

[??? POV]

I woke up in a cave serrounded by grass and glowimg ore. I had no idea what and where I end up. I then get up and start walking around trying to find an exit of this place. I then see a puddle of water and see my own face reflection

I somehow can't remember my name or last name but what I remember is that I'm not from this world as I being reincarnated after saving my kouhai from lunatic guy with a gun as I been shot on my stomach. But I manage to buy a time for police to arrive to arrest him.

After I died I been here in this cave with a few of my past life memories. I sigh as I keep walking around the cave. I then look at the grass on my foots asI take some of it as suddenly a screen appear infront of me surprising me. I then hear a voice in my head.

[Analysis Complete. Hipokute herbs: A type of ingredient used in healing medication. Thrives only in blessed with high logical magical densities. Fusing it's juices with Magicules produces recovery medicine. Grinding the blades and fusing them with magicules produces a salve that closes wounds].

???: W- Wha! Wh- Who are you!?

[Answer. It is the effect of your Unique Skill, "Observer"].

???: Observer?

???: So... m... does just what happen actually?

[Answer. Individual, ??? ??? has being reincarnated into this World as a Gamer and Undead Zombie].

???: W- W- Wait! Say what!?

[Repeating the Answer. Individual ??? ??? has being reincarnated into this World as a Gamer and Undead Zombie].

???: I- I see. Then if I am a Gamer... does it mean I have a Gamer Stats?

[Answer. Affirmative]

[Stats > Titles > Profession > Elements > Intrinsic Skills> Skills > Extra Skills > Resistances].

???: Em... Status?

Name: ??? 2??

LVL: 0

HP: 0

MP: 1/1.

I jawdrop at this. I known I am Zombie with 0 HP but why my LVL and MP is so low! No, I need to calm myself as I may weak in Stats but doesn't mean my Skill is weak too. Now, what Skills type should I choose? I look at my Skills type and already decide it.

???: Show Intrinsic Skills.

[Intrinsic Skills: Superhuman Physical > Immortality > Detachable Limbs > Regeneration].

???: "I knew it! Look like I am right about something."

???: "Rank is just a Display, Level is just a Number, Title is just a Word..."

???: "...But Skill proves Everything."

I smirk at this as I right about it. I then decide to try it. I take a rock as I hit my own finger. I scream at this.

???: AHHHHH!! IT F***ING HURT!!!

[Pain Resistance acquired].

My finger then start healing itself as I feel no pain anymore. I sigh at this as I believe I don't need to stab or cut myself or kill myself to know if I'm Immortal or not and see if the said part still moving or not. I groan as I remember what I do, that is hurt I gonna say. I then decide to look at my other Skills.

???: Show all of the Menu.

[Answer. Affirmative]

[Title: Undead > Abnormal One]

[Profession: Gamer]

[Elements: Death> Darkness > Shadow > Fire > Lightning> Wind > Water > Earth> Light > Plant > Life]

[Skill: Magic Casting ]

[Extra Skills: Death Manipulation > Elemental Manipulation]

[Unique Skills: Observer > Rest > Record > Reduce > Infinite Magicules Core Reactor]

[Resistances: Death Resistance > Pain Resistance > Magic Resistance > Elemental Resistance > Holy-Demonic Resistance > Spiritual Attack Resistance].

???: W- Wait! What is this Death Manipulation!? Is it what I'm thinking!?

[Extra Skill, Death Manipulation granting the user to decide, determine and manipulate death. It also able to remove the phenomenon of death all-together, enabling Undeads and even immortality.].

???: OH MY GOD!!! IM TO OP!!!

[Answer. Negative. Extra Skill, Death Manipulation having a drawback].

???: A drawback?

[Answer: The target must be weaker then the user if user using the Skill].

???: That... kinda fair to be honest.

???: Well, time to see what this place have.

From that day on, I decide to call myself Undead from my Title as I forgot my own past name. I also start killing and hunting few monster here.

As an Undead, I don't feel hungry or tired from working as I only. I also try to eat the monster raw with out cooking. I gonna admin, it not bad maybe because of my Undead Species.

Because of that, I try to cook few of the monster as I will ask Observer-san if I can eat it or not even though I have "Elemental Resistance" that make me immune to anything include Poison.

I actually once try it and feel nothing bad happen even when I cook the most poisonous one. Look like I really can resist any type of poison or bad cooking. It might be useful in future. (A/n: Yes, he even can survive Shion's cook and that how she end up in love with him in future)

I also gain new Skill and that are "Cooking", "Hunting" and "Riding". I gain "Riding" because I do rodeo using a monster to replacing the bull. I do it because I bored. Anyway, I also got a new Element and that is "Poison". I get it after eat the poison cook and kill few poison monster here. I notice this place only full with Poison type of monster so it gonna be hard to gain new type of Element.

I also making few experiments using my Element mostly my Death Element by combine it with my other Element. This is the result I got:

Death + Darkness = Death Aura

Death + Fire = Death Flame

Death + Lightning = Death Lightning

Death + Wind = Wind of Death

Death + Poison = Death Venom

Nature + Life = Nature Healer

Darkness + Wind = Black Hole

I stop at Black Hole as the Observer-san stating that my own Black Hole missing few Element making it 2/4 complete. My current Black Hole only can absorb any magical attack. But it work at least.

Observer-san stated that I need Gravity and Space Element in order to complete it. If I manage to do so, I may can create a big Black Hole to consume the entire world.

But I'm not interesting into World Conquer after all I'm not a type of guy who killing other people when it unnecessary. (A/n: He will kill a lot actually in future mostly the harvest Festival Arc)

been a month ater I arrived in this World as the only person I can talk in Observer-san even though she is artificial intelligence in my head that said with out emotion but it enough for me.

And by the way, my Level is increasing but it mostly because of my Unique Skill "Rest".

My Unique Skill, "Rest" allow me to Level Up even though I am sleeping or lazy around. It pretty much a Cheat to me. I also try my other Unique Skills and this what I found out...

Record = this Skill allow me to record anything just by see, smell, hear or touch as It will be send into my brain. I also can create anything base by my record.

Reduce = while this Skill allow me to reducing any Magic attack by half. It also allow me to reduce any Physical or Spiritual damage by half to.

Infinite Magicules Core Reactor = and lastly, this Skill grant me unlimited Magicules or Mana as I never need to worry about it. It also allow me to share it with anyone by Mana Transfer.

I sigh at this as I'm right now eating Armorsaurus meat raw. I kinda feel lonely actually. I try to remember my past life if I have a girlfriend or not. Maybe I am a loner back there.

I then keep walking until I feel something I never feel. I decide to follow where the feeling come from and when I arrive I meet with something that surprised me.

Because infront of me is two monster that I never see before as Observer-san said something that shocked me more.

[Two individual in front of you also reincarnation to this World].

Undead: "I see. Then..."

I then walk there as both of the monster notice me as I kinda nervous. I then wave my hand and said...

Undead: *nervous* H- Hey, I mean no harm.

Both monster look at me. One is a cute little blue slime...

While other one is a white spider...

Both still staring at me as I though I may scare them. I then decide maybe I offer them something as suddenly..


Undead: Eh?

Three of us stare to each other as the Slime and Spider look at the Undead with sparkling eyes while the Undead is confused at what just happen.