

Everyone woke up like they have the crazy dreams. Peter was acting weird he did not know why he so different, Michael was looking around the place checking everything. Issei was in his underwear while mike was cuddling with his blanket. Peter started feel something was holding him under his sheet. When he check to who it was, he start to scream cause everyone alert.

Pete " Who the fuck are you(surprised)!"

Random person " Well I don't know, when I woke up, I was here with you guys."

Issei " Really, then why do you look exactly like someone that we know."

Michael " Now you mention it, you do look familiar."

Pete" This can't be, you look just like my bother."

Random person " Really, well you look familiar too, you like my little bro. He was crying a lot, oh, I'm sorry, I never mentioned my name. Just call me Patrick parker but my family call Patrick.

Issei " No way, your alive."

Michael " Guys don't freak out, this probably a dream. "

Mike " Then tell me, why are we dreaming all the same thing."

Pete " Are you for real."

Patrick " Well I'm alive, aren't I?"

Peter " Yes, you are alive."

Everyone was thinking the same thing. Why is Patrick here, he died 6 years ago, now he is breathing in front of us. Michael told pete to grabbed everything and issei was high but he knew what to do, he ran grabbed the food, and drinks in the cooler put it in back of van. Peter got the equipment, mike got in the van start engine while Patrick hop in with them driving back home.


Michael " Why the fuck is he here!"

Essei " I don't know we can't just leave him there at the mountains."

Michael " We just bring a stranger in the house."

Patrick " I think you guys are wrong, this house belongs to my parents."

Mike " Actually, it belongs to peter parker parents. "

Patrick " Again, those are parents."

The group were arguing about Patrick while peter was in the bathroom looking at the mirror, Peter was shock what he saw, ran and he told the guys. Peter told them that he has 6 pack while Issei was joking with him " Then I'm retarded " Peter told he doesn't look like this. He look skinnier but now he looks buff while Michael also felt strange as well, but he doesn't know why. Mike however didn't pay attention he go outside while Patrick put his hand out suddenly a weird noise coming from his hands then it revealed a high tech in his right arm a weapon that never seen before. Patrick was freaking out, issei was screaming like saw a robot alien while Peter was also screaming with issei. Michael got up back off, Mike heard the noise came back and see Patrick arm.

Mike " What the actual fuck is happening."

Patrick " I don't know what happened."

Peter " Are you alien robot?"

Patrick " I don't fucken know, don't stand there and look, help me damn it!"

Peter " What you want me to do, cut it off!"

Patrick " Fuck no!, it's my arm you dimshit!

Call 911 or something. "

Michael " No don't, we can't do that let's figure this out our self."

Patrick " So what then you want me stay like this forever."

Peter " No, we want you to relax."


When Peter helping Patrick out try to calm him down, but what happened next was Peter body open showed all kind of machines parts. Everyone in room start to freak out even more, they can't believe what they are seeing. Peter body was open in front of them. The weird part was Michael right arm show a reaction towards Patrick.

Mike ask his brother if he is alright. The 5 group sat down and looked at each trying to solve what happened to them.

Michael " lets find out why am I like this."

Mike " Okay"

Peter " Let's start the beginning "

Patrick " Again, I told you, when I woke up, I was with you guys that all."

Issei " I was smoking weed, while drinking beers and play games."

Peter " Well, I remember about the shooting star then the crash and the voices."

Michael " That's it! That probably it, the campsite."

Issei " Yea. I also heard the voices, but I didn't understand it, I thought it was dream to be honest."

Patrick " No. I remember hanging out with peter in the back of the car, when mom went in to get grocery, then a gun shot was fired the thing I remember was peter holding onto me when was bleeding out."

Peter " that time I lost you but now you are here in front of us. I'm not going to lose a second time."

Patrick " Yeah, you won't because I'm staying for good."

Michael " Now what show we do about our situation. "

Issei " It's not like we ask god for help or anything."










Issei " what the fuck was that!"

Peter" Who said that?"

Michael " I think it's coming inside our head."

Mike " This is like a witch craft shit!"


RELOADING 30%...45%.....

Peter " I think it reloading "

Michael " You think!(sarcasm)"







Michael " Oh..... yea..."

[ May I help you Michael]

Michael " You know me?"

[Yes, you are Michael born in 1976, September 18]

Issei " Holy molly. Mother of god, this is shit is real!"


[ Yes. I'm real,also god doesn't exist in this universe yet.]

Mike " But do they exist though?"


[Yes, they do exist but not in this universe ]

Peter " What is going on with us."


