
Chapter 1 Crash landed

Michael was coming out of the school meeting with his brother and his friends. They were waiting for him at the parking lot, getting ready for the party.

Issei was already looking at the college women, while Peter told him to stop. Mike was looking at Monica, the most beautiful woman he had seen.

Issei " Look at those ass. She gotta be 9/10."

Peter, " your calculations is correct she is 9/10."

They were both stunned while watching those girls walking away in those tight jeans. Damn it, God of mistress is playing with our feelings.

Michael " Okay, that is enough. Let's go already."

Issei " Come on men!, look at that fat cheeks, you must be gay then.

Michael " Fuck You, besides she has boyfriend already, don't she have a boyfriend name johny."

Issei " Fuck him, he doesn't know how to treat women right, if I was him she probably wouldn't even think about cheating."

Peter " please, you are full 🧢 he can't last 5 minutes in bed with her."

Michael " hahaha...lol.. Emotional Damage!."

Issei " Fuk off, let's go I'm actually high right now."

Michael " Also Peter, did flash bullied you again?"

Peter " Ah....noooo....I don't think soo.."

Michael " Peter please, tell me if you are not alright, I'll make sure he doesn't bully you."

Issei " please, his dad is the president and he has connections to everything. If he wants to get rid of you, he probably hired some hitman to kill you."

Peter " You don't have to Michael, thanks for looking out for me. I'll manage on my own, besides we still going camping right?"

Mike " We are all going. "

Issei " I got drugs that I been saving up for this day...lol"

Michael " Really, I thought your mom took out all of it. Besides, she will literally kill you if she finds out you hid more."

Issei " My dad secret stash, I'm been hiding it for so long, my dad told me not to let mom find out."

Four of them were laughing while heading home, getting ready for the trip, while there at it, Peter was already brushing his teeth while his mom cooking meatloaf for dinner. Getting for tomorrow, Friday, is the weekend.


Michael was ready for lunch, the bell rang. He started to walk towards the cafeteria since it was gonna be packed. Everyone was rushed in the hall towards the break room, and the entire students were lining up getting the food. Peter already had his lunch on his plate, but someone pushed him on the floor. When Peter was about to look at the person who pushed him. He was not surprised at all. it's the bully that keeps coming at him.

Flash " Damn it, you look where you are going. Can't you see, oh that right you can't, because you got stupid classes on and you still can't see were you going.

David " Come on flash...lol... leave the dweep alone can't you see that he is a fucken weak."

Merry Jane " Come on guys, that is enough!."

Liz " This joke must stop, your hurting him."

Flash " I'm sorry Pete, here have some knuckle sandwiche."


Flash punch Peter in the gut made him fall again on his knees, while everyone was laughing at him called him weak ass nerd. Issei jumped in and helped him

Issei " Flash!, you are ass hole and a bitch. Pick someone on your own size."

Flash " Really, how about you then fuck boy, are here to help your mate."

Michael " Oh look, it's the fucken ass holes, how about this, you an me, right here right now."

Flash " Come on Michael not you too. Are you gonna protect this nerd."

Michael " Are you gonna grow up? Since you like to pick on the weak people, but you can't face me."

Flash " You not the shit anymore, I'm already better than you(grind). I got bitches, and more people."

When flash said those words, his teammates were standing up behind him getting to fight him. While everyone was backed off, Michael was laughing because he didn't care if he had more people. He already has issei on his side, and issei was already to clash with the football teams.

Colson " What's going on here? Why is everyone here. Flash, are you getting in trouble again? If you are, I'm going to have a talk with your parents."

Flash " Not really, I'm just having friendly conversations with my buddies."

Colson " Are you really having a conversation?"

David " Yes, coach! we are just helping our friends out."

Flash " Yeah, coach, I even made friends with them, and I have a date with Marry jane."

Football teams were laughing. They couldn't get enough of them. While Michael was getting frustrated over situations, Pete told Issei and Mike to leave. Michael was talking to Colson about what really happened.

Colson " Man!, I'm going to have talk with him, so don't worry.

Michael " Yeah, he is ass hole and bitch."

The four head out, issei was about to mob the floor with those guys, while michael was already trying to make a move, Mike was covering Pete since he got punched in the stomach.

Peter , come on, guys, it's Friday. Let's get going. Mike told him he was about to go home, grabbed his Xbox, and battery mean while Pete got his money for pack up, and issei grabbed his porn magazine. Michael got his equipment for the campfire. They all rush out and hop in van drive all the way mountains.

3 hours

Alright, let's get everything out and find some wood. Michael got it, Mike, as the lighter while Pete fixed the tents. issei got the drinks.

