


Gia's POV

/"I'm her future husband/"

Jared's face was shocked as soon as the words came out from Mr Snuggles's mouth but soon to be replaced by smirked. His gaze now fall on me with questioning look. What?! I don't know anything about this okay!. I was brought back to the reality when I heard Mr Snuggles clearing his throat with Jared still waiting for my answer.


Before I could say anything, I heard Martha calling Jared. Oh thank god!! Jared gave me This-is-not-over look before giving Mr Snuggles a fakest smile.

/"Excuse me/"

Jared said before leaving us alone. I let out a deep breath of relief, Phew! that was close call! I looked at Mr Snuggles with a warning glare. What the heck is he doing ? I almost got questioned about my relationship status by the person that I tried to avoid the most. I hit his musclely arm but not too hard to hurt him still glaring at him.