

There are seven absolute rules that must be followed : 1. All candidates are numbered, candidates are not allowed to reveal there real names to others. Failure to follow through with this rule will result in execution 2. Escape is futile. Failure to follow through with this rule will result in execution 3. Rebellion is futile. Failure to follow through with this rule will result in execution. 4. Teamwork is encouraged but not compulsory. 5. Killing of teammates is allowed and also encouraged 6. To win you must kill 7. SURVIVE Failure to follow these rules will be your downfall. ----------‐------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________ Earth 2125: the planet has gone to shit. The United nations that were supposed to act for the good of all life on earth has instead destroyed it . And now they've created a game . A trial of sorts . Tagged,chipped and herded up together ,The people of earth are basically cattle to fuel there sick game. Maestro is one of them but unlike the rest , HE'S DETERMINED NOT TO BE BUTCHERED . Lucky for him he's got Syryn - his "other" half and to kill those bastards higher up ,he'll do anything. -------------------------------- Additional tags cause for some reason webnovel isn't allowing me to add them on the tags part: psychological, dark fantasy, cruelcharacters, ruthlessmc, dystopian, romanticsubplot

Em_Ti · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

warning before you read this book.

Ok so how do I start this...

so basically let me just give you a head up and a lowdown of what to expect before you read this book...

Numero uno~

First and foremost this book is going to be dark. I mean really, really, really dark. Their are probably going to be times when you question why you're reading such a dark and twisted book. Bloody hell , I'm already questioning why I'm writing this sort of book. SO JUST KNOW WE'RE GOING TO SELF-DOUBT TOGETHER.😥

Numero dos~

The main character(s) of my book ( Maestro/Syryn) is basically a few steps away from being a complete and utter sociopath or at least one of them is... I'll let you find out and decide who you think out of the 2 is the sociopath. Also a headsup , you can pretty much guess what I'm going to warn you about next but here it is anyway. The MC(s) is going to be really twisted and dark .

Yet again I'm questioning why I'm going to write this but oh well .

Number 3( yh I've given up on Spanish, just leave it)~

There will be a flashback or stage in the book where the MC gets r*ped . I'm already sorry .I really truly am . Gosh it seems like I'm sick .

Number 4 ~

There will be romance but it's more of a subplot as well as it being slowromance so don't expect to jump in and 20 chapters in The MC gets with the FL . (BY THE WAY I WAS SO TEMPTED TO BAKE THIS A BL BUT I DECIDED IN THE END NOT TOO, SO SORRY ALL MY FUJOSHIS OUT THERE 🥺 * author in a small voice * " please forgive me ,I'm disappointed in myself too"

Number 5~

Almost forgot about this one. Ok so this warning is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. I should have had it higher up or as number 1 but I'm forgetful. Ok so basically the main character has DID (DISASSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDER) . I'm no expert in mental health but I wanted to write something different and with a unique MC and DID has always fascinated me . I'm not even a psychiatrist so please forgive me if I get something wrong , I'll try and make it as factually correct as possible. But if I make a mistake and you want to correct me then that's absolutely fine just please don't start bashing me about how wrong I am . I know I'm wrong anyway. I'm only 16 and studying law not even any biology or science 🥺.

Number 6~

I said this at the end of the last paragraph but I'll say it again . " I AM ONLY 16" "OK?" good I think you understand that now.


Arghhhh I'm so scared to start but whatever.

I've brought this on myself and so now I need to start . This is what I get for reading so many psychological themes books at my age . I suddenly decide "hey you know what this seems like a great day to embarrass myself" ...

Now that I've gotten all that of my chest ,without further ado... ladies and gentlemen I give you 'THE 7 ABSOLUTE RULES'