



Gautam uncle. He is the one who is behind all this. Did he kill his own sister and BIL? But why will he kill Paavak's parents? I thought him as my well wisher but is he the one behind all the miseries? I don't know my heart is not ready to accept that fact. I maybe wrong too. God everything is eating my head. I have seen the same ring somewhere else too. But I don't know where. Yea one is Gautam Uncle. Other one?

/"Gautam Pandey/", Paavak fist his fingers. I am damn sure Paavak and Vir are not going to leave him.

/"I can't believe this! Gautam uncle can fall this low. I don't even know how to react to this situation now./", Kirush Bhai said.

/"But why will he do that/", Swagatika asked them.