
Chapters 5 Upgrade part 2

Peter was now sure about this area. There is no one here, so he calmly see group of guys surrounding him. He was smiling and wait it, for them to attack first.

Kevin " Flash, let's stop this now before..."

Flash " Don't worry, he just one person, there is no one around at this time and place."

Kevin " I don't know about this, he looks calmly. We should just leave him alone, before someone sees us."

Flash " You worry to much... 😆"

Flash walks to Pete with his grew with a pipe holding around his hand. He starring at Pete with murder intents, he didn't know who is this person. He looks very familiar, he seen him before but he doesn't know where.

Flash " So I'll tell you one time, never come around this neighborhood again."

Peter " Do you own this street or something, I don't see your name on it. You should go back in your car, and drive back to your mom(grind)."

Kevin " Hey man, you should leave his mom out of this"


Flash jumps in and hit him with pipe, Pete move an avoid it. Flash was loosing it, he didn't care anymore. He started to attack him full force, but Peter was able to see his slow moments.

Peter wasn't sweating or tired he was just bored. He saw all flash hits and dodged it with calming face. Flash grew jumps in and help him, but Pete was already in front of them and knocked them with many fist attacks.


John " what's going on(frightening)"

Kevin " He faught all of our men by himself "

Frank " Did we mess with some gang members"

Kevin " Shit!. This is why told him not to do anything stupid."

Frank " Should we apologize then, and tell him it's just misunderstanding (Scare)"


Flash still got up and ran towards Peter trying to fight him. Peter just dodged his left hook and gave him upper gut to his chin. Flash was now knocked out cold, but Peter then started to attack everyone.

Blood was everywhere, he was still punching some dude that lost consciousness. You can see some blood on his hand and over clothes. Peter didn't hold back at all, he ready to end it there and now.

Kevin " Hey, you should stop that before I shoot you."

Frank " Bro, where did you get a gun from?"

Kevin " I took it from my dad, he doesn't know it yet but he is a police officer."

Frank " shit!. We are so much in trouble (sweating)"

Peter just stare at him with glowing eyes and, casually walk over to them. He eyes was fill with murders intents. He stood there and wait for them, but the two boys wasn't moving there were to scared to move.

Kevin " Stay right were you are. Don't move... Just stay there(shivers)"

Peter " Wow... Your father is gonna be disappointed when he found out that his son took his gun(evil smile). What would happen if his son shot an innocent person, what would your dad do. Would he get blame for it, mmm.... I don't think so"

Frank " Kevin, put the gun down."


Frank " Kevin!. Put the gun down "

Peter " You should listen to him big boy before you make self in a lot of trouble."

Kevin put his gun down slowly, he was breathing so hard. He didn't know what he was thinking, he could end up in prison because of this. His parents will be sad as well, how hard they help me make this far.

Peter " You should go back home and fuck off, don't let me see you again"

Peter walks back to his car drive all the way home. Leaving the two scary cats. Kevin told Frank too get the boys in the car. Kevin got flash body took him back in his car.



Michael " Look who is back, why are so late"

Peter " I was hanging out with some friends"

Issei " Did you, you know "

Issei show his fingers 👉👌 to Peter, but Peter just ignored him. Issei was 🤣 at Pete, the guys was at "huh" for what Pete did last night. Michael was also amazed what Pete did, but Pete said " I didn't do it, so stop imagine it"

The guys was sighed. They thought that Pete finally lost his virginity.

Michael " What a waste"

Patrick " Let's leave him alone"

Peter went up stairs and lock his door. Peter was looking at reflection in his bathroom mirror. His eyes was changing colors from red to blue, he started to use ability and accidentally broke the mirror.

Peter didn't show any expression at all, for what he did. He then stared at broken mirror on the ground then, suddenly the broken pieces returned back to the mirror. Like it never been broken, felt like he reversed time backwards.

Peter was still wasn't amazed by what he just did. So he ask his system to show status now, the system then show him status screen. He was still not satisfied with his power, he was ready to test something new.








SKILL: Martial arts 9%, Boxing 0%, hand to hand combat 10%, telekinesis 10%, Bloodlust 8%


Peter said "system why is there a imagine nations percentage on my screen?"


[ Well, it shows how good you at controlling it. Did you remember yesterday for what you did]

Flash Back....

