
That Place In Your Heart

The Spitfire After the sudden death of her estranged father, Earl of Ledbury, Julianne or Jules Cosgrove found herself to be at war with the overbearing brute, the new Duke of Hemington who claimed master of the estates and land previously belonged to the late earl. Now the headstrong Jules Cosgrove had to fight for her authority in defending her home and estates from befallen to the arrogant, handsome as sin Duke of Hemington, Gavin Rutherford but as they say opposites attract!. The more Jules pushes and fights Gavin the more entangled her feelings was to him! The Gentle Giant Gavin Albert Rutherford did not trust females. Especially blondes with sapphire blue eyes. To him they were nothing more but a designing females just like his last paramour, Lady Daniela Harlow But there was something more than meets the eye of the defiant hard headed Julianne that makes the Duke's blood boil and sing at the same time. Will Gavin able to crush Julianne's stern distaste of loveless matrimony? Or would he make the ultimate move on his chessboard to forever secure her hand in marriage?

dagnabit · ย้อนยุค
16 Chs

Chapter Eight

Julianne feverishly tapped the end of the Duke's letter as her thought whirled. She was having brunch with Edward when her butler appeared at the door holding the white envelope erect.

"Did he say anything else?" Edward admonished.

Julianne blinked and scanned the letter briefly. "The duke stated that he will send his carriage two days from the date of the letter"

"Gavin requested you to come to London" Edward stated, munching a sliver of Cornish pie. "Undoubtedly for you to be introduced to the society as Gavin's fiancé"

Julianne gazed again at the white parchment as she read aloud, much to her displeasure. "I believe the word you are looking for is 'ordered' me to come to London, Edward" She rolled her eyes.

"He also stated that he will not tolerate any of my excuses on not coming to London else he will personally come to Long Bennington and dragged me all the way" That last statement brought a hoot of laughter from Edward. Julianne humphed and threw the letter distractedly on the table.

Julianne sighed. "I am so glad one of us found the situation humorous, Edward" Picking up her fork, she resumed her morsels.

Edward waved his hand. "My apologies Jules. I must say I have not seen Rutherford this obsessed over a female since he was sixteen"

Julianne nearly choked. Obsessed? With her? Preposterous!

Edward grinned but his tone serious as he met with Julianne's startled look.

"Oh come now, Julianne. Why do you think he likes to provoke you?"

Edward sighed as he laid back, his fingers clasped together on his stomach. "Ever since he met you, all he ever talked about is how you irritated him. Of how pigheaded you are and how he could not stand the sight of you"

"That does not mean he is obsessed with me, Edward" Julianne cut in, lifting one gold eyebrow. "You said so yourself. He could not even tolerate my presence"

Edward sighed and leaned forward. "If he so despises you Jules, why on earth he keeps coming back to see you? More less asked you to play as his fiancé?"

Julianne was at loss for words. Edward's reasons do have grain of truth in it. But it is not possible!

Her heart beats rapidly as the image of the duke surfaced.

"Rutherford could anytime hire a reputable actress in London if he wishes. Yet he chose you"

"Maybe he did not have the time to find a suitable person-"

Edward shook his head, his suspicions confirmed. "I have known Rutherford for a very long time. I can read him like a book even if he tries to conceal himself. Trust me" The Duke of Sandhurst grinned good-naturedly as he drank his port.

"And in time too. Gavin really need a woman's love"

Julianne's head whipped at Edwards words. "Now that is where you are wrong, Your Grace. I do not have feelings for him" Julianne felt her cheeks burned as soon as she uttered the last remark.

Ye gads! She probably looked like a green girl fresh from a schoolroom.

The Duke of Sandhurst humorlessly raised a brow at Julianne's sudden outburst. "I never said that you had feelings for him. You just did, rather vehemently as a matter of fact"

Julianne grew silent at his words, fixing her gaze on her lap instead, she felt her whole body grew warm with embarrasment.

Edward sighed and chose his words carefully before continuing. "In time you will discover that Rutherford is a good man, Julianne. He will take good care of you" Edward patted her hands reassuringly.

Julianne gazed frustratedly at her friend. Was she that transparent? Was she that obvious? She

momentarily fumed.

"Fine. If I have feelings for him, will I send a letter to him now about my refusal to come to London?" Julianne didn't wait for Edward to answer instead she yanked the bellpull repeatedly to request for her stationery.

Edward shook his head, chuckling. "That, my dear, will certainly drove Rutherford in frenzied state"

Julianne was silent. Her luscious lips firmed as she scribbled hurriedly on the piece of paper.

