
The 100: The Story of A King!

The 100 descended onto the ground with no idea what they were getting themselves into. One boy did. Will this one boy be able to ensure the 100's survival? And how will he fare knowing his name is Pendragon.

G3neral_Kenobi4_ · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
52 Chs

Chapter 19: The Holy Dragon of Pendragon!





- Mental Space of Arthur Pendragon -


Arthur lunged out of the way as a beam of light zipped past him, smashing into the void behind him, dissipating into nothingness.

It had been two days of consecutive battle inside the all-encompassing void. The dragon looked as pristine as ever, but Arthur was a different story. Most of Arthur's armor had been reduced to strands of fibers. His Fury's song had cracked after repeated strikes at the dragons' tough scales, he was left with his light magic and nothing else.

"Can't we do battle someplace else!? We've been fighting for two days in this empty place!" Arthur yelled towards the dragon.

The dragon stopped its movement and pressed his claw on his chin as if it was deep in thought.

The void suddenly began to shake and take shape, first into snowy hills and mountain tops, then into tall snow-covered fir trees and ice-covered lakes. Finally, a giant snow-covered run-down castle surrounded both him and the dragon.

"Is that better for you boy?" A dragon asked looking down at him.

"Yeah, it is, you overgrown lizard!" Arthur shouted, dashing towards the castle stronghold.

"There is nowhere to run, boy!" The dragon yelled after him. The dragon inhaled and let loose a jet of white blistering fire. Holy Fire.

Arthur, realizing that it was too late to dodge, thought of an idea that may or may not save his life.

'It's worth a try!' He thought as the Holy fire plummeted towards him.

[Light Magic... Activation... -1,000 MP... Light Formation created: Light Wings]

[Item: Light Wings]

Item Rarity: C

Type: Back Equipment

Ability: Flight - Allows the user to be skilled at flying, either through the use of wings or magic, and you can perform daring or complex maneuvers while airborne.

A pair of golden Angel Wings sprouted out from the center of Arthurs upper back allowing him to take flight. Arthur skyrocketed in the air, and the same ground he stood on just seconds ago became engulfed with Holy fire. Melting the snow and cobblestone underneath its brilliant white and gold flame.

[Light Magic... Activation... -300 MP... Light Formation created: Long Bow]

[Item: Light Long Bow]

Item Rarity: C

Type: Bow

Attack: +55

[Light Magic... Activation... -50 MP... Light Formation created: Charged Arrow]

[Item: Light Arrow]

Item Rarity: C

Type: Arrow

Attack: +25

Ability: Charged - The Tip of the weapon is fully charged and imbued with light magic. When the tip of the weapon strikes a foe, the tip will discharge immense light magic. Resulting in 100% more damage on contact.

*One-time use only!*

Arthur flies a few hundred feet up into the air, he abruptly stops and turns to look back down towards the dragon. The dragon's head shoots up to find where Arthur flew off too. The dragon observes a dozen light arrows fly down towards him at lightning speed. All of them bounce off his armored scales except one that landed directly in his eye.

"AHHHH!!!!" The dragon roared.

The dragon raised his massive claws and swatted the tiny arrow out of his eye. He looked back up into the sky seething with anger. Only to find out that Arthur was no longer there.

Suddenly the dragon felt small pricks of pain at the bottom of his feet. He snaked his long head down and looked on in annoyance as Arthur with a long golden great sword slashed at the back of his heel repeatedly.

"What are you doing boy? That puny weapon won't be able to pierce my scales." The dragon exclaimed condescendingly.

"You sure about that?" Arthur asked smug as he continued to try to slash through the dragon's scales.

"Of course, I am-... AHHHH!!!" The dragon roared again. Flapping his wings, the dragon flew a couple hundred feet up in the air and then hovered above with his eyes changing from a bright green to a glowing molten gold with a mix of white.

Through Arthurs continued attempts at slashing through the dragon's heel, he was eventually able to break through the tough layer of scales and slash the dragon's skin directly. The cut was not deep enough to immobilize the dragon though it did cause immense pain. The cut was only a foot or two deep yet still the dragon looked down in anger.

The mere thought that a weak boy like this could even harm him was inconceivable, an error that needed to be corrected, but at the same time pride welled up within the dragon as he looked down at the fearless boy who agreed to challenge him. The dragon hated to admit it, but he was impressed.

With that thought the dragon had enough of taking it easy on the boy. The dragon decided that he'd seen enough and chose to end it.

The dragon opened his mouth, and a golden glow began to be emitted from deep within his throat. The golden sigils on his brilliant white scales began to glow, lighting up the dark cloud filled sky.

"Come down from there you overgrown lizard!" Arthur yelled up into the sky.

It was no use as not a millisecond later a small golden beam pierced through Arthur's chest killing him instantly.


The entire castle shook as the dragon landed in the courtyard near Arthur's now lifeless body. The dragon lifted his claw and reached into his chest, he withdrew a golden and white rock like object and then infused it into Arthur's chest.

