
The 5 Guardian heroes

Guys, This story is about Jackson and his friends how they teleport in a new world to protect from a Devil and his underlings. You will find great Action, Mystery and some sad stories in this story. I hope you will enjoy my story my story writing style is a bit different but it get better and better after every volume. My story is divided into 6 arcs which is 1) Benderlin Kingdom arc. 2) Mages Assassination arc. 3) The Third War of Apocalypse war arc. 4) Post war arc. 5) Zheo Kingdom arc. 6) Final arc. If you find any mistake in story please tell me so that i can improve and i am not from a native English country so there can be some grammatical mistakes Book Cover credit: Ananya Chauhan

32 Chs

The Result of training

All the heroes reached 'Coven Kingdom'

Jackson- let's go and kill the mage.

Lawrence- let's go.

Sophia- before searching the mage, let's split up, so that we can search him faster let's team up, me and Morris. And you three.

Morris- no, I will go alone.

All the heroes agree to go alone

Sophia- I will go in East, Morris you will go in north, Lawrence you will go in South, Cathreen you will go in West and Jackson you can go in any direction or you can team up.

Cathreen- you can come with me.

Jackson- no, I will go on my own.

All the heroes go into different direction to search the mage, Sophia was going in East direction she saw a giant castle, she was going into that castle an old man stop Sophia from going, Sophia ask from old man that "Why he stop her?" Old man told Sophia that this castle has the presence of devil, and the queen of this castle has gone lost many years ago, and after that this castle has been close for outsiders, Sophia told him that she is very curious to go inside that castle, that old man was an saint he tie a holy thread and told Sophia that she has to do it faster. She go inside the castle that old man told Sophia that 30 to 40 years ago there was the rule of 'Valestine' family in this kingdom, but after a war the youngest daughter of Valestine family got disappear and this kingdom is the Territory of a devil name 'Zagred' I think that devil has done something to the Valestine family. Sophia ask "Did you know anything about the war that you are talking about" old man reply "I am very old and my memory has started to lose so I didn't know about the war" Sophia and that old man was talking for 4 hours.

Scene change.

Jackson- where is the mage, I am tired.

A man behind Jackson appear and say 'you are searching me right'.

Jackson- you are here mage.

Keith- yeah, I am the 9th mage Keith and I will kill you.

Jackson- let's see who will kill whom.

Keith- Phoenix form activate.

Keith transform into a Phoenix and attack Jackson from sky.

Keith- Take it, Flame breath.

Jackson- that will not work, attack absorption; attack release.

Keith- he absorb and release the fire on me.

Keith again try flame breath but Jackson again absorb and release the fire towards Keith.

Due to the fight all the people in the kingdom, are all running here and there in hurry. The heroes has know that a mage is fighting with a hero so all the heroes rush to meet other heroes. Sophia has left the castle and start running, Morris climb on a high tower he saw that Jackson is fighting with Keith, by seeing that Morris come down from the tower and go towards Jackson.

Morris- fire slash.

Keith dodge Morris attack.

Morris- are you okay, Jackson.

Jackson- yeah, I am okay, where are other heroes.

All the other Heroes has came to help Jackson.

Lawrence- there you are mage.

Jackson- be careful guys he is the 9th mage Keith, he has Phoenix powers.

Keith- all heroes are here, fire ball carnival.

Many fire balls go towards the heroes

Jackson- attack absorption, attack release.

Lawrence- Jackson your shield is pretty useful.

Morris- let's go heroes let's end his story

All the heroes attack Keith.

Sophia- 36 dram water wave.

(A huge water wave come with the with the power of 36 dram)

Keith- to defend this I have to go to sky at full speed.

Cathreen- heavens judgement.

Cathreen throw one arrow to sky and the arrow become many arrows and land to Keith. Many arrows stuck to Keith and Keith remove all the arrows.

Keith- let's show them something interesting, Phoenix mode activate.

when he active the Phoenix mode his wounds start healing all the heroes got shocked by this.

Cathreen- what, the wounds from the arrow that stuck to him are all healed.

Sophia- it means he can heal the wounds when he is in his Phoenix form. To defeat him we have to attack him in his human form we have to do only one attack by which he can die on the spot. I will use my water attacks you guys stay here, 72 dram water wave, water bombs.

Keith dodge all the attacks

Jackson- we have to help her.

Morris- we can't because our attacks will not work against him only Sophia attack will work on him.

Cathreen- listen, Jackson and I can help Sophia because Jackson can black the attacks and I will shoot the arrows in great speed that his flames will be extinguish.

Keith- she is doing water attacks, I have to do something, Flame fethers throw.

Fether in flame go towards Sophia.

Cathreen- wind gust arrows.

High pressure wind in the shape of arrow hit flame feathers after that Sophia use 'water bombs' towards Keith but he make a big wall of fire to block the attack, but he know that fire wall cannot protect him do he fly upwards in the sky. Sophia use 'waterfall thrust' and extinguish the fire wall, she got confused because she cannot see Keith, Keith attack from above with 'Fire beak drill' (in which his beak was in fire and was rotating) Morris throw his axe towards Keith, but that didn't affect him. Keith attack hit Sophia and her hand got burned and she fall on ground Keith fly in the sky.

Sophia- I will not be defeated here .

Cathreen tries to help Sophia but she stop her by saying "It is my fight stay out of this". Keith use flame feather throw towards Sophia, she use Water bombs, water bombs clash with flame feathers. Keith again use "Fire beak drill" towards Sophia, she use "108 dram water wave" both attack clash and Keith was fully wet in water and he fall on ground. Keith tries to transform into Phoenix form but his whole body was wet and he cannot transform into his Phoenix form, Sophia use 'Waterfall Thrust' and stab the spear into Keith stomach and he die on the spot.