After she handed the missive to the footman, Julianne turned to Edward and chirped happily;

"Well now, that letter should prove my so-called feelings towards the duke is non-existent"

Yet deep down inside Julianne knew she was not totally honest to herself.

* * * * * * * * *

Crazy to be exact, Gavin chastised himself after he received her letter yesterday evening and he could not sleep a wink. He kept tossing and turning in his bed as he anticipated the night to break. He would have left for Long Bennington last night but as Rigby pointed out the obvious, of how treacherous the road are at night, the duke conceded, much to his dismay.

He and his team left for Long Benington as soon as the first telltale light of dawn appeared and

have arrived in record time.

The Duke of Hemington, elegantly garbed in his traveling ensemble with his greatcoat, top hat,

leather gloves and cane literally thrown into Swinton astonished face, stalked unannounced

into the morning room. Gavin expected she'd be there, judging by the hour, reading.

He ripped the door open but it was empty. Gavin frowned and whirled towards Swinton.

"She is in the back garden with His Grace"

Fists clenched, jaw flexing, Gavin strode unhurriedly to the back parlor, exited the glass twin door to discover both of them laughing.

Edward chattered a bit then laughed. Gavin could not discern his words but he immediately saw red as Julianne playfully took off her gardener's hat and put it instead on Edward's head. Julianne reached out her gloved hand adjusting the angle, her other hand holding a pruner. Edward smiled as he removed the glove from Julianne's hand to caress it.

In an instant Gavin was at her side, caught Edward by the collar and planted his fist on Edward's nose. Julianne screamed horrifically and ordered him to stop. But Gavin was past listening to reason. He pounced on Edward's limp form and assaulted him repeatedly on the face. His friend groaned, shielding himself desperately from Gavin's assault but Gavin was proven stronger.

"Your Grace! Have you gone mad? Stop now! Stop it this instant!" Julianne sobbed frantically trying to extract Gavin unmovable form.

"What have you been doing behind my back?" Gavin yelled, turning his angry profile to her.

Instantaneously, Julianne's heart clutched in cold fear. She took a shaking step backward as Gavin stood up, towering some six feet above her. "What is your association with him? Your lover? First it's Hastings, now him!"

Julianne stood her ground. Facing squarely the duke's intense eyes, she sobbed, "You are a madman. And I hate you" with that, she turned and help Edward on his feet. Gavin saw Edward's face was badly disfigured. His lips had swollen as the rest of his face. His nose bleeds, undoubtedly broken.

Her last words stunned him. His fury, his frustration washed away replaced by hurt and confusion. Gavin gazed unhappily at his palms and cursed himself.

There is no way in hell now that Julianne would continue their play.

* * * * * * * * *

Julianne didn't appear at dinner that evening as she preferred to sit with Edward. A local

physician was summoned to attend Edward's wounds and Gavin was reluctant to see Julianne or

Edward. Swinton reported that Edward supported a broken nose, crushed cheekbones, cut lips and swollen eyes, both.

Gavin felt like kicking himself, yet he cannot help himself. The moment he saw Edward touched her, he felt something snapped inside him. He forgot who he is, who Edward is.

Gavin paced restlessly outside Edward's door, debating with himself whether to enter or cower instead into his rooms. Finally, he straightened to his full height, pushed his doubts aside and knocked softly at the door. He didn't wait for Julianne's answer, instead he awkwardly crept in, discovering Edward's still form on his large bed, his whole face was covered in white bandages, his right arm rested comfortably in a sling. Gavin paused and try to remember. When did he got around breaking Edward's arm?

"He told me that you are a good man" came the broken whisper. The duke whirled around, squinting into the dim lit room, trying to find her. At last, he saw her, looking like Florence Nightingale

without the maid cap. Julianne looked as if she's been crying judging by her handkerchief clutched tightly in her fist. She sat quietly in the corner, yet her gaze was still reverted on Edward's form refusing to meet Gavin's eyes.

"Julianne, I…"

"I believed him, you know" Julianne's sob cut him short. "But after I have witnessed your brutality, I do not think I can anymore"

The duke started toward her and within seconds he was beside her, looming to his full height.

Julianne refused to be threatened and looked up expectantly. He took uneven breaths, trying to choose his words carefully.

