
That Time I reincarnated as The Overlord

Arthur Gets reincarnated into the Earth of Overlord and then gets transmigrated but what's this? Instead of the New World he's in Tensura? 500 years back in the past! Thrust into the World of Tensura of the past, he will have to decide which route to take. The path of a World Conquerer? Or live a simple Carefree life with his NPCs? Note: The story Will loosely follow the OverLord Elements and Tensura's Power system to some extent. This Fanfic will be an AU meaning changes! yay!, but not much changes will be in the original plot. Characters may appear when they shouldn't but it's the effects of 'butterfly fluttering away' so relax and enjoy! Also Obviously I don't have any rights on Overlord Anime/LNs or Tensura/TTIGRAAS. OCs are ofcourse mine though.

_Raphiel · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
73 Chs

Aux: Character Sheet #1

[A/n] There was one comment which said that I should make a Character Sheet for the Guardians and Other NPCs and I Thought Why not? It'd be fun to try and squeeze my two brain cells to comeup with unique characteristics and stats for my OCs.

This Chapter will be segmented in parts.


**Name**: [Medusa]

**Race**: [Dragonkin]

**LEVEL**: 100

**Karma**: -300

**Job Class / Racial Class**:


                    [Serpent Lord-15]


                    [Dragon Priest-5]


                    [Administrator- 10]



**Description**: [She embodies the Greek Mythological character MEDUSA.

She is seen wearing a sleeveless dark green dress which accentuate her body figure. Her green Eyes, emit a certain glow that intimidates any who look into it. Her Eyes also has a special Ability when activated can Petrify Anyone below lvl80, and stunn from 80 and above. These can be negated by some Magic Items or Directly Disabled by Possessing World items. When this ability is used her otherwise midnight Black hair turns into venomous snakes which itself works as her compound eyes giving her the ability to see at a 360degree.]

**Role**: [She is Created By Bael to serve as the Administrative Overseer of the castle. Her Authority is second only to the Supreme Ones and has a World Item of her own. She dutifully stands near the Throne Of Dragons where her rightfully place is, so that she can serve her Supreme Lord's the best of her Capabilities.]

**Background**: [She was created by Bael along with her 'younger Brother and sister'. As a tribute to the Greek mythology's Medusa whose life Bael pitied. Bael saw Medusa as a misunderstood character who was betrayed of her faith and unfairly cursed. Taking inspiration from that, he decided to create a Being who would be proud of her origins, who will stand up to any injustice that happens to her or her fellow NPCs. Contrary to that, she is a Demonic Being who enjoys in the sorrows of Any Lower Lifeforms that isn't associated to Orion]


[1. **Gorgon's Gaze**:  capable of petrifying enemies below level 80 and stunning those at level 80 and above.

2. **Illusory Mirage**: Conjures illusions to deceive and confuse enemies, creating false images or altering perceptions of reality.

3. **Serpentine Agility**: Enhances her speed and agility, allowing her to swiftly maneuver around the battlefield with grace and precision.

4. **Divine Serpent Blessing**: Bestows a blessing from her draconic lineage upon allies, enhancing their strength and resilience in battle.

5. **Administrative Authority**: Exerts her authority as the Administrative Overseer, commanding NPCs and managing the operations of the castle efficiently.

6. **Venomous Hair Snare**: Manipulates her venomous snakes to ensnare and immobilize enemies, leaving them vulnerable to attacks.

7. **Cursed Aura**: Emits a dark aura that saps the strength and vitality of nearby enemies, weakening their resolve and resilience.

8. **Serpent's Wisdom**: Taps into her ancient wisdom as a serpent lord, providing strategic insights and guidance to her allies during battles and conflicts.

9. **Ethereal Serpent Shield**: Summons a protective shield made of ethereal serpents, deflecting incoming attacks and providing a barrier against harm.

**Personality**:[ As the Overseer, Medusa carries herself with an air of regal authority and unwavering confidence. She exudes an aura of someone in control of a situation, commanding attention and respect from those around her. She is one of the Smartest NPCs of Deudenia. Her administration skills is on par to none. She is a Sadist.]

**Interactions**: [Interaction with NPCs is often Formal and she likes to go straight to a point, never beating around the bush. She constantly gets annoyed by Adriana's Pranks but chooses to ignore it as long as the Supreme Ones allows it. Secretly she is a caring figure for those who truly is special for her.]


**Name**: [Adrigal]

**Race**: [Dragon]

**LEVEL**: 100

**Karma**: -100

**Job Class / Racial Class**:

[Elder Dragon-10]

                    [Battle Priest-10]


                    [Dragon Priest-5]


                    [Dragon Paladin-5]

                      [Lord of a Castle- 10]


**Description**: [Adrigal is an Elder Dragon, a class below Dragon OverLord in the Game. She is often seen in her Regal Black Armoured Dress which is a Divine Class Item. Her most defining features would be her curved horns, two on each side of her head. One is smaller than the other. This along with her pointed ears and slited yellow eyes show her origin as a Dragon. She has long silky silver-blonde hair, Her dress as mentioned before is a mix between armour and a beautiful regal dress befitting her status as a 'Noble Lady who Can Fight' as said by her Creator]


**Role**: [She is the Guardian of the Top Most Floor of the Castle of Deudenia. Enemies who invade this castle esc tower is teleported to this floor first where she engages them with her hords of Dragon and Wyvern Underlyings.]