Peter now remember back then at MJ place. He did imagine getting good clothes and shoes. Peter now understands how it works, he just needs to practice some more in order to control it.

Flash Back ends.....

Peter " System can you add x-ray vision?"



Downloading now...

[ 10%.....46..69...100%]

Downloading complete....








ABILITY: X-Ray vision 0%

SKILL: Martial arts 9%, Boxing 0%, hand to hand combat 10%, telekinesis 10%, Bloodlust 8%


Peter " Sweet, now let me test it now"

Peter close his eyes and concentrate. He then open his eyes and saw through the wall, he then look down stare were Patrick and boys. He was still testing out how good he can see, but issei then suddenly look back at Peter with his murders intents.

Peter then fell backwards on butt, while sweating.

Michael " Issei, where are looking at bro"

Issei " Nothing, I just felt someone was watching me for moment. It's probably nothing, let's just continue for what you were saying."

Michael "sure"

Peter was getting up on his knees, he didn't know that issei has a good observation. Peter then look out widow, he started to use his x-ray vision again to see his surroundings. He zoom in little bit further about 5 miles, he able to see woman in the bathroom.

She was wearing a towel around her body, he continues to see another neighbor house. What he saw next was two couples having sex. Peter then look away stop his x ray vision.

Peter " Aww!... I will never see that again. System can you add something that can help me how to fly."






Peter then flew outside the window, towards the city. While the boys are down stairs talking about what they did. Issei was show his last weed, he give it to Patrick saying " Here,you can have my last weed bro"

Patrick replied back " Thanks man". Issei " It's all good man" issei than went upstairs to check Pete if he alright.

Issei use his ability to unlock his door, when he got in. He wasn't here, issei then use ability to last 5 minute for what happened here. Issei then saw where he is heading, he then walked back downstairs.

Issei " Heys guys, I'm going out don't wait up"

Mike " Alright"

Patrick " achhech(Coughing)!. This weed is good, try some mike"



In the city

Peter flew around the building, he went on top some random buildings to get a good view. He saw beautiful it is, he just amazed how it looks from the top of the building. Peter was gonna fly to another place but, he heard alarm off coming from the chase bank.

Couple of bank robbers were grabbing moneys. They were holding a gun as well, they were pointing at the hostages. Pete then use his x ray to look closely at them, he couldn't hear them so concentrate again.

" Hurry up man we got to go!"

He then heard what they were saying. Peter was see them and heard there conversation. Peter waiting for right moment to see what would they do.

Random person 1

"Hey man!, we need to hurry up the cops should be on there way here. So, stop taking your sweet ass time."

Random person 2

" Shut the fuck up"

Random person 1

" What you say bitch!, say that shit again than I'll shoot you."

Random person 3

" Calm down Michael, we don't want anyone to get hurt. You there, Kwan don't say anything back to Michael. Do you hear me Kwan."

Kwan " Laud and clear Andrew"

Andrew " Good. Now let's hurry up and tell the boys the cops is on there way here."

Kwan " Yes sir"

Andrew " Michael,watch the hostages don't shoot them yet"

Michael " Okay"

Kwan then head towards the the groups. Kwan said " Hey, hurry up and grabbed everything we are leaving now." The groups grabbed the last bag, they then went outside with the money. Michael saw them, he gave Andrew the signal. Andrew responded to that, he then told everyone to duck and throw smoke grenade, telling everyone to not move or they shoot.

Everyone was now under the ground, they did not want to die, Michael and Andrew ran inside the car. Michael told them to go, Kwan then drove out of here. They were checking if see anyone behind them but, no one was there.

Andrew " Yes baby, we are now rich people."

Michael " Don't celebrate yet, we still need to

get out here first"

Kwan " Light up bro, we made it so chill out"

Michael " I will. until we are in a clear and out of here"

Kwan "Sighed!"

Andrew " Hey relax man, we are safe now we don't have to worry anymore."

Michael " your right, my bad bro and sorry Kwan I didn't mean what I said "

Kwan " Apologies accepted "

Andrew " let's get back at headquarters"

The 6 guys were laughing at each other. While Peter flew in sky following were they going, he made sure to not get got. He then heard there conversation saying going to headquarters.



Next chapter:

Robbers hideout