"I need you to leave the Hall tomorrow" She cut in again. "First light" her words sank, she

turned her full attention back to Edward. "I cannot tolerate your presence here as much as to prolong

to play as your fiancé"

The duke was taken aback. He did not expect this. "I refused to accept your backpedal. We had

a deal"

Julianne risked a glance to him. "What more do you want? You have acquired what you have desired. Now it is your turn to keep the end of the bargain. Leave and stay away from Long Bennington"

Her tone, although curt, was uttered in the most deceptively calm manner, angers Gavin. All of his preparations to apologize to her was shattered that mere instant.

The duke felt his body grew warm as he felt nausea bubbled up to his throat. Unconsciously, he

clenched and unclenched his fists as he watched Julianne leaned over to smooth Edward's hair that was peeking from his bandaged head.

Silently, the duke counted to ten before firmly saying, "No. I have not, despite what you had said, get what I wanted. You need to come to London with me, whether you like it or not"

If Julianne was astonished to the vulgarity of his speech, she didn't show it. "Are you insane? I am

not a child to be ordered what to do and not what to do"

"Then stop acting like one, Julianne" The duke was close to yell at her but he managed to keep his

volume down.

Julianne slowly raised majestically from her seat, daring the duke to tell her otherwise. Gavin could not help but to marvel at her courage. Even though she was struggling to stretch to her full height, which is only by his shoulder, she looked ready to conquer the world.

"What do you mean by that?" her sapphire blue eyes spits fire. Gavin felt his blood boil, his groin hardening.

"You are acting like a child, lolly-gagging with Sandhurst in the middle of the day, and in my

own home" he was not disappointed with her reaction. The duke could almost see the steam coming from her golden honeyed colored hair, he felt his blood rushing to his head and his body was heated as his head was filled with images of Julianne biting his neck, naked.

"I want you to leave now, Your Grace" she hissed in a low voice which adds up to Gavin's lustful

thoughts. "Leave before I do something that I shall regret"

"Like what?" Gavin challenged in a smooth voice as he advanced upon her. It's been weeks that he last saw her. Gavin noted she was slightly thinner, her hair, was not the color of dark honey as it is now. He missed her scent, of sweet strawberry and roses.

Julianne backed until she felt the wall trapping her, trapping her to his mercy.

"I missed you, Julianne" his words, jolted a thump in her heart.

He misses her? Julianne shook her head. No.

"Is this the right way to show it?" She gestured towards the bed. She kept her tone firm

but her betraying heart flutters like a happy butterfly at his words.

The duke sighed as he rested both of his palms on the wall at the either side of Julianne's head.

He was so painfully close that their bodies are almost touching. Julianne could feel his warm breath on her lips, her throat. She could smell his scent.

"I am sorry for what I have done" The duke whispered, closing his eyes as if trying to visualize his rehearsed speech. " When I saw Sandhurst touched you, I lost it. Nobody plays with something that I owned. Jesus, he should know better"

Julianne blinked up to him. Something that he owned? Something? Owned?

She slapped him satisfyingly across the cheek. Her actions caught the duke off guard.

"What the hell is that for?" massaging his cheek, Gavin glared at her.

Her eyes round and bloodshot, her voice steady as she hissed "I am not something, Your Grace. And I am certainly not something that you owned"

For that split second, Julianne thought that the duke would give her backlashing.

Instead, Gavin crushed her into his arms as he kissed her hungrily. Julianne gave a futile fight pounding her fists on the hard wall of his chest, using her nails to scratch his neck just to inflict him some pain so that he could let her go but her actions only spurred him more. His wonderful tongue snaked out demanding his entrance and Julianne amenably gave up. His large hands were everywhere, kneading, rubbing, stroking ; Julianne felt the feverish sensation invaded her limbs. She felt the dampness coming from between her thighs and she briefly wondered what.

At last, the Duke let her go and Julianne felt her legs were not able to support her.

Gavin stood in front of her, on his knees. His breath bated as he looked up expectantly at her.

"Shall I show you how much I missed you?"

Julianne was in trance as if she has floated out from her body , looking down.

Fleetingly, the duke kissed the spot where her navel is through her muslin dress yet Julianne felt his lips burned a hole through the fabric and she involuntarily shivered.

The Duke smiled. "Cold?"

Julianne shuddered with the Duke's teasing, not fully understanding why her body reacted the way it was now.

Gavin's hand moved slowly from her belly to her upper thigh. She felt she was stickly wet just as his hands move about her lower body.

"Your Grace" Julianne managed, squeezing her lids shut as she felt the air in her thigh as the duke flicked her skirt to caress her knees and thighs

"Ssshhh.." was all the answer she get.

"Someone might come in" she hisses back.

"I have locked the door" Julianne's eyes snapped open.

