
That Which Dwelled Beneath

When The Eternal Alliance fire an experimental missile at their eternal enemy; the Swarm, it goes horribly wrong. It unleashes the sea of the fourth dimension into the third and creates the Star of the End. A beacon for the universe ending beings within the fourth dimension. An Age later, the universe is annihilated. All but a few survivors remain on worlds shielded by their dead gods. One day, a young man, against his will, arrives from a distant universe. Sent here by outside god he is forced to become stronger in order to fight and kill the spawn of the Horrors. And one day, to kill the Horrors themselves.

Kantalment · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

The Beginning of the Fourth End

At the edge of deep space a battle between the Swarm and the Eternal Alliance fought a bloody, brutal war. If the Eternal Alliance's line fell, so would the universe. The Swarm would overrun all resistance and the Horrors would bathe in the light of the stars for the first time since the First End. Then, the universe would suffer its Fourth End.

A super-carrier of the Alliance lumbered forward, its massive antimatter cannons firing while it launched several fission missiles. All of the missiles were launched straight at a leviathan of the Swarm.

The super-carrier was a three kilometer rectangle covered in thick grey armor with three protruding platforms on both the right and left sides. Atop the platforms were several weapons as well as massive railgun that was the launching method of the fighters within the super-carrier. The leviathan was a massive organic being with a large round head that looked similar to a mushroom. Where the gills of the mushroom would be were dozens of large mouths. The 'stalk' of the leviathan was heavily armored and spread out into several hundred tentacles. Each tentacle was the launching method for the Swarm's own fighters, three meter long amalgamations of flesh grown on metal wrecks. The entire leviathan was covered in blue plates. The flesh below was green and the leviathan bled black. The leviathan was several hundred kilometers long.

The leviathan reached out towards the missiles and smacked them down with its tentacles. The missiles exploded, causing atoms to split in a colossal bursts of light, heat, and radiation. The neutrons released from the split atoms caused several other atoms to split apart each releasing their own burst. The end result was the severing of almost thirty tentacles.

The antimatter rounds, long black cylinders containing a vacuum chamber, impacted the heavily armored 'stalk' of the leviathan at almost five percent light speed. Upon impact a blinding burst of light followed by darkness. The armor plating of the 'stalk' had been annihilated; the energy released at its destruction shredding the flesh underneath. The antimatter rounds had been containing anti-beryllium, the opposite of beryllium which was a vital component in the leviathan's incredible armor. When anti-beryllium met beryllium, they annihilated each other, releasing a incredible amount of pure energy.

Now unarmored and severely injured the leviathan suicided. It shredded itself in a burst of razor-sharp bone, multi-ton chunks of flesh, and pods. Pods that unfurled and opened revealing the 'fighters' of the Swarm. Ten-meter-long amalgamations of salvaged metal and flesh covered by vacuum resistant plating. Among these pods were several seed pods, the birthers of new leviathans. The super-carrier launched one more missile, a ominous black shape covered in warning symbols, before it began to power up its dive engines.

As the engines powered up, reality began to behave erratically, bending and twisting around the carrier before plunging down in a close vicinity to the carrier, the focal point directly underneath the carrier. Next, the warp drive powered up, releasing extreme energy bursts that warmed nearby space to be hotter than the surface of Sol; Earth's home star. Finally, the power surge was rerouted through the carrier's exterior power lines to the focusing lenses, a array of diamond-silicone glass coated in exo-367, a rare element found only in the heart of brown dwarfs, the Stars That Could Have Been. The exo-367 slightly changed the pure energy created by the warp drive to flux energy. The focusing lenses then channeled it all into a beam a micrometer thin that punched through the weakened fabric of reality. A final burst of energy from the warp drive was channeled through the lenses and reality tore around the tear like a sheet of paper. The tear, now a kilometer and a half wide, was edged in angry red, like an infection. The space between the red edges was a vast sky covered in red stars. The super-carrier moved forward as its massive thrusters engaged. It pushed into the tear and vanished. Within a second the tear fixed itself.