[You been reborn as in artificial humanoid. The creator made you inhuman. You are no longer a human, you can change yourself into anything you imagine.]

Issei " Really, so can I fly then?"

System [yes]

Issei " Cool, I'm gonna try it now."

Michael " wait, what else can we do. Can we still eat and drink. "

System [Yes and no. You can eat as any normal human, but you can choose not too. Since your body doesn't required food or dinnks, you can live without food since you need the sunlight to recharge.]

Michael " I can still feel pain "

System [ Yes. You can still feel pain, if you want too.]

Mike " Peter does this hurt"


Mike punch Peter on shoulders, but Peter feel little bit of pain.

Peter " that hurts a little "

Patrick " Can I destroy a planet?"


[ Yes, you can. Since you can survive in the outer space, and recharge your energy from the sun.]

Everyone was shocked what they can do. Peter was now smiling, he doesn't need to worry about bullying anymore. Issei was thinking if he wants to rob the chase bank, Mike wants to test his ability.

Michael " can we still be human "


[Yes. You can be a human again, just give me 1 hour 30 minutes 24 seconds to reverse you again. ]

Mike " We can be human?"


[ yes, if want to be a human you can, but if you decide to return as artificial humanoid you can, as long as you want.]

Issei " fuck it!, let go right now test it."

5 guys went on a trip, took them 5 hours drive on the way in middle of nowhere. The 5 took turns starting with Peter.

Peter " I'll go first, since I didn't volunteer to go."

Peter put out his hand said random words. He was embarrassed. Issei was making fun of him " Hey!, do the pose from the ginyu force." Peter was fed up with him, Michael was holding his laughter back while everyone was giggling.

Issei " Raaaccoooooonnn!...."

Issei was doing the racoon pose from dragon ball z. Everyone was laughed even Peter he was laughing. Michael came next he didn't know what he was doing, he just stand there looking up to the sky. While waiting for 5 minutes he started to float in mid air.

Michael " hhhhaaa!(Screaming) this awesome. What now, someone help me."

Issei " Holy shit!, you did it!"

Mike" O.M.G"

Patrick " Guys stop spacing out, help him he is in the air. "

Patrick was panicking, his body started to change, his skin turn blue. He whole body turned into suit of armor. Michael saw that his body also turned into armor instantly, but it was different then Patrick suit. His is like a knight armor. Issei thinking about future what would happen, then a vision came to him.

Issei saw the world was on fire he didn't know what happened. He also seen a meteor heading towards the earth, and than his vision was back.

Issei " What was that, everyone we need to leave now!"

Patrick " What now. Did something happen, are you okay man."

Michael " Calm down bro"

Michael and the boys try to calm issei down, since he freaking out. Mike told him everything is alright, Patrick got a soda while mike told him what happened.

Issei " I saw world on fire and there huge meteor heading towards us."

Mike " Issei no more smoking weed "

Issei " I'm serious! I saw a fucken meteor coming down to earth"

Michael " That it! No more drugs, I'm going to dump everything out."

Peter " I'll grab some medicine in the back."

Issei " I'm being real here, stop this guys, system tell me if I'm wrong."



Issei" what!"

Patrick " For real?"



Michael " What! How and where and why?"


[This planet was supposed to be wipe out by the meteor 8 years later in futur in Washington dc. Since this world doesn't have much energy.]

Peter " How can we stop it"


[Simple, just destroy it. You have the ability wipe a single planet, all you need is a large energy.]

Alright like this. Michael was pointing at the rocks then suddenly everyone heard sound coming from the giant rock.


The giant rock was cut into two pieces. Michael was pointing both of his hand up like a gun. He starts shooting the rocks.


Every rocks was blown up into little pebbles. Michael started to imagine he has a machine gun, and blast everything in front of him.


Issei joins in with the imaginary lazer cannon from piccolo in dragon ball z in character.



The rocks behind got blow up. The mountains was now half, when mike saw this he told get in the car we leaving now.

Michael was now afraid of what issei did to that mountain. Peter was panicking in car.

Peter " What the fuck issei! You blow the fucken mountain!"

Patrick " I hope the government doesn't see that."

Peter " The satellite! Can we hack it?"



Peter " Show me now!"









Peter " This insane! I can see everything including China, UK, and America."

Michael " Just focus on the part about the mountain"

Peter " I got it."


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Peter " DONE!"

Michael " really, are you certain that you erase our location and us as well."

Peter " yes."

Michael " Shit! I hope so, we be in trouble"

Issei " Relax guys, we got this"

Peter " Get in the back now!"