"Why on earth would you do that? Swinton might wonder what had transpired here"

She heard his frustrated sigh.

"I am saying this as the master of this house. It is not his affairs to poke his nose where it does not belong"

"Edward would be awake any moment " She muttered weakly, blindly grasping for her last desperate excuse to escape the Duke.

"He had been given a substantial dose of laudanum, he will be out all night" Gavin looked up to her, his gaze heated. "I have seen to that"

Julianne gasped. "You planned this? You planned to seduce me?" She maybe 23 . And she may be ignorant to the ways of how a man and a woman would behave in a bedchamber. But she was not stupid.

"Julianne, I have been away from you for weeks. I cannot sleep, I cannot think and I cannot even eat, thinking of you," Gavin discontinue his words as he return to his tasks at hand.

All of her protests died on her lips as she felt his fingers slid softly at the mouth of her core.

"What!" Julianne gasped horrifically, batting his hands off of her. Her cheeks beet red. She could not imagine anyone, even a man would touch her there.

"Julianne, shush!" came his protest.

"No-no..this is all wrong.. " she stammered, feeling the flame creeping her entire being.

"I am wet. I-I don't know why but.." Gavin smiled at her admission. He came up to his feet and kissed her fully.

"Do not be ashamed, my love. You are wet because you are ready for me" He whispered and kissed her again. His hands started to creep lower.

Julianne was aghast. Ready for him? Ready for what?

Once again, Julianne could feel his hand stopped at the juncture of her core, greedily seeking entrance from beneath her skirts.

"God, you are so wet and so ready for me, love" Gavin sighed as his fingers boldly yet tenderly probe her. Julianne moaned against his lips. He was holding her steady with his other hand, while the other work its magic. She grew wetter by the minute, she writhed and bucked against his knowing fingers and soon his fingers are soaked with her juice. Julianne could not imagine a man and a woman could ever do this. Gavin's lips were ravaging her lips while his fingers rubbed.

"Gavin" she whispered between gasps. "Please"

The duke smiled triumphantly. "Please?"

"Please, Gavin" She didn't know what she is pleading for. Her head spin by the minute.

The duke grinned, deciding not to give in yet. There are lots of things to teach her, lots of things he wanted her to feel. He wanted Julianne to be familiar with him. Familiar with the feel of his body. And they got all night.

Gavin got his tongue out as he licked her sweet lips. Slowly, yet tenderly, he brought her down with him on the soft carpet before the fireplace. She did not resist as she lay before him, looking angelic, his heart constricted. She was so trusting, so giving.

Her hair spread about her like a shimmering halo, her soft skin aglow from the fire, her lips parted slightly. Her hands clutched tightly together across her belly as if hanging on to her life.

Gavin took her hand gently, kissing her palm before directing it to his crotch.

"Touch me" he breathed against her neck.

With a shaking hand, Julianne ran her fingers down his hard length. "Oh my lord" She gasped. Is it always that rigid? She wondered as she continued her exploration, kneading gently as what he had done to her. She heard the Duke groaned. She snatched her hand guiltily.

"I-I am sorry. Did that hurt? I.."

Gavin smiled. She was so innocent and sweet. "No. In fact, I like the way you touch me, my sweet" his lips took hers again, probing her mouth with his tongue. His hands return to its rightful place, slipping two fingers gently into her wet sex.

"Gavin?" Julianne helplessly whispered his name. Her body felt strangely alive.

"Yes, sweet. Just follow the rhythm" Gavin urged, never once letting her go.

His fingers mimicked his probing tongue into her mouth, repeatedly entering and withdrawing.

Julianne gasped, clutching frantically at his strong shoulders as she felt the fire built. Her head spun, her body shaking with uncontrollable need, a need she could not fathom. A need which she knew only Gavin could fulfill.

"Yes, love. That's it. Open for me"

Her skirt is a rumpled mess, bunched about her waist, while the Duke is sprawled beside her, administering his expertise.

She opened her legs wider, granting the Duke more access to her secrets, the secrets that she never shared to anyone before. Gavin growled loudly at her acquiesce, gazing down at her. She represents the perfect picture, her eyes shut, her lips slightly parted, her breathing labored, her cheeks flushed with arousal, her skin and hair glowed as she willingly giving herself to him. A woman totally aroused.

"My sweet Julianne. You are so tight, I cannot wait" With that said, he stripped himself bare. Julianne gasped as she beheld a naked man for the first time.