While the super-carrier tore through reality, the missile it had launched came closer and closer to the shrapnel, pods, and fighters released from the leviathan. All nearby Alliance ships fled, the larger ships powering up dive engines and warp drives. The smaller ships docked with the larger ones and all the larger ships linked together. As one, their drives and engines powered as a meter wide beam of energy tore through reality. Space around the tear shattered and fell away to the sky filled with red stars. The linked ships all fled to the starry sky as the broken space slowly put itself back together.

The missile hit.

Right before impact, two small wormhole generators within the missile activated.

A massive station in the form of a hundred-kilometer-long rod surrounded by four rings each twenty kilometers wide, faced a neutron star at a distance of seventy-five thousand kilometers. Its hull, an alloy of neutronium, harvested from the star before it, lead, and negative silicon, created a incredibly strong material capable of resisting the tides of gravity emitted from the neutron star's rotation as well as not being sucked into its pseudo black hole gravity. The negative silicon made the alloy be pushed back by gravity, not sucked into it. Every single thing on this station was made of an alloy between what normally made it and a negative version of itself. Right before the missile detonated, the wormhole generator on the station activated projected the wormhole forward. The ten-meter-wide worm hole came into existence about two meters away from the neutron star. Light, heat, radiation, and the tides of gravity flooded into the wormhole and into the missile.

A station forever caught at the edge of the event horizon of a black hole, its ability to accelerate insufficient to escape the inexorable gravity but enough to halt its fall, received the signal. The station powered up the wormhole generator, power crackling through terawatt power banks, traveling along superconductors, through the one kilometer wide and tall pyramid that was the station. It reached the generator at the pyramid's top point and the station aligned itself to face directly at its end, the black hole. The generator activated. Space warped and fluxed, the bent spacetime around the black hole interfering. With a flash of blue light, the wormhole came into being. Instead of a straight tunnel and opening the wormhole had a bent and twisted tunnel and the opening was folding upon itself. The wormhole opened directly into the gravitation singularity at the black hole's heart.

A wormhole occurred when space was artificially folded and a hole was punched through it and connected two points. This came with the downside of bringing the red starry sky, more commonly known as the Beneath, to directly touch the fabric of space. The Beneath was like a ocean but in fourth dimension space and on a cosmic scale. There were constant 'waves' of fourth dimensional energy and particles that spaceships rode on to accelerate themselves. To ride a wave, the spaceship had to catch the top part of it. If it was caught near the base, where the wave connected to the particle sea, it would be filled with fourth dimensional radiation and would be trapped in the wave for eternity. When a wormhole was opened, it punched straight through the particle sea and after a certain amount of time, spilled part of it into third dimensional space. This was known as the Tide of the End or EnTide. The gravity of the singularity ripped through the wormhole but also tore it apart, releasing the EnTide into third dimensional space.

As the two wormholes opened inside the missile, it impacted one of the seed pods of the former leviathan. The heat, light, radiation, and gravitational tides ripped through the first wormhole and utterly annihilated anything nearby. Then the gravity of the singularity along with a flood of fourth dimension particles and radiation. The push and pull of the neutron star and the singularity bent space forming a fake event horizon that all of the Swarm ships were inside. The radiation and particles from the fourth dimension played havoc on the Swarm ships, the superheavy particles ripped everything in their path apart, including atoms. Fission began to occur and suddenly bright white spheres were everywhere inside the fake horizon. The radiation broke and annihilated the cells and DNA of the Swarm beings. This twisted and wrecked their forms, making them broken, barely functioning husks of themselves or turning them to goop.

The fourth dimensional particles and radiation destabilized and destroyed the wormhole connecting to the neutron star in a massive explosion that released more of the EnTide. The particles and radiation released from the slowly sealing rifts and space were more than dense enough to create a new star.

Slowly over the course of twelve years the star condensed the bent space as well as the false horizon sufficient to keep the superheavy particles from flying off into space.

The star lit up with an eerie purple-green light as fusion began to occur. The star was about three city blocks in diameter and rotated at several million times per second. It rotated in three ways at once, horizontally, diagonally, and vertically. It released gravity in both the third dimension and fourth dimension and served as a beacon for the true Horrors. The Horrors that lay within the red starry sky, within the Beneath. It told them their agent had succeeded and that the time to feed had come, to bring the end of another universe.