

7 teens including the liberian went missing

Their names were Cordelia, Alison, Marcus, August, Caroline, Eli, Lillian, and Cordelia and August are the kids from the principal the Liberian that went missing was like a mother to all of the kids and her name was Mrs Lilly so it was heart breaking when she disappeared along with the students but the principal he didn't seem to bothered by it even though his two kids went missing he was walking around smiling like everything was normal but 3 kids knew something was up so they came to school around 12:30pm two boys and one girl the girls name was Sandra, the other boys names where August and Michael the three of them have been friends since childhood and have never doubted each other's trust before but this night was going to change that when they went in they immediately fell into a black hole and found them selves in a new world a place that resemble the school but everything was different it had lanterns everywhere and it had a terrifying atmosphere that made them feel sick and scared but they still continued their journey to see what was going one as they were walking they came across the library it had chans on the doors and they can hear voices coming from inside they tried talking to whoever was on the other side but when they did a very loud voice yelled "get out " they were scared but nothing was going to stop them from finding out what was wrong the decided it was best to separate and meet back at the library entrance Sandra went to the pool room August went to the theater room and Michael went to the chemistry room but on his way there he passed the third floor bathroom and heard a girls screaming help he ran in the bathroom and saw a girl's head near the window he ran out the bathroom but as soon as he did he encountered girl's bodies stitched together and blood everywhere he ran to the chemistry room as fast as he could but he when he got there he saw the silhouette of his friends he put his ear near the door to see what they were talking about then he heard something he thought he never would hear they're talking about killing him and leaving him in the theater he was so upset about this he slammed the doors open and couldn't find them anywhere but he did find a closed bottle that was filled with this black goo he opened it and a sickening smell came from the bottle he didn't see his friends when he opened the door so he thought something was walking around mimicking their voices and silhouettes so he put this bottle in his pocket so when he comes across this thing he can either throw it at him or find what it eats a put the goo in its food now for Sandra she wasn't doing any better while walking to the pool she came across her friend Michael or so she thought when she went to see what he was doing doing since he was supposed to be in the chemistry room on the 3rd floor he turned around sprinted towards her and rapid his hands around her neck and proceeded to chock her she didn't know what was wrong with him but she needed to hurry and save herself or she's gonna die she quickly punched his face and kicked him in his stomach and ran to the pool room as fast as she could when she entered the pool room she quickly closed the door and put a bench right in front of it she was confused on why Michael had chocked her she heard something moving behind her when she turned around she found rope and a dumbell she took them and opened the door to see if he was there still and when she found that she was alone she ran in the direction of the library August was in the theater looking around and he found a key but on his way out of the theater he found wood that looked like a spear he grabbed it just incase something happened and just as he picked it up he saw Sandra standing there with a knife smiling in when he asked if she was okay she ran towards him and tried to stab him he quickly dodged it and hit her hard on the head and ran out towards the library as soon as he got there he unlocked the doors quickly and ran in without a single thought then Sandra got there she quickly went in to hide so when Michael shows up she can tie the dumbell to his leg when Michael got there he thought it was weird the doors were open he still went in he tried looking around just when he stopped be because he heard something moving he felt something being tied to his leg so he looked down and there he saw his best friend Sandra looking angry at him and ran out from the table and over to the other side of the library he tried running after them but he felt like he couldn't move she also tied the dumbell to the table she was under so he screamed for August until a woman's hand covered his mouth and said "shhh no yelling in the library Michael " that's when the screaming stopped August was still looking for clues until he heard his friend Michael yelling for him he was running to him until he couldn't hear it anymore but as he was about to yell he found Sandra running his way yelling he quickly got his spear out and stabbed her when she got closer he looked her dead in her eye's with an angry look on his face meanwhile he will never get the look of sadness on her face out of his head he was was about to start yelling for Michael again until a woman grabbed him and turned him around and opened the next day Mrs Lilly came back and added new books to her shelves when a student asked why the name of the book was called August Mrs Lilly smiled and said the book was named after a boy who killed his best friend and soon met the end of his life