


Danny " Sir, we got the report about Michael and Andrew."

"What did they say"

Danny " they said it was successful "

" Good, tell our men to prepare for there welcome"

Danny " Yes sir(shiver)"

The man standing next to the glass window, Wearing no shirt on with his hand inside his pocket while smile. He was 6'3 tall and 280 weights has a samoa designs tattoos on chest and, both shoulders. He also as 684 on his right chest, he was staring at outside the building .

Time: 6:40 pm

Kwan " We are here guys"

Michael " are we in the right place"

Andrew " Yes, this is the address that they sent to me"

Random person 4

" Hey man, why did they sent us here at this area "

Random 5

" Just shup up and look around for

anyone "

Random person 6 "This better be good "

"Sorry to bother you people"

The groups then saw the person who was talking. He was wearing a clean gold hoodie with diamond necklace, he was 6'1 tall and has yellow dragon on his hoodie. He the face Asian with clean fade.

Random person 5 " And who the fuck are you"

" My name is Drake and I'm here to pick the money up"

Random person 5

" Sorry miscommunication, it's sounds like your saying that you are here for our money(laughing)

Random person 4

" Ahah(laughing)... Yeah!, can you repeat that again"

Drake " I said(annoyed).."

Random person 4

" Wait let me download my translator app, so that I can understand what you saying in English..ahah(laugh)

Random person 5

" Ahhhhh!(laughing)"

Drake " Shut the fuck up!, you racist ass bitch."

Drake then pull out his gun and grew came out the dark surrounding them. Michael then pull out 2 guns while his pull out theirs. Kwan immediately told them to shut up and pull back.

Andrew " this chill the fuck out"

Drake " oh!. Now you wanna talk, fine but don't ever disrespect me again you fucken Chinese look at ass bitch"

Random person 4

"Who's the racist now!"

Kwan said " Shut up!, let me talk"

Kwan then grab the bags and Walk slowly towards them. Andrew was scanning the area while Michael was focused on Kwan. The other 3 was watching each other back.

Kwan " Sorry for what said, I'm here now"

Drake " Do you have it"

Kwan "yes, but do you have what we want?"

Drake " following me to the ship"

Michael " hold up for minutes"

Michael then walk straight towards them but, Drake groups got in his way. He was gonna guard the place. He wasn't gonna let anyone in without Drake permission.

" Hey man, go back and stay back"

Michael " Move"

Random person " Or what!"

Michael " Or I'll move you"

Michael didn't back down just because some side characters thinks he is all that. He was gonna fuck him now but, Drake give him the signal to let him in. The body guard move away and let him pass.

Drake " You must be the leader, let me guess, Michael I presume "

Michael said back " Yes, we are supposed to get the packages and go. That was our deal to the big man, we didn't know we have to wait."

Drake " Sorry, we have to make sure is the real thing "

Michael " I been making deals with you people since day one. I make sure you get your money every single one, so don't fuck me"

Drake " We know that,but again we have to make sure this time. We have found someone has been given our info and our data. So, we have to make we have every single penny so relax."

Kwan " Bro hold back, we should just let them count and then we leave "

Michael " Fine. I'm coming with you"

Drake " Are you brothers "

Kwan " Cousin "

Drake " I can tell that by looking at both of you, this one looks like Mexican "

Michael " Fuck you, I'm American"

Drake" Sure you are, and you look like Korean "

Kwan " Look who's talking Chinese boy"

Drake" okay, following me then"

The three people went ahead in this. While, the four guys wait for them but Andrew still looked around for more surprises. He wasn't sure if he can trust this people looking at them.

Andrew " Guys keep your guard up, don't let them think that we are slacking off."

Random person 4

" Sure thing "

While the guys were having conversations, somewhere around the area a shadow figure show. It flew right on top of the container, Pete saw that that there were 40 guys outside and 25 people inside the ship. He can see hear there conversation inside the ship, he was thinking of what he should do.

He then started to imagine halo reach alian elites rocket luncher. He knew this will gonna make a big noise, so he imagine and another one and use alien sniper from halo 4 the runners. Michael then wait it for what's gonna happen.

2 hours and 45 minutes....

Michael " Well..."

Drake " Sorry for the wait, Kyle would you kindly hand over the packages to them please."

Kyle " Yes sir"

Kyle then and grabbed the case and hand over to the cousin. Kwan immediately check the inside, Michael went a check it and told Kwan if is all there. Kwan didn't say nothing he just told them hand over the rest of it.