He was built like the Greek gods. He was perfectly sculpted everywhere. From his muscular shoulder and limbs to his rock hard chest, to his flat tummy. Her eyes widened at the juncture of his legs. It was large and protruding. She wondered about the different anatomy between a man's and a woman's. She was all soft and small while Gavin was hard and he was big in everything.

Gavin grinned, letting Julianne took her fill. He wanted her to know his body well before they come together.

The Duke slipped beside her as he took her into his arms. Julianne welcomed him eagerly.

"Scared?" He whispered as he kissed her again. Julianne returned his kisses as she shook her head. "No. Just curious"

His dark head moved lower to her collarbone, raining wet kisses along the way. She shivered.

"Curious? About what?"

Julianne's fingertips traced the long scar on his right arm. "This. Where do you get this?"

Gavin ceased his tasks and sighed. "The war. A Singh nearly chopped it off"

"Does it hurt?"

The Duke chuckled as his head return to her neck, his fingers lightly caressing the side of her breast.

"Like hell"

"Oh" was all she could answer as she felt Gavin's hand again, opening her thighs. She is still oh so wet but Gavin had to go slow. Despite his obvious hunger for Julianne, Gavin had to restrained himself not to rip off her dress and take her. Gavin was certain Julianne is a virgin, judging by her innocent responses. She was so precious and sweet and he wanted to make her first time as magical as possible. Gavin wanted Julianne to know that she was his after tonight. He wanted her to know that after tonight, she would never look at another man.

Julianne sobbed his name as the pressure rebuild again. He gently slipped two fingers into her wet core, testing the opening. God she was so tight, Gavin grew even larger by the minute. He knew she couldn't wait anymore as she almost cried. He couldn't either.

Gavin got up on his knees as he tugged her drawers freely and threw the offending garment away.

Julianne gasped yet she was still as Gavin positioned himself and open her legs wide.

"Gavin?" she whispered, fear etched in her voice.

"Hush darling. I promise I'll be gentle" kneading her lips with his own, Gavin thrust forward into her shivering being, breaching her barrier.

Julianne cried out shakily but held on tight, clasping his shoulders like a lifeline. Gavin was still for a moment to let the pain passed.

"Christ. Did I hurt you?" Gavin managed between clenched teeth, he was struggling to retain his control. She was so tight that he nearly spilled his seed inside her. Yet he didn't want it to be over so soon. He wanted the taste of her so much more.

"No, no. Please don't stop. I-I" Julianne whispered back, instinctively grinding her hips.

Gavin groaned at her innocent admission and started to move. Julianne moaned his name again and he couldn't find another human who could call his name so sweetly.

Beads of perspiration lined his back and forehead as he rode her in and out of her burning sheath. His breath labored as he leaned down to ravaged her lips and biting her nipples through her dress.

Julianne sobbed frantically as her nails dug painfully on his shoulder and Gavin knew she was nearing her release. Instinctively, Gavin held her tight as he thrust more harder and faster, urging her on.

And so at last, she cried his name breathlessly as her searing climax overtake her the same time Gavin groaned loudly, filling her with his hot seed.

* * * * * * * * *

All was still. Only the cackle and hiss from the burning logs in the fireplace filled the silence. The duke lay on his back, trying to calm his breathing. He could not believe what had transpired. It is not the

event that stunned him. It was the contentment and peace that he felt. He had never felt as complete as he is now, even with his past women.

The being beside him shifted and he quickly turned to her and gathered her into his arms.

Julianne smiled lazily lifting her lips to meet his kiss.

"I am sorry for being rough, sweetheart" the duke said softly grazing her temple with his lips.

Julianne sighed ruefully. "Well, you did promised to be gentle"

Gavin chuckled at her teasing. "No regrets?"

The duke was relieved at her shaking her head.

"I promise that you will never regret this, Julianne. Next time we will do it in a proper place. On my bed"

Julianne's smile faded at that. "Next time? There will be no next time"

Now it's Gavin's turn to frown. "There will be definitely next time, Julianne. I am marrying you. For real"

Her heart dropped and she quickly extract herself from the duke's hold.

"Marry you? I do not believe I have agreed to your proposal, Your Grace"

"Your Grace?" his frown deepened. "Whatever happened to Gavin?" Then he stopped.

"We shall be married. And soon"

Julianne vigorously shook her head. "I think you are confused, Your Grace. I do not wish to marry you"

The duke calmly got up, locating his garments and after he was fully dressed, he squarely faced her.

