
137 -=Every Monke on his own branch=-

Rimuru sat on top of a high building, he was looking at nothing and everything at the same time

his thoughts drifting from topic to topic very quickly making him look quite a bit distracted


Not a word escaped his mouth as he observed the city he built

no sense of achievement, no pride, no... nothing

after all, this was just a one-use thing that after he was done with could blow up and he wouldn't care

but looking at the city, he had some weird thoughts

'... what am I even doing?' he questioned

his tone felt a bit off, for some reason, but that wasn't the important part

stormy clouds gathered around him, signaling that a storm was about to begin, but he didn't seem to care much about it

'I'm just wasting my time playing the city builder here... I should focus on what's truly important

I should try to-' His thoughts got interrupted by a sudden urge to cough


Weird, considering his slime physiology has never allowed him to before

he looked around confused for a second

"Huh? how did I come up here?" He mused


The stormy clouds rumbled, making him notice the incoming storm, so he quickly left the place to somewhere else

Inside his mind though, Ceres noticed a tiny, almost unnoticeable damage there, easily fixed but it brought her attention up


It was not damage generated by a fight, it looked more like his soul resisting some external influence... but that is impossible, no one in the current ninja world can do such a thing

so it was even weirder...

His strange acting was also not unnoticed by her, but his confusion right after made her think that something was wrong... she was just not sure what yet



Naruto appeared in the middle of a forest, not even knowing how he ended up there

"Grandpa?" He asked, and considering he was not told by Hiruzen that he could be reverse summoned, his confusion was normal

it's not Hiruzen's fault either, who would guess the stinky monkey clan would not only finally accept a new summoner but also reverse summon him instantly?

He certainly didn't!


Sound of leaves moving entered Naruto's ear, making him immediately try to sense if something was close to him

'... Nothing...' He concluded


The sound of something cutting through the air reached his ear, but before he could react


It hit him

"Agh, what the... A stone?" He asked in confusion, picking the small stone that hit him from the ground

if it was a tree branch he would understand, but a stone?

Stones don't fall from the sky, so someone must have thrown that on him (Because meteors are just Madara's invention), but... that's a scary thought...

not that he would brag about it, but Naruto knew he was a pretty damn good sensor, Hiruzen said he was among the best of the village!

Which, was obviously a lie, he IS the best in the village, And I mean... sure

But even then, he couldn't sense someone throwing a stone at him? either this person was outside his sensing range, which would mean someone hit him hit a rock from nearly 2 kilometers of distance, or this person managed to avoid his senses

any of those spelled trouble for him, as he still had no idea of what hit him

and being all alone in the middle of a random forest, with no idea of how you came here, and some unknown threat? well, that's unnerving, to say the least...


Another stone passed by Naruto, who was on edge because of the last attack and managed to dodge by instinct

but before he could be happy about this



"Agh!" Yet another stone hit him

and like this, he kept being bombarded by stones, one after the other

if he dodged one luckily, he would be hit by another right after, minutes passed by and he got better and better at dodging them, but still no sign of what was throwing the stones could be seen

at this point, there should be piles upon piles of stones on the ground, but not even one single stone could be seen there, which was a weird thing for sure

more time passed by, in total around five minutes, but those five minutes felt like forever to Naruto, who was constantly trying to dodge stones, but after five minutes, they stopped

breathing hard, Naruto looked around in confusion

'What the...? how?' He asked mentally, seeing a few dozen of monkeys on the trees around him, some nodding, some looking thoughtful

"His senses are very sharp..." one of the monkeys commented

"His form is too rigid, he stands still too much..." Another one added

"Either way, he passed the test... so he is our new contractor..." An older looking monkey with a strange resemblance to Hiruzen said

"Uhm..." Naruto, not sure about what to say, wanted to ask many questions but didn't ask any in the end

Noticing his confusion, the old monkey said

"Uzumaki Naruto, right?"

to which, Naruto nodded

"Congratulations, you are the new monkey summoner, we are going to send you back now, when you are ready, summon one of us to ask any question" He said

"What do you m-"


And just like he came, he went back

"What do you think grandpa?" One of the younger-looking monkeys asked the old one

"He has potential... his instincts are as sharp as a knife, but I am not sure why the toads asked us to accept him..."

The monkey clan is old, perhaps the oldest after the three sage clans, they know that you cannot trust the snakes, and absolutely cannot just accept what the toads say without thinking about what their true intentions are

Knowing their sage can see the future makes them always unreadable

one day they might ask you to search for some specific object for them, just for you to find your future worst enemy on the way because that's a future that is beneficial for the toads somehow

and no, that's not something that has already happened... once

though the toads seem to have been less greedy and start to think more about the future of the world recently, that still didn't make the monkeys any less suspicious about their intentions

"Has anything big happened recently in the ninja world?" the old monkey asked

their clan is not very concerned about the affairs of the humans, so they barely pay attention to it

"Not that I know about... should we ask Son?" Another old looking monkey answered

"... maybe we should, I have a bad feeling about this..." The old monkey agreed

Son, or Son Goku, also known as Kakarot... wait, no... I mean

also known as Yonbi, the four tails, is not truly a monkey, he is a chakra beast created by the sage of six paths, in the image of the monkey clan

Hagoromo was an idealist, and he thought that having some of the bijuus based on some of the summoning clans, would make them closer

a plan that didn't work out, for the most

though the monkey clan accepted Son Goku, for whatever reason

a history for another day, though

when he was free, Son Goku was like their informant, giving them all the information about the human world that they needed, that is until Hashirama captured him...

they wanted to be mad, but he was the reincarnation of Son's 'brother' or something, so they just let it be

if Son asked for help they would help, but he didn't

he still talked with them and was seemingly content with being able to just sleep all day, every day for some time

Chakra beasts normally sleep less, but when they are pure chakra, like the bijuus, they don't even need to sleep

but this does not mean they can't, and it helps them in many ways

fist, they regain their lost chakra faster, for some reason

second, they can get their thoughts in order, which is just a good thing in general

and lastly, they have little to worry about in that state, which helps their mood a bit

you could say that was nothing big, but to beings who lived for almost a millennium... keeping their mind clean was a VERY big thing

anyway, if you are wondering how the Yonbi can talk with the monkeys even while being sealed... that's kinda obvious really, it's through the cliff

what cliff? the cliffhanger!

okay, that is not it, it's through the weak spots on the seals that Iwa uses, as not every village has a perfect seal like Kurama's seal, which was made by Uzumakis

overall, simple stuff