"You have passed my test boy. When you wake up you will feel the power course through your veins immediately. You will not have the full strength of the dragon heart yet; you will have to get stronger and unlock its powers over time. You are simply too weak and not ready to handle its full power. Though because you impressed me today boy, I will give you a extra reward. Enjoy it and lead your people well, through trials and tribulation a Pendragon always succeeds."

The construct began to deform back into its void like state before the dragon paused the process and thought.

'I quite like it like this. I think I'll keep it this way.'

The structures and surrounding environment reformed and the dragon burned a circle of holy fire onto the ground and laid down upon it.

'Ahhhh... That feels good...' The dragon thought before drifting back into slumber.


- Alpha Station | The Ground -

- Arthur Pendragon -

"Ahhhh!..." Arthur sprang up from the bed and quickly looked around, confused as to where he was.

I looked around and noticed that Octavia was still fast asleep in the bed beside me.


I felt two bumps from within my chest, I looked down and realized that I now have a dragon's heart.


[Hidden Quest Completed!]

[Quest Info:]

[Recognition of A Dragon!]

[Complete] Gain recognition and impress the Dragon of Pendragon --- [1/1]

Rewards: The Dragon's Heart, Light Magic Skill Evolution, Free Level Up


[Light Magic has evolved into Holy Magic]

[Class Change Available!]

[Would you like to change your class to Paladin?]


[Due to alteration of the heart. Arthur Pendragon's genetic makeup has been altered. Please stand by.]


'What the fuck is happening!?' I think to myself as I wait for the system to figure itself out.

[Due to Holy Magic as well as The Dragon's Heart a new class has been created and is available to you!]

[Class Change Available!]

[Would you like to change your class to Dragon Knight?]

[Yes or No?]

'I don't see any negatives to this. Fuck it!' I think to myself and select yes.

[You have chosen for your Class: Knight to be changed to Class: Dragon Knight. Increase in stats and new skills will be found in your Status menu.]



Name: Arthur Pendragon

Class: Dragon Knight

Dragon Heart Mastery: 1%

Title: Leader of the 100, Monster Hunter

Level: 12 (0%)

HP: 5,450

MP: 3,450

STR: 78 ---> 123 (+13)

AGI: 50 ---> 85 (+4)

VIT: 50 ---> 70 (+10) {Every +1 point from 20 stat points is +105 HP}

INT: 65 ---> 85 (+15) {Every +1 point from 20 stat points is +50 MP}


Stat Points: +35 AGI. +20 VIT. +45 STR. +20 INT.




[Observe] (Active) - Lvl. 49 ---> 79/100 {Proficient}

Enables you to see information about a target.

[Pickpocketing] (Active) - Lvl. 2/100 {Novice}

The stealthy art of picking an unsuspecting target's pockets.

[Tracker] (Active) - Lvl. 28 ---> 38/100 {Adept}

Allows for user to track animal sounds and smell for up to 1 mile. (Every 10 Levels = 1 Mile)

[Light Magic ---> Holy Magic] (Active) - Lvl. 25 ---> 52/100 {Advanced}

Allows the user to use Holy Magic. Holy Magic can be used to heal and cure wounds. Enchant weapons and more. Higher levels allow for stronger Holy Magic to be used.

[Mental Simulation Training] (Active) - Lvl. 17 ---> 48/100 {Advanced}

Allows the user to create a combat scenario in one's mind where different characters from different universes will fight you in order for you to train and become stronger. Higher Level allows for stronger opponents.

[Lunge] (Active) - Lvl. 1 ---> 35/100 {Adept}

Dash to a nearby enemy and strike it with your weapon dealing 200% more damage. Costs more mana the further away the target is. Has a 10 second ability cooldown.



<New Passive Skill> [Scaled Skin] (Passive) - Lvl. 1/100 {Novice}

Your skin becomes as tough as dragon scales. Higher levels improve strength and toughness of scales.

[Swordsmanship] (Passive) - Lvl. 42 ---> 81/100 {Expert}

The Ability to fight with a sword. Higher levels improve fighting capability.

[Spearmanship] (Passive) - Lvl. 32 ---> 46/100 {Advanced}

The ability to fight with a spear. Higher levels improve fighting capability.

[Spear Throwing] (Passive) - Lvl. 24 ---> 32/100 {Adept}

The ability to throw spears with precision. Higher levels improve spear throwing capability.

[Martial Arts] (Passive) - Lvl. 15 ---> 37/100 {Adept}

The ability to fight with Martial Arts. Higher levels improve fighting ability.

[Marksman] (Passive) - Lvl. 12 ---> 44/100 {Advanced}

Increases combat proficiency with every type of ranged-class weapon. Higher levels improve fighting ability.

[Sexual Experience] (Passive) - Lvl. 1 ---> 4/100 {Novice}

The ability to satisfy your partners sexually.

[Commander's Aura] (Passive) - Lvl. 6 ---> 44/100 {Advanced}

Info: Boost's combat morale and stats of nearby subordinates by 5%. Higher levels improve combat morale percentage and amount of stats boosted and for how long.

Every 10 levels the amount is increased by 5% and adds an extra 1 hour of length.