"You are the one who is confused, Julianne. You should be glad that I wanted to offer for you after what we had shared in this room"

Julianne humphed, tossing her hair. "Your arrogance is showing, Your Grace"

"And stop calling me Your Grace. We have better acquainted for such formalities" Gavin said calmly, trying to keep his temper in check. Julianne was just being stubborn.

Julianne got up but not after he saw she stumbled a bit. She found her drawers and daintily smoothed the wrinkles from her skirts before facing the duke squarely. "I expect you to be gone tomorrow and never set your foot in Long Bennington again"

Gavin was dumbstruck. She turned to leave but not before he caught her arm.

"You are not serious?" His heart sinking as the memory of their lovemaking was nothing in her heart.

He was rejected again and he was confused and angry. He felt worthless in her eyes.

"Yes I am. Kindly release my arm so that I can return to my rooms"

"No. You may not leave until you agree to marry me, Julianne" his jaw flexing, his grip on her arm tightened.

Julianne struggled to extract her arm. "Why is it so important to you that I have to marry you?"

Gavin sighed, trying in vain to control his patience. "As Edward said to you, I am a good man, Julianne" she laughed mockingly at his words.

"A good man?" She gestured toward the bed where Edward lay sleeping. "You call yourself a good man? Beating your friend into a pulp is good?"

The duke sighed irritably as he ran his fingers into his dark hair. "I said I was sorry. I did not know what came over me"

"Don't apologize to me. You should apologize to Edward" Julianne replied sadly and turned to leave.

"There will be a babe, Julianne"

She stopped dead in her tracks but didn't turned around. Oh no. She didn't think of that.

Gavin was thankful that got her attention. "You shall be carrying my child, love. We should wed"

"You are overconfident, Your Grace" still keeping her back to him, she shut her eyes, chasing away the memory of his kisses and searing touch, which she noted in dismay, yearn for.

"Julianne, sweetheart" His voice suddenly came up behind her. "Please. Don't fight me on this. I promise I shall take good care of you" His hands snaked out and grabbed hers, as if refusing to let her go.

Slowly, he turned her toward him, her eyes downcast, stubborn to meet his eyes. Gavin noted with a smile how rumpled and desirable she appeared at the moment. Her hair was tousled about, her cheeks flushed and her simple muslin gown was in shambles.

"Julianne, please" He pleaded, lifting her little chin to meet his eyes. Gavin suddenly felt a rush of emotions invading his obstinate heart as he gazed soul deep into her beautiful eyes, the eyes that before was glazed with passion, the eyes that before held him with delight.

Gavin was unwilling to let her go yet. Not from his life. He was fearful that he couldn't be sane again. Not after tonight. The duke briefly wondered what brought that on. It was a sensation that scared him yet excites him at the same time.

Unable to breath, Julianne took her chin away and moved back a bit. "I am sorry, Your Grace"

His arms that held her tenderly, fell slowly to his sides. "Why? Is it me?"

His tone, try as he might to prevent it, was full of hurt.

"No. It isn't" she whispered, staring blankly to the bed where Edward lay.

The duke shifted his gaze to the bed and then back to her again. "Is it because of him?" His voice raised a bit. "Did he make an offer to you while I'm away? "


"Yes? What do you mean yes?" Jaws flexing, teeth gritting, the duke awaited Julianne to answer him. He was more furious to Edward than to her. The bastard. If he had known he was making his time with Julianne while he was in London, he should have kill him.

"Yes, Edward proposed to me and I declined" Julianne answered desperately and for a second she

continued in a more calm manner. "The problem is not you, nor Edward's. It is me. I do not believe in marriage" The duke looked startled but he was silent, urging her to argue her case.

"I do not believe that two people should be trapped together just for the sake of it. Yes, in a few years they shall be happy but after that? " She whispered brokenly as she recalled the unhappiness in her parent's marriage. Her mother was crying almost every night. Elizabeth thought Paul was in love with her. But as time passed, her father couldn't even stand the sight of her.

"I saw what marriage did to my mother. My father never loved her" Julianne gazed him with tears in her eyes. Confound him for making her recalling the painful memories that she had buried long time ago.

Gavin's heart sang out to her, as he wanted to reach out to her, to offer her comfort, to shield her from any pain and unhappiness. "It will be different for us, Julianne. I promise you"

Julianne vainly closed her eyes, willing her tears to stop from pouring out. "How? How can you make it

different for us?" Slowly, she opened her eyes, spilling more of fresh new tears in the process.

"Do you love me?" Her bold question startled him.

Then there was only silence.

Julianne gave a quick sad smile and slowly quit the room.