4 hours later


Everything was set up. The four bros were chilling eating hot dogs, burgers, and a stake with fish. Dinner was already good. The soda was cold, and they got coke, mountains dew and Sprite. They already have everything. Peter told the guys that he was thankful for everything for having his back. Issei just told him one day you'll fuck him up.

Mike " guys, come on. Let it go besides we are good friends don't let that jerk ruined our fun."

Michael " Thanks for everything you guys did, especially you, Pete, for being brave."

Issei " Hey guys, look at that it's shooting star. Let's make a wish."

Everyone was looking up while everyone is distracted issei was making a wish to become God. While Mike wants to be rich, and Michael wants to have powers. Peter could not know what he wants. He wants his family to have good health. But while everyone was thought Pete saw the star heading towards them at full speed.

Pete " Guys, I think that star coming at our direction."

Issei " No way you just probably imagine it."

Mike " Come on pete, let relax and have fun enjoyed the view."

Michael " Hey guys, don't talk while eating."

Peter " No it's coming towards us , let's move!"

Peter warned them, but they were to stubborn, but when they look up the sky a bright light was shine upon them like the sun, then suddenly a large sound caused the area to shake.








Pete heard everything but he couldn't understand them, he was badly injured while issei was bleeding out his arm was cut. His body was crushed while Michael body was crippled and left leg was cut off, but he still breathing while Mike lower half was gone be he was about to pass out, because a lot blood lost. Pete could not see anymore all heard was a sound from the light.

[Jwjsosps.sidoso,hhi dkdo dododidk dkdkd

Sososks dodo....dodoeowtwtwy wans....d8k3mzlmao8xew Hinduism.]


Alien 1

[ We need to fix them, it was your fault that you got us in.]


[My fault, it was you who turn our ship into this. We crashed here because someone for got the breaks.]

Alien 1

[ Let's fix them before the higher being finds out.]

Alien 2

[ If we do that, we are messing up with the timeline. We shouldn't get involved in the first place.]

Alien 1

[ Look here, if we don't then the Higher up will know, beside we make sure this planet does not show in system. As long this 4 doesn't die then the flow of time will go smoothly. They can changed whatever but as long the system works. It doesn't matter how many time they die.]

Alien 2

[ Fine let's hurry up then. I can't stand and breath in the same as them, this planet sucks. The energy here basically 15%

My pet can't get out of ship, but as long this lower species live we will never return to this universe.]

Alien 1

[Yea you are right, I'll make sure the system doesn't find out about this planet. I already confirmed it by Sectol in command he told me he'll put this planet off the map.]

Alien 2

[ Good, then drag this body back in the ship I'm going to work.]

The aliens were dragging the 4 bodys in there ship. There were experiments with the bodys and form they back, a laud sound that nobody can hear in the forest. The ship started to form a bright light again turning everything around into light then suddenly a crack in the air was shown. Ship started to a reshape its body in to a triangle then blast in the crack then disappeared like it was not there in first place.





" Flash, when are gonna teach that brat."

KEVIN " Yeah!, he talk down to us we should fuck him up."

Merry jane " Leave him alone guys, he just minding his business."

Liz " I hate when guys pick fight with Peter. "

Flash " They are just joking, don't mind him, besides, we gonna have a good time tonight. "

Monica " Can you please, turn down air conditioner it's cold in here."

Flash signal his boys to plan a strategy for game tomorrow. He also wants to fuck peter so bad, but he doesn't want his girl to know. Flash ready to go out with this bitches, and fuck them but my mom is coming back home in 3hrs. So he told his friends clean after themselves, so that his dad doesn't find out before he hit me with bat again.

Flash " I'll swear, I'll will fuck him up, just you wait Peter."

Eddy " Hey are you still hanging with rich boy?"

Flash " Who may I ask, that you are preferring too."

Merry jane " Oh! Yeah, what was his name again, harry was it."

Flash " oh yeah, he said that he doing business with his father. He doesn't see him more often because of work."

Monica " You call him, to hang out with us."

Flash knew what were they are thinking, they just wanna use his money, and looks but they don't know the darkseid of him. He already knows him way back, that fool always hangs out with Peter because he was smart. His father also like him, but when he see me, he ignores me like I don't exist. Peter knows all the rich people. Flash wasn't good in his class he always get into trouble, he is about to fail his class again 3 times a row.

He doesn't know what to do with his parents, and there are preparing a welcome party for me. I don't know what said to them. I need to sneak in the school and change my grades or something. Maybe I should talk with peter since he is smart, I'll should beat him up so that he'll help me to cheat on test.
