
The 7th King

The King's organization, one of the most powerful entities of this universe, with higher than thousands of galaxies and billions of warriors under its command. The person who can control this behemoth, the next inheritor of King's organization, who will be crowned as the 7th King, just decimated an entire civilization and went into hiding. While the entire universe is seeking for him, he is on his course to carry a quiet life on an "uncivilized" planet at the rim of the universe called Earth, his home. But nothing progresses according to one's plans. This is the story of Paul. Whose only mottos are "I want to live a Carefree life," and "All will be fine until you provoke me" But there are a lot of "Coincidences" in this universe which forces him never to realize his mere dream to be a normal person. ********* If you are looking for an MC where he goes from weak to strong, this is not for you. Here the MC is Super OP from the beginning******** * There may be some grammatical errors. I'll update it soon. Thank you*

kpthe1 · ไซไฟ
22 Chs


52 million light-years away from Earth.

After the incident, Leo got a short message from Paul.

'Pack your bags, I'm taking you somewhere interesting'

As an adventure addict Leonard hooked by the last words "somewhere interesting" he packed his luggage which is technically just shoving items into a storage ring and got picked up by Paul near his home in a brand new X-369 spaceship.

It is technically a small corvette rather than a spaceship because a general spaceship has a haul of more than 1kilometer long. X-369 whole body is less than 150 meters long and 70 meters wide.

Anyway Leo 'gasped' looking at this expensive ultra-expensive spaceship which is not yet released into market but this moment lasted for a second because if it's others who had this ship, he would definently felt a shock but knowing that it is Paul, the future 7th king and heir of a gigantic universal organization it seems fair. Because who won't like to make friends with this guy by gifting a new model spaceship.

It's been 2 months since the started this journey. Other than stopping at some minor planets for refilling the supplies they never left the ship and throughout the whole journey they either cultivating their respective combat techniques or fight in virtual space.

Because of X-369's personal high-grade FTL drive, they can jump from any space node to other which basically made them never stop at any other teleportation stations or got attacked by space pirates. Being a combat maniac, Leo felt frustrated with this situation.

"Dude, we are far away from the center of the universe can you at least tell me now where are we going?", seeing that they are traveling towards the outer edge of the universe Leo asked Paul about their destination.

This is not the first time Leo asked Paul about the place they are going. He had asked more than a thousand times but all he got was a nonchalant "later".

Looking at the barren and backward galaxies in front, he can't stop wondering about that interesting place which he doesn't even have a little bit of clue. He got restricted from using a virtual network, so he can't even get any details relating to any nearby galaxies.

At last, running out of patience "Paul, you know me from the past five years. we went through so many battles we can call ourselves blood brothers. So brother Paul, for the last time I'm asking you, Tell me where the fuck are you taking me" exploded Leo.

"Dude, chillax. I'll tell you okay. I understand your frustration", replied Paul.

Understanding frustration my ass, thought Leo but didn't expressed it but said "THANK.YOU".

Paul gave a scoff and continued, "The place we are going is classified as top secret in our organization. It is only known to Me, Old First, and old man Armstrong."

"My dad knows about it too"

"Well, I need someone to inform master about my departure. If I told him personally he will do everything to stop me going. So I messaged old man Armstrong that I'm going into hiding and taking you with me. But even he doesn't know any specifics. Answered Paul.

"Wow, no one knows about this place and you are taking me there. I can't imagine how great this will be. Damn, you are really my brother". Exclaimed Leo excitedly. He will be the first person in the whole organization to reach this place other than this super-strong master-student duo."So tell me about this amazing secret place". asked excited Leo.

"It is not such amazing as you think. But it is a peaceful place compared to our war and constant conflict-filled center galaxies", said Paul.

"Oh.... but how do you know all this. why does it feel like you spent a long time at this place?" asked Leo

"Haven't I told you about this?"

"It's my Home Planet".

Sorry for any grammatical errors. I'll try my best to make less errors.

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