
The 173rd

Michael Crainer, Drafted to the 173rd airborne in Vietnam, follow Michael as he deploys around Vietnam with his brigade fighting those he can't even see.

Vandenberg · สงคราม
4 Chs

Operation HUMP

"Alrighty boys, listen up. November 5, we'll conduct a helicopter assault on a landing zone south-west of Dong Nay? Nai? River however the fuck you pronounce that, and Song Be River, the Australians that will be fighting with us, will be deployed south of the Dong Nai." Our Sergeant said.

"Well how bout it our first deployment" Michael said, "Goddamn right, been holed up in this hot shithole for so long I didn't realize it was November already" Asshole said, laughing obnoxiously after finishing his sentence.

(helicopter blades whirring)

as Blondie, Doc, and just about everybody in the helicopter was fidgeting with their rifles, Michael asked "Sarge what you think gonna happen down there?" "hell, we'll see" Sergeant said without worry. "5 MINUTES" the co-pilot of the Huey screamed. "The view sure Is nice, it's all green and warm and shit" Blondie exclaimed loudly, "Yeah, can't wait to get home from this place, hah" Doc replied.

6 minutes if flying and nausea later



Michael's head rang as his company was ambushed he ran towards a ditch from most probably mortars, he dropped and landed heavily to the ground with bullets whistling over his head. Disoriented, that was the only thing that he was feeling, he shook his head and adjusted his helmet as he readied his gun, he tried screaming to Jew that was around 20 meters away from him to no avail, his voice was drowned with the sounds of gunshots and screaming. seeing nothing else he could do, he aimed at the general direction and started firing. his ears rang as mortars fired near his position. he looked towards a fallen tree where Jew, Blondie, and Cat had went to, not knowing what else to do he got up and ran towards them.

landing on his back with a thud near them "YO TEX" Cat screamed "YO" he replied "WE SHOULD RUN TOWARDS THE SERGEANT'S POSITION" Doc persuaded "WHERE'S THE SERGEANT?" Blondie replied while firing his weapon, "RIGHT THERE, IN THE MUD" Doc replied "NO WAY WE'LL MAKE IT" Michael replied as he tried to get his jammed M16 to work again after getting mud in the chamber. With a click his rifle was ready to fire, as he got into a crouching position and heard a whistle to his left that scratched his helmet, he dropped to the floor with shock as Doc asked "YOU OKAY?" "YEAH, JUST FIN-"


Michael saw a flash of light to his left before Blondie was flung backwards, injuring both legs and his left arm, "DOC!" Michael screamed as he looked at where Doc was, there he was on all fours shaking his head, covered in mud, at that point everybody was covered in mud, Cat had regained his sense and dragged Blondie to the nearest position with cover and was running towards Doc, "DOC! BLONDIE'S HIT" Doc gained back his sense and started running towards Blondie, Michael provided as much covering fire as he could while crouching, saw Asshole and Sgt running towards me, Asshole went behind covers with Cat, Doc, and Blondie. While Sgt went to the cover I was behind "B COMPANY IS COMING TOWARDS US TO RELIEVE US OF THIS SHIT" "AYE" I replied, he started shooting as I reloaded my rifle. "WE NEED SOME ARTILLERY DONT YOU THINK?" Sgt exclaimed "I'D SAY SO SARGE" I replied.