Drake " Chill out...this chips are still new but, they have use. Let show you another thing we be working on, Kyle show this gentleman the case pls."

Kyle " yes sir( worries)"

Kwan " And what is that"

Drake " This is what you call project Tsuki no Me. This fluid is one our best thing yet. Just inject in your body, and it will give you good night sleep"

Kwan " bruh!, you watch to many Naruto movie."

Michael " Let's just said this then, what would happen if you inject this in me what would happen."

Drake" Simple. You will go through tremendous transformation, he will fill like you are floating. Fighting your inner demon while facing your nightmares."

Michael " then what(interesting)"

Drake " once you face your nightmares and demons, your body will change. 5% of your mind and body will transform into imaginable state."

Michael " How would you know "

Drake didn't say nothing, he then got up and show them his gun pointing towards his head. The two didn't know why he pointed a gun to his head. Drake continue to pull trigger, but the next thing they saw was Drake holding the bullet with his two fingers .

Drake " So tell me, are you interested buying this(grind)."

Michael " How much is it?"

Drake " Actually, we what you to sell them on the street."

Michael " Deal, so when can I get one "

Kwan " Wait, we shouldn't"

Michael " why not"

Kwan " Think about it, if we sell this in the street. It's gonna cause all lot of people dieing."

Michael " People die all the time"

Drake " Well, do we have deal"

Michael "Deal"

Drake " Good, tell them to bring the rest of it."

Kyle " Sir!, no one responded back"

Drake " Well, tell him to hurry up"

Kyle " Right away sir"

Kyle then immediately went outside to check the grew. Kyle went on the other side of ship,but there was still no one. Is completely empty, Kyle then notices something on ground. Kyle bend down on his knee and touch some burn ashes on the floor.

Kyle " What is this"

Suddenly. someone shot him from the behind and his body disintegrated living only his ash on the floor. Peter already took care of everyone in ship except the outside and inside, there are now only 3 people left inside. Peter was checking the container that was open, he went in and try to look what's inside.

Peter " What's this, system can scan this thing I'm holding "


[Checking.....33%..78%...100%..complete... ]

[It's some kind of drug that help human revolution. The side of effect is heavily bad, once human injected in there system 65% human mind might go insane. But there strength will increase, the probability of their mind will probably be low.]

Peter " how can I take this all out of here"


[Would you to put them in storage?]

Peter " Huh!....yess(confused)"


[Here you go 1 storage]

Peter was just standing still, the system sent him small square box. He didn't know how to use it but the small box started glowing bright lights absorbing everything in the container. Peter was fascinated with this new box, he then he went back.


Michael " What's keeping them that long "

Drake " Don't worry, he'll be back soon, you just need to be little bit patients "

Michael "sighed!"

Drake was calm but also worried, Kyle usually reports back. He felt something was off, he told the guys to follow him just incase. Drake wasn't sure if something happened inside our ship.

Drake " please follow me"

Michael " Alright!"

Drake show them were the good stuff at, but when they got there it was already gone. Drake immediately check every single thing, there are nothing in here. Drake was now mad, he then pointed a gun at Michael & Kwan.

Drake " What fuck did you guys did"

Kwan & Michael also pointed there at drake getting ready to shoot. They were confused why did drake point his gun towards them, but Michael assume the thing in the container was empty. He then told drake the truth.

Michael " Drake!, I know what you thinking it's not us."

Drake " Who did it then, Mmm!... I'm assuming fairy's did this. Look here man, do not fuck with me, I'm only gonna ask you this... where....is it!?"

Michael " We....don't know "


Michael & drake, kwan heard someone on top of the container. They immediately pointed their guns towards the stranger, wearing oni mask.

Drake " And who might your friend be"

Michael " I don't know him"

Kwan " Who are you"


Drake " Alright ghost(sarcasm), did you take my Tsuki no Me. "


Drake " Told you.... it's a good name(happy)"

Michael " Well, are gonna tell us where you hide it?"


Michael " We will shoot you "



3 of them shoot him but, the guy didn't move or flinch at all. He just sat there on top and let them shoot him, he wasn't worried at all. The mask guy just wait for them to ran out bullets.


Drake " What the fuck!(scare), we shot him but he didn't die did we miss?"

Michael " No, it's more like it went through him(frighten)"

Drake " Fuck!, did we just witness a real ghost "


Ghost was showing his blue eyes towards the 3 groups. There completely afraid what he did, the bullet when straight through body.

Ghost was showing them how menace he can be without moving.

