the scent grew stronger, more intense, like a predator marking its territory, claiming me as its own. 

My lungs burned, my vision fading, as the force around me tightened, like a serpent coiling around its prey, its grip relentless, inexorable, as I fought, my body twisting, writhing, in the darkness.

My sword clattered to the ground, my strength fading, as I gasped for breath, my eyes rolling in their sockets, as the world around me grew dim, as the scent of the unknown filled my nostrils. It smells like a taunt, a challenge as if it were laughing at my feeble attempts to escape. 

My voice was a whisper in my throat, a scream that would not take form, as I choked, my body trembling, my eyes wild, as I struggled against the grip that held me, the force that seemed to drain me of my life, my energy.

The darkness grew thicker, more oppressive, as the scent of the unknown became a fog, a cloud that choked the air from his lungs, as I tried, desperately, to gasp for air, my body growing weaker, more feeble as if I were being drained of my very life essence.  

In the silence of the night, My struggle seemed to last an eternity, as my body convulsed. My limbs quivered, as I fought, with the last of my strength, against the grip that held me, against the force that seemed to devour my very soul.