**Background**: [She is Created By one of the Guild Members of Orion of which Bael is the Guildmaster. Along with her sister Adriana, they are the only Elder Dragon NPC of the Guild. She is often seen in her throne , sitting and waiting for the adversaries who has challenged this dungeon that the Supreme Ones have Created. As a Dragon Magic Caster Oriented Seige Lord, she is capable of both offensive, defensive as well as commanding hords of monsters simultaneously.]


[1. **Divine Protection**: Grants temporary invulnerability to herself and nearby allies.

2. **Regal Aura**: Radiates an aura of authority and majesty, bolstering the morale and determination of allies.

3. **Holy Light**: Conjures a radiant beam of divine energy to smite enemies or heal allies.

4. **Dragon's Fury**: Summons ethereal dragon spirits to rain down fiery destruction upon foes.

5. **Sacred Barrier**: Erects a protective barrier that wards off incoming attacks and harmful magic.

6. **Dragon's Curse**: Casts variety of Debuffs on the enemy.

7. **Divine Intervention**: Calls upon divine forces to intervene in battle, granting buffs or dispelling curses. ]

**Personality**: [Because of the love of her creator in both mature and immature side of Women, she was created as a Being who personified the Mature and Regal side of Women.

A noble lady who is understanding of all that is around her, she is capable of high end thoughts which make her one of the Greatest Minds in Deudenia.]

**Interactions**: [Due to her Regal nature, she communicates withh her fellow NPCs in that manner, in a formal tone. She is often seen reading one of the books created by her Overlords taken form the Great Library Of Seshat. She is also caring of those close to her, such as her Sister and the Supreme Ones. She is also a Sis-con.]


**Name:** Adriana

**Race:** Dragon

**Level:** 100

**Karma:** -100

**Job Class / Racial Class**

- Rogue Dragon: 10

- Tanker:15

- Sorceress: 15

- Fortress: 10

- Guardian: 5

- Others: 45


**Description:** Adriana is a vibrant and spirited dragoness, often seen with a mischievous glint in her eye and a playful smirk on her lips. She possesses the same curved horns and pointed ears as her sister Adrigal, but her demeanor is much more youthful and energetic. Adriana's eyes shimmer with a blend of vibrant colors, reflecting her lively personality.

**Role:** Adriana roams the 2nd floor of the Castle of Deudenia. Unlike her Elder Sister, who likes to stay behind and buff allies, she is an Aggro Manager, tanking high level attacks and shields her allies from any that might hit them.

**Background:** As the younger sister of Adrigal, Adriana brings a sense of joy and mischief to the guild. Despite her playful nature, she is fiercely loyal to her sister and the Supreme Ones. Growing up, Adriana was always drawn to the thrill of adventure and discovery, often getting herself into trouble with her pranks and antics.


[1. **Shield Block**: Allows the Tanker to block any incoming attacks, reducing damage taken.

2. **Taunt**: Forces enemies to focus their attacks on the Tanker, drawing aggression away from more vulnerable allies.

3. **Guardian Stance**: Enters a defensive stance, increasing the Tanker's resilience to damage for a duration.

4. **Iron Will**: Grants temporary immunity to crowd control effects such as stuns, slows, or silences.

5. **Vanguard Charge**: Charges towards enemies, knocking them back and briefly stunning them upon impact.

6. **Aegis of Protection**: Creates a protective barrier around the Tanker and nearby allies, reducing incoming damage for a short period.

7. **Shield Slam**: Strikes enemies with a powerful shield bash, dealing damage and briefly stunning them.

8. **Shield Wall**: Erects a defensive barrier in front of the Tanker, absorbing incoming damage for a limited time.

9. **Last Stand**: When health is critically low, activates a defensive buff that increases the Tanker's survivability for a short duration.

10. **Defensive Aura**: Emits an aura that boosts the defenses of nearby allies, increasing their resistance to damage.]

**Personality**:[ If her Elder Sister is a personified 'Noble Lady who can Fight' then she was made to be a 'Princess who looks weak but can crush your head' by her Creator. Her Cheerful and Mischievous nature is what defines her. Her mere presence can bring a smile on any one of the NPCs although in Frustration of her Pranks or not is unclear.]

**Interactions**:[Like all the Denizens of Deudenia, she is friendly to anyone who is a Fellow NPC and often shows apathy to those who are not. She is often seen running around her floor planning for some pranks or preparing for her 'great inventions' which often explodes ceremoniously.]


That's the first iteration of the Stats of The Guardians. I will Post more in between Chapters.

If you are a Diehard fan of Overlord then you might have noticed the difference in the Character Templates , but I made it so that it's easier for me to manage and also for me to have some creative liberty.

Oh! Also, the skills and magic abilities are some of the many that they possesses.