
The 15th demon king

Kiki0678 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

The beginning

Life fucking sucks. One moment you're watching your girlfriend marry your brother and the next you're being stabbed by a robber In front of both your brother and girlfriend FUCK could I look more pathetic.

I laid there on the ground bleeding out. As I look to the side I could see the horrors and sadness on everyone's faces. Why are they sad? Isn't this what they wanted? isn't this what they've been wishing for?

Once I laid my dying eyes on my brother I could see a smirk forming on his face, he planed this didn't he.

Why? Why? Why me? What have I done to him?

He's taken everything.

Our- MY parents love, my friends,…the love of my life why does keep taking things from me.

Suddenly everyone came rushing to me and my 'brother' held my body crying.

With one last breath I outed "in our next life if we ever meet I promise you I will make your life a living hell-" with that all the pain all the suffering all the loneliness and went away for a split second I was at peace I could feel nothing.

it was dark but peaceful but this isn't fair what's going to happen to 'him' is he gonna get a happy ending while I suffered in his stead no no no no no no his isn't fair!!

Suddenly a glimmer of light appeared I felt an uncontrollable urge to walk toward it and I did the light kept growing and growing as I got closer then suddenly it flashed even brighter leaving me almost blind.