Every 25%= 5 hour boost.

[Trigedasleng Launguage] (Passive) - Lvl. 3 ---> 23/100 {Adept}

Allows User to speak and understand Trigedasleng. Higher level improves fluency in speaking and understanding.

[Gamers Mind] (Passive) - Lvl. MAX

Protects the mind from being read or manipulated.

[Blacksmithing] (Passive) - Lvl. 36/100 {Adept}

Forge Armor and weapons from different materials. Higher levels inprove quality of item produced.



Active Quests: [Swish Swish Stab - Daily]

[Reformationist!] - Reform Murphy and cause him to become a loyal follower and soldier.




Race: Dire Wolf

Sex: Male

Level: 20

HP: 2,090

MP: 1,100



[Slot 1:] ODST Body Suit

[Slot 2:] Fury's Song

[Slot 3:] ODST Shoulder Plates - Left and Right Shoulder

[Slot 4:] Shadow Cloak of the Wendigo

[Slot 5:] The 100: A Cryptid Guidebook

[Slot 6-100:] Empty


'Holy fuck! My stats and skills have grown exponentially! Also, thank God my weapons and armor are safe. It must've been that they just broke inside the dream world.'

Looking down at Octavia as the sun shines down through the window illuminating her, causes a smile to blossom on my face. But, as soon as it appears it disappears at the thought that Clarke is still out there in Mount Weather or somewhere in the forest with Anya having possibly escaped.

I equip my armor, kiss Octavia on the forehead and sneak by a sleeping Shadow out of our room in search of Kane.

After a few minutes of searching, I enter the cafeteria and spot Abby and Kane sitting across from each other enjoying their morning coffee? I didn't even know we had that yet.

"Good morning, Kane." I greet sitting down next to him.

"Good morning, Arthur, sir."

"You can just call me Arthur Kane, it's ok."

"Yes, si-... Arthur."

"Congratulations on becoming chancellor." Abby says from across the table.

"Thank you, Abby." I say nodding at her.

"Kane, how are we with clearing up camp? I noticed yesterday that a lot of scrap was still laying on the ground outside."

"It's... 7:13 in the morning, and you want to do this now?" he asked.

"Of course, isn't a leader supposed to start early?" I asked confused.

"Thelonious certainly didn't." I hear Abby mutter from across the table.

"Not usually, no. But we're up anyway. Most of the scrap and wreckage surrounding the camp has been picked up and put in storage and is ready to be used in the rebuilding effort. Right now, our engineers are piecing back together broken machinery so that way we can begin to make clothes, weapons, armor, etc." Kane says.

"Good. Speaking of weapons and armor, another decision militarily is that the Guard and the Rangers will be entirely separate entities."

"What do you mean?" Abby asked.

"For example, the Guard will be under control of me, as well as Kane and any high-ranking military officials, like Bellamy. The Rangers however will be under direct control of only me and the commanders and generals under me, like Bellamy."

"Kind of like your own personalized special forces?" Kane asked.

"Yes, exactly." I say with a nod.


One of the doors leading to the mess hall opens and a few people walk out, one of them being Sinclair.

'Exactly the man I wanted to see.'

"Sinclair!" I shouted, motioning him towards our table.

He at first looks unsure but then sees both Abby and Kane sitting next to me, so he grabs his food and heads on over towards us.

"Sinclair, I have a task for you." I say once he sits down.

"What's the task, sir?" He asked.

"I need you to find a way to contact the other Ark survivors. The radio is being jammed; is there any other way we could send out a signal of some sorts to let them know where we are?" I asked him after he took a sip of coffee.

"Hmm... If the radio isn't working. We could always try to send the signal a different way." We hear from our right.

We all look towards our right and spot the famous mechanic herself Raven Reyes.

"What do you mean, Reyes?" Sinclair asked.

"Simple. If the radio won't work, we have to use something else. Something like... a balloon! Yes, a balloon might work."

"That certainly is one way to do it." Sinclair says smiling.

"I'll get work on it right away, Arthur, sir!" She says mock saluting me.

"Raven, you don't have to work on it now." I tell her but she simply smiles and brushes it off.

"Guess, I better go help her." Sinclair says finishing his coffee, getting up, and following Raven.

"Alright time for me to go then." I say standing up.

"Where are you going?" Abby asked curiously.

"I'm training with Lincoln, he teaches me some grounder fighting styles, combat techniques and their language."

"What does he get?" Kane asked.

"A promotion." I respond grinning. "Oh, and Kane. Post a sign-up sheet on the radio tower. Anyone who signs up will be offering to go off into the woods and cut down lumber."

"By themselves?!" Kane asked, shocked.

"No, of course not. They'll be guarded by a squad of guardsmen and a squad of Rangers."

"Oh, I will post it immediately, Arthur." Kane says getting up and walking off.

"I guess I better get too medical." Abby says to herself, gets up, and walks off.

'What a way to start a productive day!' I think to myself as I walk off in search of Lincoln.


{P.S: The Aux chapter has been updated with this chapter release. Also, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Have A wonderful day, or if you're ready this at night have a good night!}